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anyone feel worse toward evening?

And do your pains come and go, or move around sometimes?

Tomorrow is my rheumy appt. with dr. rheumy #2, I am dreading it!

Doxigal check out this site.  Your symptoms sound a lot like it.

If you think that this is close you could take some info with you.  This is how I started out, pain coming and going in different areas. 

Good luck.



Yes, that is very much how it is for me. My mornings are my better times. It's hard to get moving, but I have more energy and spirit. But by the afternoons, I've run dry.

And, my pain varies all over. Sometimes the pain is driven my a particular joint that hurts, sometimes it's a flare and I hurt all over. Sometimes a random toe will hurt. It is amazing the number of ways that your body can think of pain.

But it is important to report to your doctor both the diminishment of strength and energy and all the places that you hurt. Don't minimize the pain. Each spot is important and tells where your body is in fighting this illness.

Good luck with your appointment.

Good luck with your appointment hun.

I have pain in the morning and late evening, during the day things are generally ok. I tend to get fluish in the eve with my pains- it's really odd!!! [Have had a cortisone injection, so that takes my pain away for a few weeks, you may get given one- i dunno what things are like in the states!]

I find hot water bottles/heat pads really help on affected joints.

Deanna is right tell your doc EVERYTHING. It helps them alot. Not just blood tests help. If I hadn't have said things to my Rheumy I wouldn't have got them moving with another drug coz they just wanted to up my MTX.

Sorry I've rambled slightly!

prior to being diagnosed my pains seemed to float from joint to joint.  Both the beginning and end og the days had issues.  Morning was stiff from a nighttime of not moving.  Evening I was stiff cause I was tired

good luck with your appt

I know what you mean, I get these kinda shivery chills going on in the evening around about 8pm it's as if the inflammation have went into my blood stream before it picks where I'm flaring next.  It's rubbish.

By evening I'm beat and so I sit and watch telly.  Then I sort of lock into position and need a crane to get me up and unfold me at the hips.  I have trouble getting to sleep because I cant get comfortable, but in the morning I am usually much better apart from a bit of stiffness

I often get sweats in the late afternoon/early evening.  Sort of like when you have a cold and feel OK during the day but about 5:00 your throat starts getting scratchy again and your sinuses block up.

Isn't this disease fun?!.....NOT!!!

I always feel worse in the evenings - not much morning stiffness or anything.  I always refer to it as feeling like someone unplugged me.  Good luck at the rheumy.  Hugs and good vibes.I like that analogy 2manyaches! That's exactly what it feels like to me, someone unplugged me. I start the day with some energy and hope and by afternoon I'm nackered. Emotionally and physically.