Why are some medical receptionists bit | Arthritis Information



I've been calling around to different doctors offices and a lot of the receptionists are cranky, impatient and condescending. Why? Also, do you think this is an indication of what the doctor is like? I mean, I find myself seclecting what doctor to see on the basis of how nice the front desk is to me! Surely that can't be right.

I find the same thing.  Take control of the call and don't let them walk all over you.  You are the customer.

I used to let the b*tchy receptionists get me down, but life is too short to let them do that!

I'm an office mgr. for a medical office.  You have no idea how many patients come in or call in with a crappy attitude demanding this that or the other thing.  It seems as though there are a lot of patients that have an "entitlement" attitude. 

I know that I treat our patients (even the demanding, grumpy ones) with a smile and respect even though they may not be showing me the same.

Just a note though...I go to a lot of doctors offices myself.  I have my referral ready, my insurance card, my datebook for scheduling appointments, my copay and a smile on my face.  Guess what?  I haven't come across a grouchy, receptionist.  Perhaps it is how you are treating them????  Just a thought................


Usually the receptionist is the least valuable employee, with low skill level, small pay, lots of turnover in that job.

If the receptionist is a jerk or idiot, odds are she will have moved on to a different job that pays a bit better, in the near future I won't have to deal with her.   

If a good receptionist is on the 'desk', I think better of the entire office including the doctor.

Wow Marian!

The receptionist is the LEAST valuable employee???  Low Skill level???  Small Pay???

I don't know where you got your information, but you're wrong.  First of all, they are very valuable.  The receptionist not only greets patients, but can also be scheduling, taking copays, talking to insurance companies, etc.  As for skill level?  Again, you are wrong.  That has to be one of the most idiotic things you could say.  It takes a lot of skill and patience to be in that position.  Again, small pay...wrong again.  Stress is a reason a lot of receptionists change jobs. 

It blows my mind to think that there are people out there that think like this.  Hopefully more people realize the value of different positions in a company and not make foolish judgments.


I find most receptionists to be very helpful.  Of course, you might run across the few that have bad days or just simply aren't people persons. 

I agree with DebraKay, oftentimes the receptionist is the glue that keeps the office together.  Just think how much that person deals with or comes into contact with.

On another note...some sick people are not the easiest to deal with.  Some, not all, come in with a less than desirable attitude to begin with.  To top things off, they probably don't feel well, which just adds to the mix.


Debrakay, reading your posts makes me feel like I am talking to one of the receptionists we are referring to. 

I am always immediately upbeat and pleasant when I call my different doctors offices and 9 times out of 10 I get bitter, condescending and defensive attitudes from most of the receptionists. 

Like I said before - nobody has to take that kind of treatment and I just do not allow it to bother me.

Phatgirl you make a great point - the last thing a sick person needs is to deal with bad attiudes.


I don't think it's how I'm treating them because these are my first phone calls to these offices and I'm always very nice and polite because I'm trying to get something from them, in this case, information. Also, I recognise medical reception is a skilled profession. I just expect politeness back and always come away feeling a bit raw when I don't get it.

Sorry debrakay - I must have hit a tender spot. In most companies the receptionist is a starter position. Skills are answering the phone and directing people to those they came to meet. She needs to be pleasant....

She is not the office manager, the medical record keeper, the insurance billing clerk, the surgical/test scheduler, or the accountant, and has 0 medical skills. 


Okay, I was in the medical field for 15 years and part of my job was being a receptionist as well as doing all of the lab, EKG's, billing, you name it. Not to brag, but the patients loved me.  They constantly showered me with gifts.  And my paycheck was very, very generous.  But, I will tell you one thing and I may get repercussions from this, but the most demanding patients were the ones who had state assistance.  They seemed to think that everyone owed them something.  And they would call for no reason at all or perhaps just to whine. And, I have talked with others in medicine and they all share the same feelings. 
And, I also feel that the receptionist is one of the most valuable employees, the glue thats hold everything together.

now & then39146.7647685185


Of all the receptionists i have seen i have only had one that was rude. I almost reported her but i'm glad i didn't. All the rest have been very cheery so i figure they must get paid well or they wouldn't be so happy at work as one reason for  workplace happiness is salary. Mostly i have seen the attitude from the patient toward the receptionist and the receptionists usually make even the grumpy smile. I have good respect and appreciation for them.


