MTX causing flare-ups??? | Arthritis Information


I have been on MTX since 11/06.  I started at 7.5 mg and in January my Doc increased it to 10 mg.  For the next 4 weeks I after that I got strong pain in my wrists and hands 24 hours AFTER I take the MTX.  I saw my Doc last week and he said in rare cases the MTX first causes a flare-up but still works over the long run (I do agree that my RA is better).  He said it happens in people who have nodules (yes he found one on my wrist that day.  Oh goody, doesn't that mean I have the most severe RA possible??)  Well, now he wants me to take 10 mg. of pred right before I take the MTX for the next two weeks.  If that works he wants to increase the MTX to 12.5 mg.  I do have to call and talk to him ebfore I go up to the 12,5 mg of MTX.

Today I started but only took 5 mg. of pred.  I have been stuck at 3 mg. of pred. each day since last June and I want off.  So, I have no interest in taking 10 mg, even though it is only once a week.  He did let me decrease from 3 mg. to 2 mg. of pred each day.

Has this ever happened to anyone else?  I was hoping he would take me off the MTX and try a biologic instead.

I began taking 15mg MTX in Oct 2005, and did really well on it for about 6 months. Then, one night, out of the blue, I had the worst flare up ever. Every joint and tendon in my body was on fire, I literally couldn't move an inch without agonizing pain. I couldn't get out of bed to go to the bathroom, even with my wife's help. Twelve hours later the worst was over, and 24 hours later it was as though nothing had happened. I haven't had anything like that happen since. My RD said that's happened to many of his patients. He gave me a prescription for Oxycontin in case it ever happened again.

I quit taking MTX in Oct 2006 because I was tired of the fog head, and wasn't convinced it was doing me any good any more. I tried Arava for a month, but all it did was kill my appetite and make me nauseous. By January of this year, I was feeling so horribly stiff that I started back up on 10mg MTX. Within two weeks, I was feeling decent again, so, I guess it really had been working after all. I added Humira to the mix three weeks ago, and plan to try to gradually get off of MTX once I'm sure the Humira is working.

The bottom line is that MTX worked for me, other than that one monstrous flare. Hopefully, you will never experience anything like that.
  when i first started methx. i to had a flare up the first day then i eased off, now i have been on it for a year and a half seems to work ok i am up to 15mg a week and 10mg of pred. 2 to 3 days a weekMy history with MTX is that I have been taking it for 10 years. I was able to adjust the dosage (the doc approved) up and down depending on how I felt. After taking 7 (during big flares) I would feel strange, and like I had the flu, but the regular 4 weekly tho slightly fatiguing wasn't terrible.  I just knew to cool it the next day. I didn't know the medication can cause flare ups!! Oh my, you learn something new on this forum every day! Good luck in trying to sort your meds out.  It is a long process, but worth the effort.  We need to find out what works for us individually. Good luck again