MTX QUESTION | Arthritis Information


Just wanted to ask about this. Since October I have taken MTX. Started with 4 - 2.5 for Oct - Nov. Then in December raised to 6 - 2.5 . I did that for december. Then January I decided maybe wasn't going to kick in. and didn't take it in the month of January. In Feb. went to new RA Doctor and he thinks that MTX was doing me some good. So here we go again.

My Question the MTX seems to be working in my Limbs but in Shoulder and Hips I seem to be having more Pain. Will the MTX work in just my limbs and not in my shoulders and hips ????

When I say more pain I have sharper pains in my shoulders and hips when I am on the MTX. My regular doc started me last friday on 5 mg Prednisone. daily. I seem to be having short bursts of flares including in my jaw. Have to increase my pain meds. and blood pressure meds.



I really enjoy this site and it sure is a big help. Thanks for everything you do.


They say the full effect of MTX is not known until the 3rd or 4th month. It is very slow.  

It is RA's nature to move around. Shoulders and hip take longer to calm down as they are bigger joints, so I think you might feel better in your hands and feet before other bigger joints.

Pred can raise blood pressure by making you retain water. Cut back on salt!

It should help a lot with pain within a day or 2 of starting.

We are all individual snowflakes. No 2 the same.

As Marian said it can takes 3 or 4 months for the full effect of MTX to be felt if you are the corrrect dose.  People with RA often need 15-20 (or more) mg of MTX before the dose becomes therapeutic so don't give up on this med too soon.  You have A LOT of room to move the dose still



About a week after I started MTX my jaws were intensely painful, but it is because they were a "new Joint" affected by RA and the new joint always hurts the worst.  They have since settled down.  Could that be your problem?

MTHX really does take awhile to see the benefits, about 3/4 months for me anyway.   There is always some sort of pain going on still but the awful stiffness and fatigue benefited from it enormously.  Plaquinel is added by some doctors.  I don't get any side affects at all, one of the lucky ones I suppose.   Always a great site this, most of my concerns and questions are already proposed and answered by so many people!!   Thanks.

Methotrexate/Prednisone/a flare-up.  I was doing well on Prednisone (I know it is temporary and I want to get off of it). I took a weekly low dose of MTX and WOW, all the pain, swelling came back with a vengence!! Couldn't walk well, left knee swelled up, couldn't drive the car with hands all weak/swollen, feet bad?????Could this small (2 pills) have caused that flare-up? I'd been reducing the Pred from 3-2-1/2. does anyone know???



My Dr. just told me it is rare but MTX can cause a flare at first.  For two weeks now I have to take 10 mg. of pred at the same time I take 10 mg. of MTX because when I first started MTX I would get terrible wrist pain (like I never had before) the day after I took my MTX. 

I am to call him in a week and we will see if the 10 mg. of pred controls this flare up.  If yes, I will increase the MTX to 12.5 mg.

Personally, I want to stop the MTX and go to enbrel as this sounds crazy!

I was on MTX for 4 months without much happening. We added Arava and bingo! almost overnight, I was able to walk and move again. Sometimes MTX just needs more time, but sometimes, it needs a helper drug. Don't give up on it. I've been on it for a year, now, and it has given me back my mobility. I'm not as good as new, but I'm not too bad, either.