Well, I guess that answers my question. Many are bitchy because patients are bitchy to them---it's a vicious cycle! Regardless, I am always polite to them. My own "medical team" all have nice receptionists so my phone calls today were a bit shocking. Thanks for the input.

Now & Then,


We have a lot of awesome patients too.  I've been given flowers, dinners, gift certificates, home made goodies, etc.  A sweet older woman has knitted me booties and scarves too, lol.

I still believe that if you treat people well, they'll do the same.  There are exceptions to the rule, but I think that's few and far between.


WOW, I have yet to come across a nasty receptionist, one was a bit snippy but then again itwas not my Dr. office I had to gain info from, it was for my mother.

Quite honestly, several of the receptionists in my Dr.'s offices that I have gone to and go to became my best friends, I can think of about 6 of them right off the top of my head inwhich we became extremely close  and are considered a part of our family. Whenever I see them in public it is always a gleeful hello and hugs all around as we catch up on our lives.One nurse in particular had worked for my  dad's Dr. and she knew our entire family. When she went to work at out Pediatricians office I was delighted. The receptionist also went to work for my Pediatrician and it was like "home " again as we shared and reminisced about my dad, they knew him well. They always asked about other family members as well. One had moved down the street from me and we went for walks every night. Another I had come to be friends with  so well that we even worked together in our own little business for a about a year.

 I helped our Pediatricians' wife paint on sweatshirts for the entire staff one Christmas, we had a ball and they were all very appreciative and we just had "fun". I always took in snacks and surprises for the holidays and sometimes for no reason at all. I gave all my daughter's baby stuff  to one nurse whose son just had a baby and she was appreciative and kind and I just wanted to get rid of the stuff, I just mentioned that I didn’t know what to do with all the stuff and  she said her son could use it.

These are the same people that were there for myself, my son and my daughter in every emergency regardless of time or day. We are friends, we care about eachother and value eachother.

I would go absolutely ballistic if the receptionists or nurses were nasty to me. I have the highest regard for them and consider them a lifeline to my Dr. and part of his work in helping me or either of my children in their life and medical needs. I respect their expertise.I depend on them for so many things and always call with questions and concerns.

I have done all the "fun stuff" for them cause I care about them, they are a big part of my support "team" my "medical family" for getting better or maintaining or helping my Dr. help me with my disease or illness and helping my children.

Now........  I have seen many patients come in who are nasty and abusive and pushy and just down right rude with the staff, how the staff puts up with it I have no idea.I have sat in waiting rooms with these people who have awful things to say about the staff and the Dr.'s or other people or whine on and on about this or that......I always call them  "the lovely, wonderful people".

Geesh, I do not know how I would handle a bitchy receptionist, knowing me I would probably just kind of stand there with a really dumbfounded look on my face while being in shock!!!!!Then my more colorful side would probably emerge in a kind, stern manner and hopefully not too condescending.*wink*


jodejjr39146.7903819444Yes, Yes, Yes to all of the above from jode!!!! There---I changed the title of the thread to say "some" instead of "so many" because it seems from the responses on here my experience today was atypical. It's true I've known many nice ones.    Unfortunately, i have been to many rheumatology practices. As with any other job--there are good employees and bad.  Sometimes it's amazing to me that people with short tempers and very low patience choose to work in an office dealing with the public---especially those with medical problems.  It does seem to be that the smaller the practice; the nicer the office staff.  Probably less stress; or just simply working for nicer, more easy going MD's.  The Dr. and all the staff of my present Rheum. are very polite, helpful. and pleasant. The last place I went in Albany, NY  was huge--13 rheumatologists in one practice. What a nightmare. I have been hung up on; had to leave 3 messages requesting a Rx( and never did get it called in)---everyone seemed overwhelmed. There was one nice nurse who returned calls when you left a question---she quit after 8 months.     I worked in the medical field for 31 years---no matter how rude or inappropriate a patient was; I always gave them respect and did my job( comments about them outside work and without mentioning names aside).  Anyway, there are all kinds in every profession; but i don't think a patient should ever be treated with rudeness or disrespect.

