did anyone start with a fever? | Arthritis Information


Or how about flu-like symptoms?

If ya had a fever, how high and how long did this go on?

What were your aches and pains like?

Thanks everyone.

For about a year before any joint pain presented itself I would have strange fevers, which would last a couple of days. At the time didn't think anything of it - just thought I was very tired and catching more bugs than normal - but looking back my drs and I think it was one of the early signs of RA. I still get low fevers occasionally, of about 100.4 F, esp. if I'm particularly achy or swollen.


Same here, Although I didn't recognize it was odd at the time...Looking back however, is a different story..I know the exact day my twinges of symptoms developed into full blown RA, and on that day I had a fever, runny nose, and extreme fatigue, as well as the inability to use either of my wrists and hands.

Mine started after I had my infected-burst appendix removed.  I had daily low-grade fevers...my normal is 97.4 but my temps would range from 99.5 to 100.8, occasionally 101.5.

At first I thought it was related to the surgery, but they ruled that out.  Then the specialist decided it was related to Lyrica, but I ruled that out as well.

My low-grade fevers continued for about 10 months until they finally stopped abruptly on February 15th, after several weeks of Enbrel (not positive that's the reason).

My aches and pains are harder to answer...I had pain from the surgery, but more importantly from fibromylagia, herniated discs and compressed nerves.  I knew it was different when my hands and feet started to swell, I'd wake up with them numb every day and my finger joints started hurting.

Hope this helps.

Dear Doxigal, Mine started one summer in my feet and I was living in a very hot climate. So, it is possible I did have a fever, but didn't put the two together.  My feet were so hot and swollent I couldn't get my shoes on, the bottoms were strangly firm (only slightly giving like silly putty). I went to the foot doctor, and he said immediately 'you have arthritis'! I didn't believe him went to another, insisted on spending 0 on orthotics!, can you imagine....and then finally after 5 years admitted I had 'it'. Started on plaquinel, the MTX. I hope other people aren't as knot headed as I was! Get help, get meds!!Hurts, that's amazing you could be in denial for 5 years over RA. Has yours progressed very slowly or something?

I was 8 when I was dx, I was on vacation my ankles hurt and then swelled up and I got a fever....around 103/104 it was pretty high. I got dx pretty soon after that. First they just said it was viral and it went away but then a few months later came back and staye for good.....fun fun fun I started with fever, flu-like symptoms and fatigue also. I was also having pain in joints of my lower body.
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