The" Humira Pen" | Arthritis Information


I was scared to death because my husband had just been given the presciption for Humira shots. He was diagnosed with RA about 4 months ago and nothing seems to be working.  So, we were almost happy when he got the doctor's order for the Humira but I worried about having to give them to him since I have never done it before and needles freak me out. But upon opening it, I saw it was the Humira "pen" instead of the regular shot where you have to insert the needle yourself.  With this, you place the needle against the skin, push a button, wait 10 seconds and pull it away.  So easy!  Plus, I went on the Humira site and it showed a video of exactly how to do it.   So, for those of you who are squemish as I am about giving the shots, this was the way to go. 

We are now just waiting to see if he gets better as he takes more of the Humira.  But, amazingly, he felt slightly better by the next day,so we are hopeful this will be what turns the RA around.  I am so amazed at what RA sufferers go through.  I was one of those ignorant people who had no clue until it hit my husband.

So, God Bless you all who live with this pain everyday. And shame on all of us who turn a deaf ear and say"oh I have that in my left foot sometimes". I hope they don't learn the hard way  like I did.

I agree, the Humira pen is a piece of cake!!

I delayed going on a biologic for the longest time because of my needle phobia. Eventually, my RA got so bad that I had no choice. Despite the fact that my sister has had amazing results from Enbrel, I picked Humira because I only have to take a shot every other week.

I've given myself two shots (in my belly flab) so far, and they have both been virtually painless, with no injection site reaction at all!! I felt better, especially in my hands, within a couple of days of taking my first shot. I'm feeling even better after my second shot, and I'm actually looking forward to giving myself my third shot (I can't believe I just said that) next week.

I kick myself in the tail every day for waiting so long to start taking this stuff. I agree with what you said about people saying, oh i have that in my left foot
sometimes, i have had people say that to me often. My family wouldn't
believe what pain and all the troubles that go with this RA that i have went
through with, but my husband does. I am on the Humira pen and it doesn't
hurt going in my belly but i did it on my leg and it hurt. It took the humira 4
months to work for me. God bless.    Oh I so agree with you about the Humira pen, it's so easy !
I did my first shot three days ago and I'm already feeling relief so it looks as if humira is going to work for me. It's going to be a Godsend and give me back so much quality of life.
take care,