Just a side note.....Doctors are not always the easiest of creatures to work with....

just food for thought


Amen to that Phatgirl2.  They can be demanding, condescending, rude and downright nasty.  Some days it takes a huge effort to keep that smile plastered on my face.  I agree with lou m, that the bigger the practice the more stress involved.  I work for 1 gp and 95% of the patients are great.  Then the 5% are a real challenge.  Some days everything goes wrong, people not showing up for appointments, emergencies dropping in, Dr getting a zillion phone calls and cranky patients in the waiting room for an hour or so.  You do your best but sometimes you just lose your cool.  We had one patient who almost pushed the computer off the desk onto a receptionist and hit her on the head with things that were on the counter.  Sometimes its hard to smile.  But each day is a new day and I try to smile and be cheerful, mainly because I know how I feel when I talk to my dr receptionist.  Being on both sides of the counter makes you understand the frustrations of both sides.I tell you, some of them ain't born - they hatch out of dragons eggs


Wow this thread was........errr...........interesting - to say the least! 

I don't find most receptionists usually bad. I think their job is really hard because they usually have many tasks to do. And, they are trying to arrange appointments, take messages, etc.

But I have known some of them to be that way at times.

What I try to do is to tell them as short as possible what the nature of my call is regarding, for instance, new patient or need to see the doctor ASAP or need medical records. This seems to help a lot.

I have however had a great deal of difficulty with doctor's nurses and the referral department. And to be honest, I really resent the earlier comment directed towards those on state assistance. Before I was on state assistance, less than a year ago and was paying for everything out of my own pocket, I was treated like a human being. Now, I am treated like I am just a burden on society.

For instance, I have been trying for nearly 3 months to get tests okayed by my primary that are being requested by my pain specialist. These are not extraordinary tests. The one they seem to have the most problem with is screening me for diabetes. This is not an expensive or unusual blood test and since I am high risk for diabetes, including having neuropathy, a logical test for my pain specialist to request. However, I was very rudely told today that I didn't need a blood test because they checked my blood back in November and it wasn't high. I don't know how stupid that they think I am that a regular blood test is enough to screen for diabetes. A glucose tolerance test is required that is taken over a period of time and includes fasting and cannot be replaced by a routine test. The nurse involved also acted as though I was being unreasonable for passing on the request for the MRIs and the nerve conduction tests. These tests are keeping the pain specialist from knowing how to best treat my pain and should have been ordered by the neurologist in the first place. My thoughts are that because I am on state assistance that maybe they view me as less of a human being and so I don't qualify for needing these tests. I also evidently didn't deserve a call back when I requested some kind of temporary nursing help when I had both knees operated on. I didn't even get the courtesty of a call back saying no. Instead, I was just ignored. This left me with no way to take care of myself over the weekend with both knees not functioning. I couldn't even go to the bathroom. I had to do it standing. Graphic, but that's how it was and the pain was unimaginable.

When they called to inform me the results of one of my MRIs, the woman started the conversation with, "Well, do you want the results of your test or not?" I hadn't even said anything to her except "hello.". Then she went on to berate me for having that one MRI come back as mostly normal. Nothing was said about the other MRI that still needed to be done. She had no reason to be rude to me. This is the same woman who also started out by giving me the results of my mammogram, which was not normal, in the same exact manner. Now, I have never met this woman so I don't know why she would take this tone with me.

But as a human being, a patient, who is in desperate need of medical care and caring medical professionals, I have to say that I do know that these attitudes do exist as has been so clearly stated here.

So the next time one of you is facing a patient that has to rely on state assistance maybe you should think before you speak. Are you speaking with a prejudice that is affecting the care that your patient receives? I was in tears today and have been on more than one occassion as I have called back repeatedly asking as kindly as possible if someone would call me back, would someone please send the pain specialists the reports and to order the tests that she asked for. I have asked "please" until I want to choke on the words.

Maybe other patients on state assistance are demanding. But at what point is it demanding, because I ask to be treated in a humane manner and not to suffer in pain for months.

I thought about not saying anything, but I found this thread so slanted that I must speak out and note that there are people out there that do treat patients with disrespect as part of their daily routine. There are also people who go to extraordinary efforts to try to help. But my experience in the last year is that you have to buy that courtesy. I worked really hard to stay working. I was forced to quit. As soon as I quit, I had to rely on state assistance. Now, I get lower quality medical care from a certain segment of medical practioners. Fortunately, there are still some that give quality care. But even they are so overburnened and rushed trying to go from patient to patient that I get a lot lower care now than I did before.

