newbies | Arthritis Information


Looking for persons on this forum who are newly diagnosed with moderate to severe RA that may have many questions; maybe even feeling a little scared, yet are holding tight to the positive things in their lives to will them through.  Your presence and input are very important. 

Also looking for those persons who have been battling this Disease for years and can offer helpful and positive feedback.  Anyone with the "you can if you think you can" attitude would be a great motivator for all.  Anyone out there that has battled this disease for years that feels as though they have it under control without "it" (the disease) controlling them?  Anyone out there that can offer some reassurance that being diagnosed with RA is not a death sentence or a life filled with dread and despair?  Anyone out there that tolerates the meds fairly well? 

Please, Please, if you're out there, I'm looking for you. 




I have had this disease for 10 years now. There have certainly been times
when I thought things would never get better but they have. It does take
patience though. You also need to have a dr. who will work and listen to

I am 30 and my biggest fear right now is not being able to keep up with
my toddler. But...I just keep going. I have also still managed to work a
full time job as a biology teacher. Now-I have not tolerated all meds but I
am currently on a combo that seems to be working. I failed Enbrel and
Humira. I am currently on remicade. I am on the highest dose right now
so there may be a switch in the future. I am lucky in the fact that my
Rheumy is creative. I have always had horrible swelling where my
collarbones meet the sternum. Cortisone shots help a bit but not
enough. So---he decided to let me try ultrasound treamtments. They
rub in the steriod cream and then use ultrasound to get it into the joints.
Best stuff I have ever had. I get it done twice a week and it has worked
miracles. My point is---it is a process of trial and error. You will find
what works for you but it may take a lot of bad days to figure out how to
get the good. I can't stress how important it is for you to have a dr. who
will listen. Also--I printed out a fact sheet for my principals so they know
why I need the days off. None of them had a clue about RA but I couldn't
expect them too. Now they are understand what it involves and support

RA...not a death sentence BUT it is life changing. Just keep looking ahead
and try to stay positive.

Beckyrocckyd39139.7550810185I wouldn't say you failed Enbrel and Humira, I would say that they failed you.

I'm one too. I'm a firm believer in the power of positive thinking. Several folks have started discussing a new book seen on Opera called "The Secret" and it's based on simular principles.

I've had RA for about 13 years some years far better than others; but I'm still doing well and working fulltime. I truely believe an attitude of faith gets me through more than one rough morning.

You're not alone in your thikning that here. I hope you'll join us on that Thread and share some of your ideas as well.

I've had RA over 15 years, was doing fine on a small amount of MTX, after heart surgery in Dec, I've had the worst time possible with meds and sorting out what works.  currently, Remicade, MTX and prednisone (which I'm trying to get off of).  It is a full time job working this all out, but what can we do.  Just keep trying.

I've had RA for 15 years and haven't had problems with any of the meds I've been on. 

I have had to quit my job and I still have my struggles with RA, but I don't let it get me down.  Not sure if it's because I've had RA for so long or if it's just the type of person I am.  I just keep on going and hope for the best.  I also try to live a fairly healthy lifestyle despite the RA. 

I've had my life - woo! It's never stopped me from being me, but I have had to quit some activities when I was in school. My meds have always pretty much worked, thankfully. Even though it's all I've know, it still gets to me sometimes. But that's to be expected with something that's so freakin unpredictable. But I have this thing in my head where I'm going to live to be at least 100 no matter what, so I really don't have time to let RA stop can slow me down, but that's just a bump.

LoL I sound so chipper now...and I feel like that's being fake. RA *can* reaaallllyyyy get to you. But it's okay, as long as you come out on top in the end.

I guess you'd say I'm a tween!!!  Not new at this and not old!!!  I've had some ups and downs with the meds but figure I have to keep on keeping on.  I have a pretty positive attitude but like anyone else have my days, I can mostly pull myself out of it but there were a couple of times it was really really hard. 

I like to see tips and advice from others with RA.  It amazes me some of the simplest things I never thought about until hearing someone else say they did it this way now - like lever door knobs instead of the round ones - okay I admit I am a bit slow sometimes.

I pretty much figure this disease and the meds are a change for me but I'll be darned if they rule me!!

Hang in there - and always remember that better days are ahead.  Hugs and good vibes.


I guess you'd say I'm a tween!!!  Not new at this and not old!!! 


Now this is what I'm talking about.....

I can't add anything that has already been said.  There is a wealth of information and experience on this board. 

Keep up the great work everyone!  And, keep those positive thoughts coming!


This has been fun to learn more about you all - kinda like a do over start over thing going on!!!!  Hugs and good vibes.Yeah, I kind of forgot some people's back's amazing how long some of us have had it, and for others, what a short time - and yet the level of severity is just doesn't discriminate. Such a FREAKING weird disease.

TTT - Any others???  This is a great positive thread!!  Hugs and good vibes.


Another newbie here. Just diagnosed in the last few months after
about a year of symptoms!! Seronegative.

Currently on Plaquenil 400 mg, Tramacet, and NSAIDS. Tried Pred.
for a week, but it made me WAY too anxious.

I've certainly battled the depression that seems to come with this
disease, but I keep telling myself that better health IS possible.

I am also trying to stay as active as possible; trying to get some of
those natural endorphines going!

I'm lucky -- I have a wonderful network of friends and family that
have been nothing but supportive. I am sooooooo grateful for that!

Take care everyone. Nice to meet everyone.

I am a newbie to this board and I read it everyday.  I have only posted once, I guess you could say I am a 'lurker.'  I am 44 and was diagnosed with RA about 10 years ago.  After diagnosis, I never returned to dr. because I did not want on medication.  But, problems have sent me back to dr. and I realize now the importance of the meds to keep this disease under control.  At this time, my feet and ankles are my only problem.  I work full time teaching preschool and have 4 children ranging in age from 4 to 20.  I have more good days than bad.  My only medication at this point is methotrexate.  I started out at 12.5mg once a week last year and now I am taking 20mg.  I am seriously considering Enbrel and will make decision next month after xrays of my feet.  The methotrexate has helped my pain, but apparently has not slowed down the deterioation. My lifesaver for work is my 'croc' shoes.  I couldnt make it long without them.  In the last few weeks, I have started having some pain and stiffness in my hands.  There is no swelling.  I am fearful of the disease, but I do try to keep a positive attitude.  There are alot of people I personally know that have it worse than I do.  I just put it in God's hands and take care of myself.

(note: I am not from the United Kingdom, I just havent figured out how to change it to U.S.)

Oh I LOVED teaching pre-school!!!!!!! I'm so jealous that you can still do that!! :) Do you have 4 year olds? Or 3s? Or 5s? I know it's different all over. Mine were 3, but only half of the class was really in "pre-k" the rest were just daycare. Then I moved up with them when they turned 4, and they were all pre-kers. We had such a blast! This was several years ago, so I imagine they are all in about 2nd grade or so. Maybe more. I can't remember how long ago it was. Brain fog!! I ended up switching down to the infant room after my 4s went off to kindergarden. It was so sad, and so happy at the same time! I miss that line of work :( How on earth do you make it through a day???? You deserve an award!!

Over the last year or so that I've been a member here, your stories and advice have been inspiring. Some of you are dealing with devastating effects of these diseases and yet, you keep on truckin.... This board and the others that many of us are part of of, are so important to me. Keep up the good advice and sharing. And yes, the venting too!!!!