Backs of Legs Sore and....... | Arthritis Information


Anybody's PMR make their legs sore in the backs?

I'm getting spasms big time and cramping but now so sore to walk and when I sit the large muscles front and back, spasm and roll.

Also I awake trembling. I don't know as this is connected?


My legs are very sore all  the time,  I wouldn't call it cramping, more like burning pain and it does not help to lie down, sometimes it seems to hurt more when I am in bed.

I also awake trembling, and some time when I awake I have this strange feeling like I can feel the blood surging through my body, very weird, does not last long (Thank the Lord) This is a strange disease, I don't know if I should attribute some of the symptoms to old age (I am 69) or the PMR. 


Burning pain can be a neuropathy sometimes. It is also worse at night and is often felt throughout the day.

Nah, not age.

Don't forget to set your clock back tonight.