Of course, there are those who believe I deserve less care but I am not considered a tax payer any more. But that is a misconception. I pay taxes on everything I buy just like anyone else including rent, car, house, food, gas. I just don't pay payroll taxes any more. But I would love to go back to work and if someone would help me get well, I might have the joy of spending almost a third of my income for those taxes again.

I hope that you won't lump all state assistance patients together again in the future. I certainly don't lump all receptionists or nurses in the same category. Thank God there are wonderful, caring nurses out there.

Deanna after reading what you said i could justabout swear you are my cousin Josie. I spend alot of time with her at her doctors and at the hopspital. She is on assistants but her problem is that she thinks she knows more than the doctors and nurses and so they just get sick of her attitude. She talks to them like they are stupid and she tries to tell them what to do. I'm sorry about all of your medical problems but I think if you change your attitude and show respect to those that you think are stupid your life will be much better. I really dont think assistants has anything to do with it.


I don't know if it takes much af an attitude to see a pattern on S.S. I have done more actual beggiing for simple requests such as results of tests with Doctor's here while on S.S., that I was sure getting to think that myself. My Rhuemy's office is alot that way. I have great respect for everyone in the medical field! Grumpy or not. I have to. I changed GP's after 10 years of some things I thought were a bit over the top on the rude scale, without one single complaint, as I may have to go back. The new GP's office staff smiles!.. I love it. They have been so cool to me. I am a bit at the mercy of these folks. There simply aren't alot of choices on Doctors here. I am very Rural. I can't afford an attitude, they simply are too expensive to have... I sure can put a few bucks back to do fun stuff for these Ladies. They have been really nice. They do become so important in my life. I always treat them well.

Virgie, you don't know me and I am not your cousin. My attitude is not the problem and you are cruel to suggest it is when you don't know me from anybody. I do know a lot about my medical conditions and I am not telling them how to treat me. I am asking only that they authorize tests that another doctor is asking for. How in the world is that telling them what to do?

I do have a right to request help when I need it. I am not about to dumb down for the benefit of some doctor or nurse. As I said before, I have never met this nurse before, never. She has no reason to talk to me that way. And I do need these tests in order to get treated. What is wrong in stating that?

I will not be an idiot so that some doctor or nurse can feel superior to me. I have a college education. I am well-educated. I have respect for their positions. They can treat me like a human being.

Your lack of compassion is unbelieveable. I have been fighting for some kind of help, any kind of help for months. I am very ill and my doctor does not care. Those who have been reading about my situation for months can attest to this.

I just knew it though if I said anything that someone would be on my back. Some people on this forum have turned so hateful and so judgemental. But I have the right to defend myself and to state something is not fair. I have tried very hard to be nice. I keep my calls to a bare minimum. My pain specialist is insisting that I call my primary so that some kind of action is taken. What am I supposed to do, kiss their butts so that I can get decent health care? I'm not going to do that.

I begged for a walker for months from my doctor. I begged for wheelchair. I couldn't walk and his staff made rude comments to me instead of doing their job. It takes them less than a day to authorize a walker or wheelchair. But they didn't care if I had to crawl across the floor. They lied to me about what my medical insurance would cover. I finally had to get another doctor to authorize it. Now, if you can't walk, would you be happy with those results. This isn't minor stuff.

And if I have diabetes and they won't even do the test, they are being medically incompetent. People get tested for diabetes every day in this country. I'm not asking for something that is not routine. Being on prednisone is risk factor enough. But I also have a history of hypoglycemia and neuropathy is usually caused by Diabetes. In some cases, it is caused by RA. It only makes sense to make sure that Diabetes is not the cause of the neuropathy because if you have it from diabetes and your treat the diabetes it can reduce the damage of neuropathy.

I will not be punished because I happen to have taken the time to learn about my illnesses. If their egos are so big or so fragile that they cannot perform their job then that says something pretty poor about them.

In the same office, there are two very wonderful people that have helped me considerably. They have really worked hard to help me in a very kind manner. They don't seem to think I am rude or demanding. They are both sweet and are happy to see and ask how I'm doing. I cannot say enough good about them. However, this woman has no reason for her attitude. I haven't done or said anything to her.

And, I am going to take charge of my own health care. Anybody that doesn't is an absolute fool. If I hadn't spoken up on several occassions, I would be dead now.

I do treat them with respect. But I will not worship at their feet.

