Foot Pain- can it be RA? | Arthritis Information


I have had Atypical Plantar Fasciitis (arch pain) for 4 years now. It was recently suggested to me that I might have an autoimmune disease and RA in particular. Has anyone ever heard of this as a symptom of RA??

Mine started years and years ago with horrible pain in the ball of my foot. Then both feet.

I imagine it's possible.

Yes it is possible to have plantar faciitis with RA.  I have them both.  I started with RA though.  Do you have swollen or feverish toes?  Do you have sore spots in the same spot on both feet?  Yes I do have 2 swollen painful toes. I am not sure what you mean about sore spots in the same spot on both feet. Sorry. But thanks!

Please get this checked by a podiatrist.  That is how my foot started.  I had to have a big toe joint implant done in Jan. Maybe you can avoid that if you get it taken care of now.  If I can be of any help to you on this issue, please let me know.



My RA started with Plantar Faciitis, for sure. Then, it went to my little toes and the sides of my feet. I thought it was that the orthopeodic insoles were not fitted to my feet properly, but I was woefully wrong. Get checked out as soon as you can. If you hit early RA with either agressive MTX or a 16 month course of low dose antibiotic right at the very onset you can sometimes be cured. Gimpy-a-gogo39147.7075115741Gimpy- I'm new at this- what is MTX?

[QUOTE=K-Lynn]Yes it is possible to have plantar faciitis with RA.  I have them both.  I started with RA though.  Do you have swollen or feverish toes?  Do you have sore spots in the same spot on both feet?  [/QUOTE]

I'm sure he was trying to ask if both of your feet have the same painful spots. RA is usually symetrical - if the left big toe hurts, the right big toe usually will hurt too. (both wrists,both knees,both elbows)

Marian- Thank you for explaining. MTX is methotrexate, a common but sort of toxic RA drug that a lot of people with RA take. I read a bunch of news articles last summer about how some really early cases of RA turned around because they were hit super early on with mtx. However, I read stuff like that all the time and I can't verify how accurate it is. Sometimes RA will reverse itself spontaneously, but usually in the first few months of the disease. Your foot problem could be a lot of things, hopefully nothing serious, but you should really see a doctor or rheumatologist ASAP. I agree that it could be. I had PF several years ago and ended up having surgery. One of the first places I had it though that led me to be diagnosed was the painful and swollen big toe joints. I agree that I would check with a podiatrist first. They can do x rays right in the office and identify it and begin treating it the same day.

NancyDear Hilary G, My RA started in my feet. Lumpy, silly putty feeling on the soft part behind my toes.  couldn't get my shoes on! Went to foot Doc., the first thing out of his mouth was YOU HAVE ARTHRITIS, WHAT???I asked, it took me 5 years to get to a RA doctor. She started me with plaquinel the I got on Methotrexate (MTX), because of headaches with the first drug. I used MTX successfully for 10 years until a very recent major surgery. Now, I take prednisone on the short term, MTX (weekly) and another Remicade. It sounds like a lot of drugs but the doc is trying to get me off the steroids (prednisone is scary stuff, moon faces result, and all sorts of things) Every drug has a downer, but you know what we have to treat this stuff. Pick your cocktail!! doing NOthing isn't an option for me.

I had 20 years dependant on drugs but also almost similiar period I have not been takan any drug.

The disease just has to go away (not remission but no room to stay in the healthy body)!!  No pain, no suffering, no problem, better QOL and no worry.

Everyone should go for "natural sunlight" not "artificial light". In actual fact, it is so simple because nature can solve the problem but many a time we complicate ourselves