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I've had 4 infusions of Remicade.

Infusion 1--Site reaction. Didn't help the RA symptoms

Infusion 2 (2 wks later)--Mild site reaction (took Benydryl before). Didn't help RA

Infusion 3 (4 wks later)--Mild site reaction (took Benydryl before). Helped RA symptoms for 3 weeks and then felt started feeling bad again. Was weaning off prednisone at the same time.

Infusion 4 (8 wks later)--Strong site reaction (took Benydryl before) and ran a fever for a week after infusion. Didn't help RA at all and went back on prednisone after a couple of weeks because I couldn't function. Called rheumy who said she wants to stay the course because I did find relief after infusion #3.

Here's the question:  I start with a new rheumy on March 28, but am due for a Remicade infusion with old one on March 19th. I'm tempted to punt the Remicade infusion and appointment in case new dr. wants to do something else, but I'm not sure if that's a good idea.

Why don't you try calling and leaving a message for the new rheumy and see if you can get some advice.  My doctor is pretty good about calling back when I have questions.


That is a very good idea, Alan! I hadn't even thought about calling my new doc and asking. I appreciate you reading my long post and answering!
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