Deanna, no one who knows you would ever suggest you could ever be accused of being disrespectful or belligerant to people.

Personally I don't give a poop if people drive a BMW or cant' afford a car at all or are drug addicts.  There are pleasant people that you would go over the top to help and rude unpleasant people who even if you do go over the top to help are still rude and unpleasant.  I treat all my patients with respect no matter how they treat me.  I only expect the same from them.

 I guess I am blessed....I go to a rheumy in Binghamton NY at Lourdes hospital and I have never ever seen such a wonderful staff and caring people.....they are the best.

Sorry cant clone them so you could all be treated so well.

I've never treated a patient one way or another regarding their medical coverage.  I also treat everyone with respect and with a smile.  I'm a people person, so the job fits me.  I've also been in a lot of pain and on the other side of the desk so I have a lot of patience with a whining, or rude patient because I know they don't feel well.

I will say though, if you own a small practice, it is increasingly hard to accept state assistance insurance.  It's not because you don't like those people, or have no respect for those people who are on it, it's because they pay the providers so little that you actually lose a lot of money each time you treat that patient.  Unfortunately for the people that are on state assistance more and more practices are either stopping to accept this form of insurance, or limiting the number of patients they will accept.  The cost of running a business, with insurance, utilities, rent, employees, medical equipment, etc. is very expensive.  To treat a patient for an hour and recieve from the insurance company is crazy.  That doesn't even cover some of the treatments, let alone the time to verify benefits, submit the claim, etc. or chipping in to pay for the "overhead" of the business.  If you take on a lot of these patients, your business may not make it.  If you can only see 20 patients a day, and you have 10 on state assistance, you can't stay open.   Is this the fault of the patient, absolutely not.  But people need to realize that the providers care for the patients, but also have to make money to stay in busi9ness.

Also, I didn't make the comment about state assistant patients being more demanding, however...I can honestly say that in our office it has been the state assistant patients that have been "over the top" demanding this or that.  It's not nice to lump people together, but that truly is what I've seen also.  Again, I treat all of the patients the same so the treatment they received from the office has nothing to do with the entitlement attitude I've seen.  Maybe it's because they have been turned away so many times that they are more firm?  I don't know, it's just a hard position to be in on both sides. 

I am not on state assistance, and I'm in the same position you are with regards to tests Deanna.  Unfortunately so many people demand tests that they really don't need that the doctors are scaling back on ordering expensive tests until they feel you need them.  I have excellent medical coverage and yet had to go through 6 months of physical therapy before they would do an MRI on my shoulder and knee (from a car accident).  After the MRI's, it was determined that I needed surgery on both issues.  Knowing my own body, I knew things were not getting better and thought that surgery was needed, but that was not the way it worked out.  I had to follow my doctors plan.

I guess the bottom line...our country needs some sort of a solution for our health care system.  It's the pits.........  And I mean no disrespect to anyone on assistance, so please don't take offense to this post. 

 This board has always been full of comments about how the people in the medical offices are morons, idiots, stupid or uncaring. If a doctor doesn't agree with the diagnosis we've  given ourselves we call him an idiot or keep switching doctors until we can find one who will do what we want. We have a symptom and expect extensive testing immediately. We talk to each other about "demanding" tests, treatment, or attention. We get some advice from the doctor and then come to the board and ask if we should follow the advice. 

Perhaps some of this attitude comes through when we deal with the office staff. Most people will respond to kindness with kindness.

Deana I know you aren't my cousin but you and her are 2 peas in a pod. We both have medical problems and when I go to the doctors they are so nice and smiley but when I go with Josie they still try to smile but I can see the "Oh no here she comes again" looks. You say you are not going to "dumb down to some doctor or nurse" and you also said "I will not be an idiot so that some doctor or nurse can feel superior to me." I'm just saying honey that you carry that attitude with you whether you realize it or not. I try to tell Josie and she won't hear it either. Josie thinks that she has a right to have an attitude. Just remember they are doctors and nurses and they are smarter than us about medical things no matter how much we internet school. Just try to go with a better attitude and the world will be a warmer place for you thats all I'm saying honey.

