Blood test for inflammation | Arthritis Information


Hello Everyone...does anyone know what kind of blood test they do for inflammation? I had a bunch of blood test done and would like to know if any of these have to do with inflammation from arthritis.

Have A Good Day


Hi Lisa,

Try this link. Hope it is helpful.



Hi Lisa,

From what I remember the ESR (sed rate) and CRP are tests for inflammation. One is more sensitive than the other but I can't remember which!!

They can be slightly misleading however, as you can have visible swelling but normal test results or abnormal results and no swelling. It's all a bit strange.


Thanks for the replies!!  I have found the a high WBC is a sign of inflammation.  Wow..I didnt know that.  Mine is high so maybe it is because I have the osteoarthritis. 

Thanks Again,


Dear LEV, thanks for this site, it is a good one. Feelin'Betterthe CRP is more sensitive 

They like to do rheumatoid factors and Sed Rates.

They do the RFactor first to see if you might have RA, it measures the inflammation in your system by a number but it doesn't give a good account as you can have inflammation (showing in the sed rate) but it might not be in the actual joint area.

I have RA and I also have a rare blood disease that causes inflammation in the blood itself which includes muscle, skin, joints and bone.  My sed rate is usually through the roof, but my Rheumatoid Factor can be very low.

The Sed rate i was getting done every month due to how i was on Arava, it will depend on the drugs you take by how much they will need to do.  Drugs like Methotrexate take the sed rate once every couple months.  Arava is every month for the first 6 months and some drugs that are taken don't need blood tests but maybe once or twice a year.
