high blood sugar attack?? | Arthritis Information


Back to the drawing board, my hands are so stiff I can barely type this. I've got an elevated blood sugar count (156) what does this cause? How long if you stop eating sugar can you take it down? does that do it? where do you get tests? Any info would be great. I"m also trying to reduce Pred from 3-2/1/2???? Not feeling so much better today.....Hurts, 156 is elevated, but not really that high. Who checked your blood sugar? I've been diabetic for a long time, I have an insulin pump. Pred can raise your blood sugar, even if you're not diabetic, I had to really watch it. It's not just sugar you have to watch, but carbs, they are turned into sugar. If you got this number from a Dr. didn't they give you suggestions on what to do and a prescription for a glucoscan to check your blood sugar at home. Like I said 156 isn't really that high and if you tested after you ate a high carb meal, but it went down later, you might be able to control it with watching your carbs.


I agree with Deidre.  That number isn't that bad - if you would excercise after that number you could bring it down quite a bit. It's all a matter of carbs and exercise, but you need some training with that. Go back to where you got that number. If you ate a high carb meal within a couple hours of that test,that number is quite possible.


My RA got the results from a lab test and told me to see my GP, go figure! Thanks for the info, everyone. (I'm back to stiffness and pain after doing so well. I've called the doc about reducing Pred! Can't ! Isn't Remicade/Methotrexate suppose to be working behind the pred?  My next Remicade is the 19th and thats a loooog way off. I'll phone tomorrow as they 'aren't there today' !!Even with the best of meds we sometimes get into trouble. Stop trying to decrease the pred until things let up a bit. Hang in there ...this too shall pass.Hurts, if you are not diabetic, your BG is most likely due to the prednisone.
We don't usually start covering BG's until they hit 150 but that is also the call
of the individual doctor, some want to start coverage at a much lower
number. You may want to obtain a glucometer and start keeping track of it
routinely until you are no longer on prednisone and it comes down on its
own. If it stays high, you may ask your doctor about a sliding scale with
some insulin before meals. And as already mentioned, watching carbs and
exercising never hurts either. Stress and pain can also really elevate blood
glucose levels so try to keep these under control. Hope this helps.

There are arthritics with other problems like heart & kidneys' problems, diabetes etc.. Is it because of genetic or due to long term drugs effect? In fact, arthritics like to focus on drugs, if drugs are not effective there are complications and side effects, then they hope for super/miracle drugs!

If the focus is on nurturing the weak body to gradually healthy level, then I belief there are no such complicated problems.

Is drug and arthritis inseparable?  To me is not true, I dump them 20 years ago. 

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