Sorry | Arthritis Information


I apologise for not being around much recently, I have been checking the boards when i can.

I am having the worst flair i have ever had,

last weekend was so awful i was eternally grateful that my friend came over to help for the weekend, i don't think i could have managed without her, and despite the pain we had a wonderful weekend, and even went out to a country park thing.

But the pain was unbearable, I now have dihidracodeine (sp?) for pain, and although they take the edge off some of the time, all they seem to do is completely fog my brain!

The muscle pains are now spreading all over, all round tops of legs, shins, very top of legs(bum cheeks i guess!) lower back, ribs, chest, arms,  and i keep getting cramp in hands, feet, calf muscles.  And as for joint pain? well, toes, feet, ankles, knees really bad, hips really bad, back, shoulders really bad as are elbows and wrists. My hands and feet are merrily swelling whenever they feel like it and my knees swelled so bad yesterday i had to take my jeans off as they were fit to burst! and twitches? right leg is worst, got a mind of its own, left one does it but not so often, twitches by knees you can see, hands are just totally pants all round really. Then i go and cap it all off by deciding to walk down the stairs, slipped and pulled my left arm shoulder etc where i had hold of the banister, back to sliding down on bottom now! its safer!

I am so sorry to whinge on this is why i avoided posting, i knew i would go on and on, to the point i'm sitting here crying, i am so fed up now. and there's nothing can be done until i get rheumy appt. and i've not heard even when yet. GP has written again, but i don't hold much hope of it being anytime soon.

and to cap it all, billy's knees been bad on and off and the right one was visibly swollen the other night, they don't normally swell,

I really hope you're all having a better time of it, and i send gentle hugs to you all, and gratefully recieve ones returned, i really could do with some right now.

I'm sending tons of hugs your way!!

I'm sorry you are going through such a difficult time.

I can't believe you've fallen again, Im so sorry

I hope you get in to see your RD soon you need too.

I'm sending so much love and well wishes to you both!!!


I am sending lots of hugs and good thoughts your
way too.

I hope you will get some relief soon. And to have
fallen on top of everything!    I will be praying that
you will get the OK for the RD appt. and that in the
meantime your pain, swelling & spasams will be

Bless you,   
Tara L

OMG Tori.  I wish I had read your post.  I just went through my own personal hell and I totally understand the need to vent.  Your symptoms sound even worse than mine were.  It is so hard to conceive of being in that much pain and not having a rheumy appt. in the near future.  I don't know your pain med but I pray it is giving you some relief.  I wonder if you could get some prednisone from your gp.  I had no trouble getting it with several gp doctors before I got dx.  I now see a rheumy.  I will definitely be thinking of you and my heart truly goes out to you