Deanna | Arthritis Information


Deanna, I'm kinda missing you.  Are you okay?  Someone just posted asking about neuropathy and I bet that they could use your input.  Have been missing you also Deanna - was sure you would comment on Alan's neat wee car!    Hope you are okay.
Best wishes,

Sorry, I haven't been feeling good at all. I've been in such terrible pain that I haven't been coping too well. This neuropathy pain is incredibly hard to deal with. I thought I knew pain with RA, OA and FM. But neuropathy is just weird. It hits new levels and none of the medicines are even touching the pain. My pain specialist is great. But my primary is not supporting her requests for more tests and that's making it harder to treat me.

I got my wheelchair ramp and got so excited about using them that I tried it out for the first time without any body around (against instructions). Well, I got the chair stuck at the bottom of the ramp, then managed to bust open my stitches from the knee surgery and had to drag myself up the ramp all covered in blood. Then, I cleaned it all up, bandaged myself, sat down at the computer and managed to bump open the stitches on the other knee. I've been about that functional with everything lately.

The wheelchair ramp won't allow me to get out of the house without either getting out of the chair or having someone there to lift me over the threshold. Then, the way they built it, I now have no access to my yard. None. We are working on a solution but it really does boil down to either not being able to get out of the house or enjoy my patio. Kind of sucks.

I thought that maybe with the knee surgery that I might not need the chair or the ramp. But the neuropathy has intensified to constantly off the pain charts. And, to top it off, I got denied getting a power chair and I have to start that fight all over again. Same thing with Julie's health providers. As soon as they started getting better and were ready to close the complaint, they started up doing all the same garbage again.

Also, my lawyer and SS cannot tell me whether my appeal was ever received and I'm so worried that I'm going to get screwed on that. I sent it on January 14th, but SS can't seem to find it. It would be standard practice to say I never mailed it and it's their word over mine.

So, I have been very bummed. After the drama of the last couple of weeks on the board, I just couldn't stand the possibility of someone being mean or nasty on top of what I was already dealing with. So, I've been trying to check on you guys but not posting much. I have been getting tired so quickly.

That's a portion of why I haven't been around. I'll try to do better. Thanks for worrying about me.

Big blessings winging their way from Blighty Deanna. I don't post much but I read plenty


I'm thinking of you and praying for you Deanna. Hang in there.

I hope the better things come your way in greater numbers every day. Feel better soon.


Hugs to you Deanna. I don't even know what to say. Hugs.hugs and love

Deanna, you are in my thoughts and prayers.  Deanna,  If it is not one thing - it is another.  You are a fighter but even you must be exhausted.  Know you are so loved here and anytime anyone is rude to you - we will let them have it.  You have been a rock for so many and you deserve the best.  How are the knees today?Sorry to hear you arent too good.I really hope you feel better soon.The anaesthetic will prob. knock you around a bit on top of everything else you are going through.   Hope the pain gets sorted out soon along with your disability appeal.   They are a hopeless lot arent they.   You get and deserve a lot of support from this board Deanna, dont let a minority of commentators get to you. Take good care of yourself & when you have recovered from your surgery (no more bumping your stitches open!) and your pain is under control you will be a new person.
Lots of hugs,
Thoughts and prayers to you. Hugs deanna, hope all goes well for ssd soon for u and pain stops soon. u have had a time of it.

Deann-I'm so sorry to hear about what has been going on.  I haven't been around much lately so kind of lost touch withsome of you.  But you are always, alwasy in my prayers.  You are amazing.  I know what you mean about the nerve pain-it is just awful.  Hang in there and If there is anything I can do from here, let me know.

Luv ya!

I did restart my PT yesterday. And it was amazing! My physical therapist just kept saying, "Wow! Wow!" I have real ROM now. They didn't even bother to put me in water therapy. I was on the floor doing all the exercises. And when I did the bike, it was like how it felt when I was a kid riding a bike. I had muscles that were working for the first time in years. It was magical, simply magical. My knees work!

Unfortunately, I still have the neuropathy and the tremors are almost constant now. So, I'm stuck with the chair and the walker. But sometimes at least, I can actually do stuff. And maybe, if I keep working hard at it, it will get better and better. At least I have a chance now.

I was so happy! The surgeon did a marvelous job. It's not even 2 weeks yet and my legs are working so much better. Now, if I can just get the neuropathy under control. But I'll take this joy and cherish it.

And I thank all of you who have been so kind to me. Your encouragements are like the waters of life to me. Thank you.

Dear Deanna, I'm so happy for you.


How cool!...You just keep after it!... I'm cheering for you!!

Take care of yourself!


I am happy to hear about the knees hon just want you to know I am thinking about you!!!  xoxoxoxoxox