My G.P's receptionist is lovely but I think its because I have become part of the furniture

Scout, there is a lot of talk on here about the validity of the doctors we see. But there are a lot of doctors that are not serving their patients needs. Because the Rheumy I went to was so bad, lied to me about my medical condition so that he could force me to comply, took me off all my medications except plaquenil and pred, it will be 9 months since I have had any treatment for my RA. The other specialists involved in my care are very concerned as they watch my health deteriorate. Usually, when a doctor's actions are questioned is when someone comes on here and states how they have been hurting and suffering for months and they are not getting any relief. And most of the time, it boils down to the doctor is only relying on blood tests. Generally, I think most questions are asked as people are trying to get an understanding about both the illness and the treatment. That does not mean it is wrong to question a doctor's treatment. But I can see how one would start to come to this conclusion.

Virgie, I will say it again. I am nothing like your cousin. Hell, I so glad not to be your cousin. Seems pretty obvious that you are not very supportive to her.

And, just because a doctor has a degree does not make him or her smarter than me. It just means that they went to school for that particular field. But if the doctor does not even follow the basic of medical protocols, then there is a problem and a reason to question. As a patient, it is my body -- Always. I have a right to say what anyone does to my body. That means if I feel that a drug is harmful to me, I'm not going to take it. I listen carefully to everything my doctor recommends. But in the end it is my decision not his. I am not being given medical care that I honestly need. These are not tests that I want to do. I'm sick to death of tests. These are tests that the specialists that my doctor wanted me to see feel I need. The doctor hasn't responded to any requests from me or my other doctors in three months. That's more than enough time to be patient. It's humilating to go into the one doctor's office where she is desperately trying to find something to help me and be asked again why my doctor hasn't sent her reports or ordered the tests she has asked for. All I can tell her is that I keep calling. When I call, I am treated like I am abusing the system. When the neurologist first said he wasn't going to do the nerve conduction tests or the MRIs evan though he felt sure that I have both MS and neuropathy, I thought that maybe he should, but I went with it because I was so sick of the tests. But when a second doctor said I needed them so that they could figure out why I have excuriating pain down my spine, why I have hours of tremors, why I am developing neuropathy at such a fast rate, then I reconsidered that decision. Obviously, it wasn't in my best interest.

Primary doctors are the gatekeepers of this system. But he isn't reviewing the tests, the reports. No, they are just getting placed in my file and collect dust even when I inquire about them.

I don't know why you consider my ill treatment as being my fault. I guess it's the old blame the victim syndrome. Maybe you'll have the fortune of being treated badly in the future so that you can feel an ounce of compassion towards others. I am told almost every day that I cannot have pain medications or a chair or a walker because my insurance won't pay for it. I don't qualify for Long Term Care because I can go to the bathroom by myself and know my name and address. But I can no longer cook my own meals or shop for groceries by myself. There's nothing in between to really help me except what my doctor authorizes. If he's not listening, then I keep suffering.

Life is a nightmare and just a little bit of help would mean so much to me. Instead, when I call, I am treated like I'm not even a human being. You are so presumptous to know how I treat people. I never get upset until I am pushed into a corner with no help. There isn't anyone on my side. No one fights to see that I get what I need. The only person to do it is me. And, you have the audacity to claim that the reason that I don't get help is because I have a bad attitude.

Well, you are full of it. I am happy that you have had nothing but good experiences. But I've learned that when you are down, people take a great deal of pleasure in kicking you and in judging you. The whole situation is my fault. Oh how easy for you to take that stance. Then you can turn a blind eye to any injustice in the world. That's what you are doing.

A patient shouldn't have to beg for the slightest of considerations. I come in with a full list of all my medications, an update on what each of my specialists have told me up to this point and a list of any thing that the doctor and I need to talk about. I try to be as brief as possible because I do know that their time is valuable. But it's awfully strange that my doctors that I had before going on state assistance loved me, cared for me, listened to me, and their nurses joked and laughed with me. I was treated with respect because I was happy to give it freely. But I was also paying out most of my income out to these doctors. As soon as I went on state assistance, I was treated in a totally different manner.

There is only one doctor that I have lost my temper with and it was a really bad Rheumy who refused to treat me for RA after I have had it for 6 years. He just flat out refused to look at my previous records including MRIs that showed I have RA in my joints. He just decided that in his opinion that I didn't have it. I'm going to be reporting him to the State Medical Board if I am ever strong enough to do so. He has endangered my health. My other doctors are very concerned about whether I will ever go to him again. That includes the surgeon, the hematologist and the pain specialist. I am being harmed by not getting treatment. My joints continue to flare and the damage increases because untreated RA causes all kinds of problems including worse neuropathy.

