Arthritis Information -PLEASE DON’T POST YOUR ADS HERE!!!


This is an area of our much loved message boards that we reserve for interesting articles and links related to RA and other related diseases.

We are very rarely interested in these products and it just adds unwanted post to a very important section of our message boards.

Please contact the administrator as to the proper procedures for placing an ad.


I apologize.  Maybe the admins/moderators should start a stickied thread with the rules.  In the one hour I spent visiting forums, I checked for any rule against advertising before posting.  This forum and only one other one in that time are the only ones where I could not find the rules.  The only rules I saw were when I registered, and they were the basic no threatening/abuse/etc.

Sorry for the bother.

if you had looked at the AI site in general you'd have seen their advertising policy.  please take a look at it.
