That was the hardest Referral ever! | Arthritis Information


You should have asked him, "So I can hold you personally responsible if I do in fact have RA and suffer further joint damage because of your hesitancy to give me a referral?"

Dear Jessica, I'd check with the RA every week/or 2 times a week and ask if they have any cancelations! Tell them of your pain.  That's the way mine started, and I called 'it' silly putty! Lumpy, couldn't walk, couldn't get my old shoes on (size 5's--now up to 6-1/2's !!) One woman with this said, " don't go without your shoes" (after I found some Big ones at WAlmart! I had a terrible summer, refused to admit it was arthritis even though the FOOT doc, said it was, spent 0 for orthotics and FINALLY admitted I had it after my GP also said so.  The RA doc got me on plaquinel, then I went to methotrexate. Good luck with all this.  It wll take a while but it is worth sorting out what your body needs. feelingbetter, but had a backslide today.


Good for you, Jessica.  You were your own best advocate.  That is what it often takes.  I have learned that the hard way.  Only we know how much pain,swelling, and stiffness we are experiencing. 

I agree with hurts. Call the rheumatologist and check for cancellations on a regular basis.  See if they can put you on a list to call when there is a cancellation also.

Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.  Take care!

[QUOTE=Hillhoney]You should have asked him, "So I can hold you personally responsible if I do in fact have RA and suffer further joint damage because of your hesitancy to give me a referral?"[/QUOTE]

This was going to be the next step hillhoney :) I had decided I was not leaving there without the referral, the prospects of permanent damage made  being pushy easier. I will say the last thing the GP said jokingly (maybe only half so)to me as he left the room was " I knew you were going to be trouble (hahah) " .

I called the rheumy's office and asked them how long of a wait was it, they said at least until mid-may :(

Great work Jessica.  No referrals to a rheumy unless the RF is over 200???????  My, I would be totally bedridden as I am sero-negative with bone erosion.

I just got a call today that my Dr had a cancellation this aftenoon so it does work.  My call was for SSDI paperwork and being in a major flare this worked out great.

Good luck.

Good for you, Jessica. Keep being a trouble maker. Hopefully, it will get you well or at least feeling much, much better. What a champ!Hey Trouble!  Good for you! Another idea I read once was to take a picture of swollen feet, hands, etc., in case they happen to look better by the time you appt arrives.  RF over 200?  I wonder how many here have even been that high?  Start now to work on your list of questions for the rheumy. Since you are newly diagnosed, and probably researching options,you may be interested in an alternative to the traditional RA drugs, which is antibiotic therapy. You may want to check out or for more info.    All the best, Pat

Good job!

Excellent idea about the pictures - just in case! And do ask the rhuemy's office to call if they get a cancellation. It does happen.

Hi, my count was 169.5, at my office visit to MD in 2005. My Ra doctor never ran it again, said there was no use. My health care pays for my DR. visits but seems my script coverage doesn't pay for any RA  medication. I take MTX and my Rhumy has me return ever 2-3 months. I don't feel any better than I did a year and half ago, but he says I am. I am really tired of the merry go round and am thinking of just going to my MD, since my RA doctor seems to have his hands tied. I feel bad most of the time and ask for him to check for something else but he says Oh it is Ra !Does your count have any bearing on how bad your RA is? Thanks for letting me vent! Jessie