Pred and Drenched in sweat last night?? | Arthritis Information


Geeze, I'm trying to reduce Prednisone (I hate the moon face, the eating out of control, etc). I've gone from 3 pills to 2-1/2 the last few days and wow!, the sweating.  About 9pm I woke drenched, until 12 it didn't let up!  I've also beeen eating sugar and my Blood sugar is up to 156 (should be 100 my doctor says). Please, if anyone has info on this let me know. (MY hands are stiffer today than yesterday also, but i get to take my methotrexate as my liver stats are good! Hurrah. feelingbetter, but wonder what's going on???Steroids are strange.


Hi may not be just your predisone. I have night sweats and haven't been on pred for a long time. I wake up several times a night drenched in sweat. I sleep with a fan blowing on me and my heat set on 64 degrees. Everyone else in my home is freezing and Iam burning up. I ck my temp all the time...don't run a fever. I think it is just another RA Thing. I also have sweats in the daytime. I can just be sitting watching tv and not exerting myself and I break out in a major sweat fest. This disease is the strangest!

Good to hear your liver stats are good!


Really!, oh thanks for writing. I was blaming getting off the Pred!I have this as well but I contribute mine to menopause. I'm only 35 years old; but I went into menopause early. I started at age 32. It seems strange; but it's possible. You might discuss it with your OB.Could be the Prednisone as it is a side-effect.  I've been on Pred for 15 yrs.  and I sweat freely even in the winter.  Please try to get off of or cut back on the Pred as soon as possible.

That's a fact! Long term predisone use can be very dangerous. If your doctor hasn't talked to you about it please do some research. Although predisone can be a short term wonder drug; used long term it can cause far more problems that you've bargined for.

Know the facts.

Yes, I'm trying to get off of it.  What happpens if you take too little? The swelling, pain, stiffness? Does it return? What do you know about high blood sugar? Could this contribute?

The Prednisone does elevate my blood sugar levels.  The swelling, pain and stiffness will return if you decrease the amt. you take.  It won't happen overnight though.  It will take time for the swelling, etc. to return just as it will take time for you to reach your comfort level again if you go back to the dosage you were taking. 

Btw, If you've been on Prednisone a while, It takes time to be weened off of it.  Ask your doc.

You know I never thought of sweats and RA being connected.  I don't have the pred problem but I'm ALWAYS hot, have been for years.  I never run a temp but can break out in sweats or just feel hot even when everyone else is cool.  Now that you mention it, with inflammation running around the body sweats could be a side effect.  I sweat mainly on one side of my head, its really weird, the hair on the left side of my head drips I sweat so much, like running a marathon, and the other side just gets hot.  Part may be menopause but I've done it for several years so I wonder now if it might not be RA related.  Something to think about


Night sweats are a symptom of RA. If it's happening a lot in addition to inflamed joints and pain, then you might want to discuss it your next visit.

My first few years, I had lots of night sweats. Now, I rarely do and only when I'm flaring.

I didn't know about this either..I was about to raise the question... Thanks everyone...Hurts, I read you blood sugar post first, it's already on the next page and no one is answering it here, but I don't want to retype the whole thing. If your dr. was the one who tested your blood sugar, did he say he was concerned? If the pred. caused this, it should go back down as you get off it, mine did. Read my comments in your blood sugar post.

I didn't have the sweats until I started into menopause (oh my g.., do I ever sweat now) except for a couple of months on the anti-depressent Paxil - I had night sweats.

They are horrid!

After the sweats last night and reducing the pred over last week from 3-2 1/2 , I had the worst flare up. Knee, hands and feet especially. Now I'm depressed and think the Remicade/methotrexate isn't working behind the prednisone. Hurting again! Boo

SOOOOO SORRY Hurts about your flare up.  I wanted to reply about the night sweat thing. I also have day sweats. I have notice when I take naps I wake up drenched in sweat. My pillow is wet. I also have been in a flare so I wonder if there is a connection with flaring and sweating.

Also I am 40 years I could also be going thru "the change"?????

Also rainy weather is coming our way in IL . That has alot to do with my aches & pains. Maybe (don't know where you are) that could be part of the flaring??? Just putting it out there.

Feel better again soon, Hurts.


Dear CinDee, could be, after I took the 3 prednisones I had a better night and not so much swelling/stiffness this morning. I was BLAMING prednisone, but maybe it was the dang flare-up all along.  I also took MTX Wednesday????Could that have contributed? WhO KNOWS?? I'm 67 so it isn't menopause for me, but it may be for you? I didn't go through until 47? Thank you for writing. (also I was out of control eating sugar!)