Eyes | Arthritis Information


Was just wondering if anyone experiences or experienced any problems with their eyes?  Mine are usually really dry and the eyelids are sometimes sensitive to the touch.  Noticed my vision gets somewhat blurry from time to time.  Not on an everyday basis.  Thought someone might be able to help.


Yes,  I have that too, Maggie.  My eyes are often dry and scratchy.  My eyes itch sometimes too.  I use eye drops.  My eye dr. I use ones by Alcon called Systane and they do help. 

I also have this problem.

I also use a substitute tear solution from my eye Doctor, And a salve to keep my eyes moist at night. I can't read the label on those, Writing is too small.  Also I wear sunglasses or regular prescription glasses as much a humanly possible when out doors or in the presence of a fan or moving air. (Like in a car with the A/C on.) Wiley X Goggles look just like sunglasses but seal around My eyes. They are my favorites! They really do a good job keeping out strong wind....hope that helps some!!!..


Jen10139143.6371180556Where would I find the Wiley X Goggles?I have just the opposite problem. My eyes will spontaneously just start watering and burning like a severe allergy (I don't have any allergies) and its approx. the same time everyday. I also have ocular headaches and have a vitreal detachment. I get really sensitive to sunlight and reflected sunlight (like off of the snow). 

Mine feel like they're burning most of the time.  I have drops for mine.


Maggie, I found a great deal on the wiley x sunglasses on ebay.  I bought a pair and they came already.  Love them. 

Thanks for the info, Jen!

I'm SOoo Sorry I didn't see the question earlier.  I fell asleep for a while. (New meds. Ick.) My Friend Bob, gave me a pair of Wiley X's. The sand piles in the soldiers eyes. He said they were really good at keeping the sand  out. I like 'em! I don't know of anyone that carries them offline though... Here is the website Address...


If you know any soldiers, I believe they Are issued to them and they might know where to get them locally. (If any soldiers live nearby you.) I should have put that in the origional answer... I am sorry..

I hope you find some! ...and Your very welcome...


Jen10139148.8803472222Dry eye is common I believe with RA. I had the same problem. My eye dr put plugs in my bottom lid. Punctal plugs. It helped alot. it sounds worse than it is. It didnt hurt at all. really helped with the blurryness.I have dry eyes also which is complicated by graves disease. I use systane drops a lot and drops called genteal. They seem to work well. One thing I cant get help for is the eyelid redness. Hope this helps.

So anyway,

I have the dry eyes and the painful tears. I know that one or the other of the meds that i take causes dry eyes. I found out that the reason for the painful tearing is because one of the ways the body releases toxins is through tears, i guess that with all the meds i take the toxins are heavier and more painful than before.



I have this too.

Jessica~I was having a lot of strange blurriness when I was first dx'ed with "Dry Eye" and when my doctor did the strip test to test for dry eye and yes "Yep; no doubt about it their dry as a bone" I said "What?! My eyes water like crazy; I wouldn't call that dry eye"

He explained to me how we have two types of tear ducks. I'm sure I can't explain it right; but with dry eye one of your tear ducks becomes over active to compensate for the other. The watery eye is definately a symptom of dry eye.

My doctor advised me to use OTC drops. I use Refresh Tears. There are a couple different kinds. the one for sever dry eye is real thick and takes a little more time for your eyes to adjust after using it. I mainly use that at night. The one for Mild to Moderate dry eye isn't as bad and I use that during the day. He said one day he's probable going to have to prescribe something for it; but for now the OTC does seem to help.

I've just this week started having some symptoms on one of my eye lids. I haven't had this before; and didn't realize that might be related. Mine is just very sore. Stingy when I try to wash my face with a wash cloth or rub it. It does feel liek somethings wrong; but it's not really painful. What can you guys tell me about your eye LID experience. I guess maybe I need to know more.

Lovie is right, your eyes try to over compensate for the dryness by watering too much and those tears can actually dry and burn your skin and lids.  They make a lid scrub, its like a premoisten baby wipe sorta thing but they are pricey.  Its cheaper and just as effective to buy some .99cent no tears baby shampoo, dilute it about half and half and wash your lids with it every morning.  The dryness causes flaking of the skin and that builds up and causes more irritation!

