4 weeks on no meds but mobic... hmmmm | Arthritis Information


Well, due to low platelets and red blood count, I spent 2 1/2 weeks off enbrel.  Now the next set of bloodwork is back and they are even lower (down to 9.3 on red blood count).  So, I'm off of enbrel and arava for the next 4 weeks.  It's going to be painful
In good news though, I got a new baby girl, Luna:

Aw, she's beautiful 6xmum!

I'll be praying you don't suffer from too much pain, and I hope your blood work starts to settle a bit. 

I've recently started Enbrel, and wondering if it's going to even work for me.  My rheumy said it should be working in about 2 months, and I'm on week 5 with no results yet.  I'm giving it time, as I know it can take awhile, but it's hard not to get discouraged sometimes.

Anyway, hopefully you won't be in too much pain.  Is the mobic for pain?  I'm not familiar with it.



Hi,  that's actually, that's what I am doing, thou only using Mobic when I need to.

Am still on the Maker's Diet by Jordan Rubin, and hopefully no turning back for me.  But, if things start not going right I will get temporary meds.   That's the plan

I did get a great improvement on the blood pressure  reading.  And, haven't cried during the night the last month, since going nutrious. 

Having the new puppy to enjoy will improve your pain immensly[sp].  Animal babies, and the like, I believe our excellent for us.  Myself, I have 3 birds,  a male and female Pacific Parrolet, names are Kiwi and Mango.  And a hansom sweet little red-factor canary, named Ray-Ray.

Take real good care of yourself right now especially. Bless you.


Just a little info. I had an extremely bad reaction to Arava. One of the side effects I experienced (and there were many) was extremely low blood counts to the point that I stopped producing both red and white cells. I had to be given both Procrit and Neubigen(sp?) to jump start my bone marrow. When it was finally determined that Arava was the culprit, it had to be cleared from my system (Arava stays in the system for about 2 years after you stop taking it) before my counts finally returned to normal. I'm on Enbrel today, plus a myriad of other drugs, and am doing just fine.

Hope all works out for you.



Sorry about the pain, but the new baby is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!  xoxox meme

6xmum - please tell me how to paste pics on here.  I would love to share my babies - my sweetheart and my puppies.  Yours looks like a real love.  I don't know what I would do without my dogs that love me so unconditionally.

Luna is so sweet!! She's certainly got to be such a joy for you. Congratulations!!

Hang in there.

Thanks all for the kind words.

Roxy, to post pictures, you have to have them hosted on a webspace somewhere (I get some room with my cable service, but I know there are free ones).  Then, when you post, you just click the little button above the text box that looks like a tree.  That pops up a small box that asks for the URL of the picture.  You put it in, click ok, and voila!


I just tried posting a picture using your directions, but all I get is a broken link.  I know my url is correct.  any ideas?

Ha!  I love it when things come together.  Look at me--old lady finally learns how to use her 'puter!  Amazing.  Sorry to use this site for practice.  Oh...This is me on my recent trip to Alaska.

Woohoo! You did it.

Beautiful new addition to your family. Animals can really help during bad times. We have 3 dogs. 1 very large black lab 110#, 1 mini dachshund and 1 Jack Russell terrier. Can you take any prednisone while you are off your other meds? I know it raises your white count and it can certainly help with pain relief. Keep in touch with your progress, we all care.


What a cutie pie!! I love animals. Used to always
have dogs (labs) but now that I am in SF I have 2
(adorable) cats.   

So 6xmum, I hope things are going better for you.
Hang in there and give your new baby LOTS & LOTS
of hugs!!   

Tara L


Beautiful picture!!   

Tara L

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