So, you don't know what you are talking about. You've just decided that your cousin is disrespectful. Did you ever think that maybe she was hoping that you would be an advocate for her? When you get as sick as I am right now, you really do need someone in your corner. I feel sorry for your cousin. How let down she must feel.

Doctors are not infallible. They are human beings. That's it. Some doctors are wonderful, caring individuals who practice the best medical standards. I absolutely love my Cardiologist, my Opthamologist, my Pain Specialist, my Neurologist, my Hematologist, my Surgeon. They and their staffs are wonderful. I would have never chosen to lose my first Rheumy. He was extraordinary. But he doesn't take state assistance patients. Yet, he has still tried to help me in whatever way he could.

Most doctors appreciate the fact that I am intelligent and that I take the time to be informed about my condition. It saves them so much time and it helps me be compliant with their treatment. But some doctors do seem to be intimidated by the fact that they have an intelligent woman sitting before them. So, instead of disregarding their prejudice, they don't give me medical treatment that I really do need. This need is not based on my picking some random test out of a hat or looking up something on the Internet. It is a test being requested by another doctor.

I do use the Internet for research. But that's so I can understand better what the doctors are trying to do. I want to understand why they feel it is so vital to get me on strong opiates so quickly. Once I researched, I could see what they were trying to do for me. But that doesn't mean I didn't try it their way. However, I did have a problem with being sent to a Pain Specialist that only spent 10 minutes talking to me, did not give me even the most basic of physical examinations, took a month to order a MRI and left me with no pain relief. Then when the MRI finally came back with no clear indication of what to treat, he wanted to randomly stick epidurals in my neck and see if that helped. He never mentioned how dangerous those injections might be for me, that they could potentially cause a collasped lung or would be increasing my pred levels significantly. No, he was just going to schedule the injections without a second office visit. I was just supposed to show up and have these injections. He wasn't even close to what the real problems were.

In comparison, my new pain specialist did spend an hour with me. She carefully went over all my conditions, medications, every thing that had already been tried. She's the one that told me that the trigger point injections might be too big a risk at this point. She is systematic and careful in how she is approaching all my medications for which I am so grateful.

Maybe you should think hard about how you treat others yourself. You certainly have accused me of things that I am not guilty of. When people get really sick, so sick that they need help to even get around, I believe it is permissable for them to ask for help. It seems a human thing to do to offer them help. Instead, I am treated like I am just a burden. Here, go take some pain pills, crawl in a corner and just conveniently die. Then, you won't be a burden for all the rest of us paying taxes. This is the message I get every day from doctors, social workers, crisis workers. But I cannot believe that a place where I come for some support, where people have the same illness as me can be so judgemental and so ignorant. I thought at least here, I would find some kindness, a little understanding. Just in one place in the world.

I am living in a world now that is measured in hours and hours of pain. I just want a little help, a little hope that this isn't going to be the way my life is from now on. I work so hard to improve my situation. I go to the appointments, I spend hours in PT, I take the medications, I listen. All I am asking for in return is just a bit of caring. Instead, I am being treated like I'm a piece of garbage that has the arrogance to speak up and cry out, "Please help me."



I use to think of this board as a safe place. Silly me. Anonymity seems to unleash criticism that would never be spoken face to face. Deanna, I'm sorry you've had to defend yourself. You shouldn't have. This person doesn't know you. Doesn't know what you've been through. You don't need this. I hope you're able to brush the dirt off your feet and go on with your day.

As I've said in another post WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH SOME OF YOU?