Lots of moisture drops, I agree, the Systane is the best, 3-4 times a day and keep your skin moisturized and drink lots of water!
So basically the irritation I'm feeling on my eye lid is caused my the tears? Is that what you mean?I can't answer that with 100% certainty without seeing you but most likely, yes.  Just as your skin dries out and gets flaky, so does your eye lids and the margins around your eyes.  Keeping the area clean with the baby shampoo and using the systane drops and a good moisturizer will help.  If the area continues to be red and irritated, than you could have a minor infection called blepharitis and may need to use an antibiotic ointment at night.

I use steroid drops, systane and the anti-biotic ointment at night.  I also have chronic uveitis though and my glands around my eyes tend to get clogged up easily.

I work for an optometrist but do see an ophthalmologist regularly.  The blurriness people get can be caused by the dryness as well.  As the cornea dries out, it causes distortion.  A lot of medications, especially muscle relaxers and pain meds can cause blurriness as well.

Lovie, The blepharitis that micheleb spoke of, generally will cause flakiness on the lid area. Almost like dandruff. The lid scrubs with baby shampoo is a great inexpensive treatment for mild blepharitis.

If your condition is limited to only one eyelid, and you do not have itchiness or flaking. Its possible that you might just be having a skin allergy, thats unrelated to your dry eyes.

You should check with your eye doc.{even if just by phone} but, for relief now, try applying a very thin layer of hydrocortisone cream, like cortaid. Only to the affected area, taking care not to get the product in your eye.

Also, dry eyes is inevitable for most of us ladies over forty. It is a normal part of aging. micheleb gave you very good info, especially in her last paragraph.

Ginni- non working due to ra optician

It's only that one eye and I don't see any reason that it would be bothering me. It doesn't have anything on it like you described. I'll watch it over the next couple of days and see if anything else develops.

Thanks so much! I always get such excellent advice here. Professional advice. lol Awesome!!


I'm SOoo Sorry I didn't see the question earlier.  I fell
asleep for a while. (New meds. Ick.) My Friend Bob, gave me a pair of
Wiley X's. The sand piles in the soldiers eyes. He said they were really
good at keeping the sand  out. I like 'em! I don't know of anyone that
carries them offline though... Here is the website Address...


If you know any soldiers, I believe they Are issued to them and they
might know where to get them locally. (If any soldiers live nearby you.) I
should have put that in the origional answer... I am sorry..

I hope you find some! ...and Your very welcome...



I visited this website. Didn't tell me much but they do have a prescription
line but won't really display pics of them. Are these better glasses than
standard prescriptions? Would I be able to see better? I'm really curious.

I wish I'd popped in earlier on this one. All of you need to be tested for Sjogren's which up to recently I thought was mostly dry eyes. But that's not all it affects. It can affect any of your moist tissues including your mouth and your delicate female areas.

Where it can hurt your the worse though is your nerves. It can actually dry out and damage your nerves. That's part of what they think is happening to me now.

Sjogren's for the eyes is treated quite easily. You need the preservative free eye drops several times a day, preservative free gel like the genteal and I do have the punctual plugs. They also have me start my day off with a warm cloth on my eyes each morning. This feels great and cleans out the eye plugs which tend to cake during the night.

I also have had the streaming eyes and the incredibly dry eyes. Mine get so bad as to have the blood vessels break so they have to watch that. But there are more options available both surgically and medically for that.

What is very important is that they do find out if you actually have this other autoimmune disease and that your opthamalogist and your Rheumy work together on the problem. For example, the same Enbrel that keeps your RA under control will help your Sjogren's. They have also developed a blood test for the Sjogren's which I'm not so sure how effective that is because last time it showed negative on me and we are absolutely sure I have Sjogren's.

Also, RA can cause inflammation in your eyes which necessitates sometimes having corisone drops. I am very light sensitive and must wear tinted lense and can never go outside without sunshades that have the highest UV rating.

It is common to get more than one autoimmune disease. I wish someone would have told me the full dangers of Sjogren's when they diagnosed me but maybe most doctors don't realize it. It was my neurologist that pointed it out to me.

lortser, I haven't yet gotten 'prescription' eyewear through the company. So I have no clue, but the ones made for the guys are the tacticals and I think, do come in prescription.  I think they would be better at keeping wind and dust out personally. That's just my opinion though... I will have to do some poking around to see who might have them that I could ask. My friends won't have commo for about an estimated 20 days, but I can sure ask around locally.

lil update--

There is a find a 'dealer in your area' page on the online prescription catalog page of the tactical "glasses" page. I would try and find one in your area.

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