A Few Things Going On In My Life | Arthritis Information


I have been reading posts on here. Yeah, it is hard to pull myself away from so many people on this board that I do not see participating on another I am a member of. I have retired from one board, where a LOT of people I truely care and hope the best for, thus why I left to not cause them any more unneeded stress. I know people can get along without me, I mean they did before they "met" me. It is just sad to let go of such nice caring people that you have come to love. I cried for days when I left that other message board, because I knew most of the people I had become attached to where not on any other boards, only that board. I still get teary eyed thinking about the ones I left. I know they probably do not feel the same way, or even miss me. I can understand that. They probably are not as pathetic as I am that thinking people I "met" over the internet are my friends.

I had talked about not coming back here and giving a certain someone what they wanted, again. Then when I was trying to go to sleep last night I thought about all the long lost and new friends I have on this board.... well, most probably will not say they are my friend, but I have become quite attached to them. I like reading their posts, hope the best for them, and care for them as well.

I have been wanting to tell all the people I consider my friends about the recent events that are or will be taking place.

We are to be moving. Not far maybe only 300 feet

My neck, well it seems to be getting worse. I have been doing neck rolls to help loosen up my tense neck/shoulder muscels and well by the time I get to the right side after starting on the left, I get light headed and my neck will be stuck and not move anymore. It is like it is froze. And there is still that darn ol' fluid swishing sound I hear when I move my head.

My right hip, well that is kinda new, as it did bother me about a year ago, but now, it is back and hurts. The pain is like where the joint goes into the socket. It hurts to sit, walk, and even lay on my right side, which I sleep on my right side, I am a righty

Then there is my mommy, she is out of the hospital was released on Monday. She is staying with my sister, because she is still on pred and it is causing her blood sugar to be in the 300's still, they are weening her, but will take awhile.

When we move into our HOUSE, I have a few worries. Like son being able to open the doors. It is an older house, almost 100 years old. There are some new doors, which are the ones son can open. The older doors he cannot turn the knobs good enough to open them. HECK! Even I have a hard time opening them and the new doors. I just know, if son gets outside I would not be able to chase him down. I cannot hardly walk let alone run. He does not listen when I tell him to stop. He is stubborn. We will live much closer to the rail road tracks when we move there. The tracks are just on the other side of the road. I want to make the front porch a screened in one so son cannot get out in the yard if one day he does get the front door open. Hubby said that is what the dead bolt is for... and I was like yeah, but I would be locked in the house too, because I cannot turn the dead bolt myself. Believe me I have tried a many of times and always end up having to call hubby in there to undo it.

And in the new house all there is is a tub. I cannot take a bath! I need help getting out of the tub. With a bummed right wrist, deformed fingers, now a messed up left elbow, and a bummed right knee there is no way I could even get myself out of the tub even if someone said they were going to throw a toaster in there with me. Last bath I took I had to call my hubby in there and help me out. He had to get in the tub behind me and put his arms under my arms and literally lift me up. I could not help him one bit, it was all dead weight.

I just need to get all of this out, so I could go to sleep a little faster/earlier tonight.

Thank you to all the people I am attached to for letting me get this all out of my head.


Hey June, once your settled in and once everything has stablized here how about letting me try out a guest room or hell even the couch i'm not picky.  I don't take up much space, am fuel efficent, and can do many choires.  Washing dishes, Programming and Repairing appliances, vehicle maintance, etc.  You could benefit from me being there for my "vacation".  Because I REALLY need one and that'd be helpin out a fellow gimp brotha a lot.  Whatt'd ya day?  LOL

Hi Joonie,

I'm not sure what your history is on this board since, I'm mostly a lurker.

Still, I like reading post like yours. Its partly what I lurk for.  I can relate.  I live in an apt on the second floor with no elevator in the building. I come down the stairs fine, but by 5:30 when I'm coming home from work, its really hard to get back up. Depends on what is up with my knees, ankles and feet. My wrists and some fingers are perpetually swollen so I use my forearm on the banister. Hard to describe, and funny to watch.

I should move, but I can't.  I don't know how I would even do the move.

So for now, I put up with stairs and relate to other people's posts about the pain (haha) of living with arthritis and associated maladies.

I'm excited that you finally get to have a house and I'm sure you'll figure out accomodations that make it more comfortable for you.


Joonie, that's a lot going on even for you.

You can get the little sliding locks to put at the top of your doors where the little ones cannot reach them. I had those and they worked really well. It was just a folding hook that even on my worse days I'm sure I could still operate it. But kids are too small unless they can climb on a chair. Even then, it would be hard for them to reach. you can also change your doorknobs so that you can turn them so I would definitely get with 2manyaches for some good ideas.

