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Daughter came home tonight and she got a silver trophy. I think it means 2nd place, her friend got a gold tropy which I think means 1st place. Daughter is most times 2nd to her friend

Daughter has been trying to get us to let her go ice skating when we went to the mall a few times and we told her no, because I could not get out there with her (me being protective again). I told her we might take her next weekend if we are not moving into the house by then. And she said she would pay for it herself. Which is fine with us, because we will have to pay for the gas to get to the mall as it is almost an hour away.

Hubby, son, and I went to go looking at some things at Lowes and the Home Depot today, while we were waiting for daughter to get back home. I took an extra 5mg pred before we left as I knew it was going to be a long time of standing around and walking. I just barely made it thru Lowes, but I stuggled thru it all. It is like when I went to Disneyland in october, I was hurting after 8 hours of walking and standing, but ya know you cannot feel bad or let RA get to ya when you are at the "happiest place on earth".

We went looking for an attic ladder to install in son's room, as right now there is stairs that lead up to the attic in that room and they take up half the room. Also looked at those door handles 2manyaches suggested, they are a bit expensive, but I would only need them on a few of the doors, to start with. Also looked at a new shower stall, yep we are getting one of those the same time we are getting the attic ladder. We are not going to replace the toilet in the bathroom yet, will have to wait. I need a toilet that is a lil' higher up, as the fall down to the toilet and the getting back up really bothers me. We also looked at a dishwasher. That will have to wait too probably, not really sure.... I might can swing one with one of my SSI checks, but then I will not have any back up money for when we need money. Yeah I am the money saver of the family

Anyways... we will be able to move to the house in probably another couple of weeks.

Mother-in-law wants to have a yard sale to get rid of some of her stuff before she moves, but she cannot because she is only off 2 days a week and none are on a saturday before they move. I told her if she would just put the stuff she wants to sell out in the storage shed I would hold a yard sale for her, as we kinda need to get rid of some of our junk too.

I will talk to her more about it tomorrow. It will help them to come up with extra money to help pay for paint and other things and for us as well.

So, today was an okay day, thanks to an extra 5mg of pred
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