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How many bras you own?


PMSL - I thought this was going to be something deep, so power to you Joonie for cracking me up and getting me to go and check.

I reckon my tally is 10 but I don't want to delve into the wash basket right now.4 with 3 back ups  2 sports; 6 regular but only 2 are the right size0..none, nadda, nil

too many to count...only a few are my favs


Same here. I've got a ton.....but only about 4 that I like and rotate wearing on a regular basis.

I have four - there's:

the strapless torture device,

the one with seams across the cups that itches like heck,

the most comfortable one that is so stretched out it hardly qualifies as a bra,

and my "new" one that I bought about 8 months ago.  Have had to move to the tightest hooks to keep the bra functional, but this is the one I wear when I dress up.  Requires much preplanning on my part to make sure it is clean when I need it.

124!  Nah, only kidding.  2 black ones, one neutral one, a white one I never wear and a pink one which is so old but the colour rocks.  I wish I was one of those matching bra and pants girls because that's so cool but I just cant - I can't stand scratchy underwear that I fall out of - I've always been like that - comfort first on the inside and fashion first on the outside.


A clean one for each day. 2 should be replaced, elastic is worn out. I'm watching for a 2 for sale on my current favorites. Then the oldest 2 will be thrown out. (I'd be ashamed to give them to GoodWill).Only one that I wear only when I absolutely have to, based on one of the DD's saying, "You better wear a bra!"
DeidreLoads but they are in the clean washing pile ( i mean pile) I havent ironed or put clothes away in ages..........iron it as we need it is the motto in our house.I knew there was a problem when son asked if the wardrobes were for show
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