Unfortunately now a days many drs have to see so many patients in one day that they sometimes skim over you to get everyone in and done for the day.  Yes we have to stand up and get their attention at times, when we feel we are not being listen to.  I was first diagnosed with ra and oa , I was put on nsaids by my family dr, which is a clinic of hospital residents, I carry hmo through the company I work for.  I know through that office they see at the very least 175 patients a day, they are one of the few offices in our area that accept state funded medical imsurance.  Hmos and the state are constantly pushing the drs to see more patients and do less tests, they also tell the drs what meds to use and so forth.  My orignal dr left the HMO program because he did not feel they have the right to tell him what is good for his patient, which I wholeheartedly agree he should make the decision, I wish I could have stayed with him but my HMO will not allow it and the only other insurance my company has is catastrophic insurance and with my health it will not cover anything I am going through, so I must stay with the HMO.  I have learned I have to sometimes fight to get the help I need, after I was diagnosed with ra and oa, the meds they gave me were not working, my hands were getting worse, it was hard to walk at times, the pain in my hips was bad.  My hands were so hot you could melt chocolate in my hands, I kept complaining about this and they kept saying it was my hypothyroidism and then kept putting cortisone shots in my hands.  I finally got them to take xrays of my hands, by then a new dr came into the clinic and she was my new dr because the other dr had moved on.  Okay now I had to go through my history again with a new dr. etc, but this one was different she listen and argued with her supervisor stating to the dr there is obviously something wrong with my hands and I needed to see an Rd.  This is when I found out I had pa very badly in my spine hands, etc. The Rd was very angry because he said I should have been sent to him at least four years before,and now there was irreversible damage.  I can say that on the majority of my visits to drs most have been wonderful and others where I wonder when the dr thought he became God.  Most of the office staff are real nice but there is always one here and there that are a real gem, but that is life and you just roll with it when needed.  Most drs are surprised when they realise that I have read up on what is going on with me, but they are usaully pleased and have stated to me they wish more people read up on what is going on with their bodies, ra pa hypo so forth and brought a list of questions in and so forth.  Alot of patients are at fault for bad visits with the drs because they didn't bring in a list of what meds they are on, recent xrays, copies of recent tests, if they have them and so forth.  We as the patient must stand up for ourselves because no one else is going to.  Just remember though the drs and the staff are only human too.  meme

BTW, Pin.....thanks for sending Hitler back

I applaud Deanna for research and standing up for what she believes in, the saying goes " you can never have too much information"


~Deanna isnt someone who is "woe is me" she is a strong character who has had to endure more than most.~pin cushion

I have been on both sides of the medical field.  I can tell you that there are good doctors and bad doctors.  I think to insinuate that Deanna's problems are due to her "attitude" is appalling. 


 I think to insinuate that Deanna's problems are due to her "attitude" is appalling. 


And they were all so wonderful to me. I was really at the end of my rope with trying to get someone to help me. Because of her, I got help today. And you can bet I thanked her as I made my follow up appointment. She positively beamed to know she had made a big difference in someone's life today. I was on the edge and she reached and gave me that hand that I needed. Just a little kindness helps so much. I have never understood why people spend so much energy to be cruel when it is so rewarding and so easy to just be kind.

What a great lady!

Yeah Deanna....here's to you feeling better very soon!


Unfortunately now a days many drs have to see so many patients in one day that they sometimes skim over you to get everyone in and done for the day. "
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My view is this: When a doctor is overbooked it's by his/her choice because $$$$$ is of more importance than the patient. The patient ultimately "pays the price" for poor medical care in that their health issues aren't addressed properly and thus their health can actually decline rather than improve.

   Absolutely correct watchingwolf---unfortunately.

I have never had a Dr. "skim" over me. I guess I am just fortunate that way. Of course, I am the type of patient ( been one since the age of 3)that if they get ready to go out the door and I am not done asking or whatever, I tell them to wait a minute....that they might as well come back here and sit down cause I am not finished. Most of the time my Dr.'s here always, always ask if I have any other questions and do not act or behave rushed at all.

I am beginning to see that I am very fortunate, especially after reading here.

I just love my Docs! Actually I miss the ones I was so close too, so does my daughter. They were family.


Sometimes medical practices overbook for a couple of reasons:  They are squeezing someone in that is in pain or has an emergency, or they double-book because there are a certain number of patients that are "no-shows" or cancel at the last second. And yes, I'm sure there are doctors that are overbooking due to greed.

The best advice is to have your questions or concerns written down.  I can't tell you how many times I hear a patient say afterwards, or call afterwards saying "I forgot to ask, I forgot to bring, I couldn't remember".  I know it's hard, but the more prepared you are, the more issues you can cover in a short period of time.  I know it was very hard for me on my first rheumy appt. because I wasn't sure of what I wanted to ask.  I was overwhelmed with my situation.  For the most part, I think I covered the most challenging issues but I know I left a lot out.  I started a new list on my way home from the appointment, lol.

Unfortunatley life gets crazy...for us all.

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