side effects from many years of RA | Arthritis Information


Hi, everyone.  I'm new to this.  I'm interested to know if anyone has had side effects from many years of arthritis.  Not the usual ones, like joint deformity, fatigue, etc. , but problems with mouth and lips.  Hyper sensitivity to food like oranges or other tart  citrus,  sweet stuff (milk chocolate, candies) -  mouth and inside of lips always feel irritated after eating.  Food also makes me perspire often (I know this sounds REALLY weird!).  My lips are also EXTREMELY dry, none of the lip balms, medicated or otherwise seem to make a difference. I take Enbrel - 25 mg. twice weekly.   I have had RA for approx. 35 years. marjo39142.5335648148

Hi Marjo

Most people hang out in the RA forum. Open a thread there, I'm sure you'll get plenty of replies.