I also have the shower chair with the hand held shower head. I love it because it is not so energy draining. They also put in a bar that clips onto the side of the tup and gives me something sturdy to hang onto when I get in and out of the tub. Your husband can also install hand rails for extra safety. These attach very easily as well.

Having this with a familiy would be a bit more difficult. But it is mostly having your husband put the chair in and out of the tub for you. That's much easier than helping you take a bath. Later, you can replace the tub with a walkin bathtub. Those look great. You just open this door and then fill up the tub with water. Those are expensive but I believe you can take them off your taxes. Those look absolutely luxurious. I see them advertised all the time in senior living magazines and web sites.

Getting your own home is incredibly exciting. And, you may find that the tax deductions you get are well worth home ownership over renting. You can check with someone to see whether you can change your witholding to compensate for the better tax breaks. Definitely would want to check with an accountant on that though. But it could give you a bit more money in the paycheck.

It really sounds like you have lots of good things happening except for your body. Just keep following through on everything with your doctor. I did start the PT exercises for my neck. When I first started, it was just like you described. And, it made everything hurt worse. They had me back off a bit, but still keep doing them. Now, it is starting to feel more normal. Get all these joints checked though. You can be developing problems but if addressed early, they can be managed much easier than if you wait. I do realize I am talking to the woman who forgets her elbow is broken. But all I can do is push a little.

Feel better, Joonie. This is really good news. And, your mother is getting better... slowly... but still better.



Hey Joonie - I wanted to clarify something - I wasn't meaning to imply I wanted to sell you anything - it's just we have info sheets and catalogs that are very informative and you can easily see what you would be getting and compare to other kinds - then if you decide what you want you can shop on line and know the manufacturer - model, etc. Hugs and good vibes.

Joonie that is wonderful news.

Get a little tool box of your own, and get a vicegrips pliers. They snap shut on the thing you are trying to hold and the handle gives you leverage. You will have to be gentle with the dead bolts - you might be able to rip them off the door.

Handheld shower and a plastic curtain to keep the water in the tub will be just fine. Is the tub one of those old fashioned claw foot tubs  or a shorter more modern one?

Sure there is going to lots of stuff you have to be creative about to make them work for you. But I know you can do it! Put on your thinking cap and find a way!

I am really delighted you get to move out of your tin can. I lived in one of those too, for about 2 years, in Wisconsin. The wind used to blow the pilot light out on the furnance in the wintertime. Scary to wake you smelling gas and in the freezing cold! (We did figure out how to block the wind from the chimney and still let the bad stuff out, eventually!)

I'm glad for you!!!

Hi Joonie,

I'm so happy for you and your new house!

I have a question for you. What is that fluid sound in your head? I have that too and it kind of freaks me out. I asked my husband if he had it too, if it was normal, and he said "No!" He doesn't know everything.

Anyway, good luck with everything.

Thanks for the replies ya'll! Thank you for the suggestions as well.

The tub is a fiberglass garden tub, ya know the ones with the built in steps on the side? Well, we have one of those in our bathroom in the ol' tin box, and I have a hard time getting in & out of that one, and more than a few times I have almost fell into the tub getting up that one little step to get in the tub. I have balance issues too on less than good days, if it ain't a good day my balance is off. Back to what I was saying.... in-laws tub their step is a little higher up and then their tub is deeper than ours. I cannot raise my right leg up too high when it is swelled. So... it is like moving from ok to worse on the bathtubs

Oh and their toilet up there is much lower to the ground then the one down here. I can tell by how far I have to fall to hit the seat and how hard it is for me to get back up off of the toilet, it is more than 3 rocking back and forth's

Anyways, I wish I would have been able to save up some money before we moved. Ya'll ever watch HGTV's Designed to Sell? They redo a few rooms with 00. I wonder if I plan it out right and all, that we could be able to redo the bathroom, paint all rooms and fix up certain things that I know I will have a hard time with. But then there is the coming up with the 00. See if I would have known this a few months back I could have saved most of my last SSI backpay check, but it went to paying off debt anyways. Which is more important than me one day plumitting to my death in a garden tub

I will be taking a picture of the old door knobs for ya, 2manyaches, so you can tell me what would be good to change them to. It is mainly the front door, the master bedroom, and the bathroom that have those kinds of knobs.

The knobs on the other doors well they are small and round, and I have a hard time gripping them to turn them far enough. I have many, many of times literally ran into those doors because I thought I turned the knob far enough. Yeah, gives everyone that hears the loub bang a good laugh.

Anyways... thanks for all the replies and good thoughts.

I hope you will one day be able to move to somewhere where there are no evil steps and there is a precious elevator


Miles2Go - You know the sound of when you pull saliva thru your teeth when your mouth is closed and your teeth touching? That is the same exact sound I hear in my neck when I move it. I have asked my hubby if he hears that same sound in his neck when he moves his head and he told me no and with a strange look.

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