Exercise and RA | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone, I was just wondering about exercise and RA. I know it is very good for OA. But is it safe for RA, or does it wear down the joints too much. I would apprecaite your input, many thanks, Rain

At least initially, the pain from RA is caused by inflammation not deterioration of the joints.  What I was told is that exercise improves the muscle tone around the joints which helps protect them from permanent damage, so yes, exercise is definitely a good thing for RA.  I also think that exercise also helps alleviate pain and it helps you to feel more in control of your illness, so there's a psychological benefit.  You should talk to your doctor about what type of exercise would be best for you given your current condition.  I walk about 3 - 4 miles per day and do Yoga, which is mostly stretching exercises, about 1 hr a day...not all at once.  I would think that high impact exercise is probably not the best thing to do.


I agree with Alan.  I think mild to moderate exercise would be advisable, once you are cleared by your doctor.  I think exercise is a win-win situation.  Do I exercise like I should?  NO, but that is my goal!!!


I agree with everyone . Warm water exercise in particular allows you to go through the range of motions and do movements that would hurt you more and possibley do damage on land where you have the weight of gravity putting pressure on joints. There are some arthritis exercise classes at many sports centers, or a physical therapist could outline a program for you. Do it through your doctor and go slowly at first.Swimming is one ideal exercise for RA. Exercise also helps keep your weight down so there's less stress on your joints. My sister (who also has RA) has a wonderful rheumy who told her
that even five additional pounds creates a lot of pressure on your
joints, particularly "weight-bearing" joints.

So, I think mild to moderate exercise, approved by your doctor, is a
fabulous idea.

I agree with Alan, too that exercise helps alleviate pain.

Good Luck!

yes yes yes absolutely yes to exercise.  Exercise helps strengthen muscles that will add stability to the joints and prevent he pain that comes from weak inactive muscles.  It will help your over all balance which will help prevent falls.  Cardio will help maintain a healthy weight or weight loss towards a healthy weight.  It also builds heart health which is important as heart disease is the number 1 cause of death in someone with RA.

I weight train 3 days a week and do cardio 3-4 days.  Its cool to have muscles again after many years of wasting away

Talk with your doctor to find out what is ok for you and then go for it. 

     Exercise is very important for anyone with RA. As others have said , the list of reasons is long. Cardiovascular health, weight control. maintaining muscle strenghth, improving endurance, equilibrium, and very important--maintaining/improving bone density. The only contrindication to running or other vigorous programs is when you have actively swollen, red, inflammed joints.  Or, if it increases joint pain. Always ask your Dr. if there is any reason you should not exercise first.  The psychological benefits can be tremendous as well.For sure, but I'd suggest an Arthritis Group if you have one in your area.  They have a whole range (hey maybe the arthritis foundation has a website with instructions?) of motion movements starting with the neck, hands, arms and on down the body.  They seem very gentle and not really exercise in the exertion type, but they help sooo much and the company of other suffers is nice.  We even have pot-luck lunches. Call your local Arthritis Foundation I'm sure they could help you find the right place to go. Great idea I'll start up myself real soon.  Not hurting anymore! FeelingBetterI agree that it is good to exercise.  I do yoga (the type that is a combination of strength training, cardio, and stretching).  On days when I've gotten at least 40 minutes in, I feel much better.  Unfortunately, it's a vicious cycle.... if I don't feel well, I don't work out and if I don't work out, I feel worse.... Thank you ! I have exercised my whole life until RA...and I want to do the Arthritis walk in May. I had heard walking would put too much stress on my joints but I know I can do it..thanks againI think swimming and yoga or stretching is the best exercise.  Hard to get aerobic as you need to keep it low impact.  That is what I miss the most - aerobic exercise
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