Bizzare Knee situation | Arthritis Information


My RA pain has been controlled by Enbrel and prednisone.  Used to take methotrexate but when off cause I like to have a few drink now and again.

Anyway, I had my Dr appt in Jan and I showed my swollen knee to my doctor.  It did not hurt of feel bad, but she wanted to drain it anyway.  She could not get any fluid out!  She said it's most likely tissue or fat (I'm not an overweight person).  Since I had no pain we took a wait and see approach.

Well fast forward to March and it now is a bit more swollen and I can feel it.  No pain yet but definitely noticable swelling.  I am making an appointment tomorrow to see the dr.

Has anyone else had anything like this? 

The soft tissue in and around the knee can swell. The joint sack does not have to contain lots of fluid for there to be swelling.

I have never had a successful aspiration of joint fluid - it is always soft tissue swelling with me.

Thanks marian - did you have anything done for it?  was it painful?  Mine isn't, just uncomfortable.

The RA meds help control the swelling.

 But I have a chronic case of RA, and usually have multiple joints with a medium level of swelling. When meds are working very well I have only a few joints with visable swelling. It is rare for me to have a lot of swelling, unless I've had a nasty injury to a joint.

I no longer worry about swelling. I get concerned about stiffness, loss of ROM, pain, red color, and heat coming off the joint - not swelling. (I tend to call it puffiness.)

I think I've done everything I can do about it except one thing. I can't keep my weight down. Even the kindest person would not be able to say that my weight is any where near where it should be.

I agree the 'swelling' is bothersome but that's part of the stiffness. I found ice (old fashioned) works for trouble spots (you've probably already tried it). also as prednisone makes you retain water that seems to add to the 'swollen' joints. I  took lasix a diuretic, but had trouble 'making it to the bathroom' so stopped.  Low salt, drinking water, helps. (I even like peanuts without salt) Good luck and keep writing about your situation. So many interesting people on this forum someone willl have suggestions. Good luck, feelingbetter. Oh I take prednisone, mtx  & remicade.


My left knee will do that sometimes and man oh man does it ever hurt! I typically wrap it in a heating pad for the 20 minutes, then will begin alternating with a cold pack, sometimes that helps. Otherwise I just take Aleve and put some heat on it and hope for the best. My bloodwork comes back ok, so I am confused most of the time regarding all this pain, stiffness and swelling...maybe I need another blood test...dunno, but yeah, the knee thing is not fun.

Calling your Dr. is a good idea, let them know regardless, that way it gets placed in your file that you had trouble, see how often it happens.....( I need to do that myself)!


Here is an update:

I went in to see my dr and this time she was able to aspirate almost a LITER of fluid from my knee.  We were both estonished and she said that she was surprised I could walk.  She also gave me a steroid injection to help the inflammation.

As a routine she's sending a sample of the fluid to the lab.  I'm sure it'll come back typical.  When I asked her what they check for she said "everything".  Has anyone has a sample come back where the fluid indicated a problem different from typical fluid drawm from an RA patient?

I suppose it could turn out to be an infection. But those really really really hurt