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Hey i wanted to join this forum cus yesterday i was diagnosed with rhuematoid arthiritus and im only 20 :(

gutted. its in my feet and theyre ever soo painful.

is any1 else got it in there feet and have any tips to releve the pain? i take steroid tablets and these salazopyrin tablets.

just wondered


Hi Cargo...welcome!

Have you tried orthotics?  They didn't work for me, but some people find they help.  If you haven't tried those, then ask your dcotor about having some made for you. 


Oh yes cargo15, it all started in my feet! It felt like silly putty and hurt so much I could barely walk. Went through the 'buying orthotics 300 bucks, etc, but the doc said 'this is arthritis' it took me 5 years, many dr's before I would give in. I went on plaquinel and the MTX. This was 20 years ago, for me. I hope you can find meds that work for you, that you can carry on with your'life' and find solutions. Biggger shoes, wider (I went from a size 5 to a 6"1/2 Wide!, hard to find at that time for women). I also had a VW golf, with a stiff clutch and so my husband bought me an automatic, I now ride in those cute golf carts and don't walk the course, many changes in my life but that's OKAY. I do feel better (doesn't hurt so much) but have flare-ups, still.

Mine also started in the feet.  I would go to practice and have to shove my feet in my cleats.  I actually thought my cleats had somehow shrunk after they got soaked in a rainy game.

Honestly, nothing really worked until the mtx kicked in.  That took a number of months but once it did there was definite improvement.



Shoes make a huge difference for me. They must have lots of soft padding on the sole, decent arch support, and lots of toe room.

RA loves to start in the hands and feet. I was about your age when it started - 21. Hands and feet... feet and hands they took turns plagueing me. Finally sought help when it was just everywhere.

thanks for the replys. the doc sed its common in young lads my age apparently. and he sed itle take 3 months for the tablets to kick in and i have to have blood tests every month for 3 months i had my first blood done yesterday i was ever so scared lolll i have insoles but now my feet are just used to em. its well bad in the mornings. i usually soak my feet in freezing cold water and it helps a little. :]

Hi Cargo,

Welcome! I have RA and I'm 19, also in the UK. Mine started in my hands and has gone to my feet - and everywhere else! can't offer much advice I'm afraid, apart from waiting for meds to kick in and taking painkillers alongside everything else. You could try changing the types of shoes you wear: I recently bought a pair of Crocs and they are unbelievabley comfortable.

Hope you feel better soon.


i started my medication this mornin any1 have any ideas when theyle kick in abouts?


Sulphasalazine (salazopyrin)  takes about 3 months to kick in. Thats pretty standard for DMARDs. They have to build up inside your body before they begin to do anything.Hello and Welcome!

I agree, wide, comfortable shoes.  My ankles, feet, and hands are the worse but my knees, hips, back and neck aren't far behind.  I have worn orthotics since I was 6, I am now 36.  I bought some otc (over the counter) foot braces and put them on as soon as I get home and sleep in them and that helps a bit.  You can also ask for a prescription of lidoderm patches.  They are peel and stick patches that help with the pain. I put them on under my braces.

I also have a paraffin wax spa and soak my hands and feet in that regularly as well.  I hope you find some relief soon!

One of my feet (the left) is bigger than the right, so I have to make sure I fit the BIG foot. Waiting for the meds to work (several months) is the worst part of all this. (I'm on prednisone until.....something else works. Also on Mtx & remicade. You are in this for the long haul Cargo15, so welcome to this great support group. Let us know how you are doing. Hurting less, but still just inches away from those dreaded 'flare-ups'. Went to my art group today, and drove my car. Hurah!!!


Welcome! I have it really bad in my feet too and I know the pain. I so feel for you! Do you also have it in your toe joints? Sometimes that comes with it. I really haven't found any medication that relieves the pain that much, but I did notice a difference when I got some arch supports and put them in my Nikes. The main reason I asked about your toes is because when my podiatrist injected my right toe with cortisone about two months ago I noticed a big difference with the pain and inflammation in that entire foot. He told me they do not normally inject the feet, but it sure did help that foot when he did my toe! Good luck!

NancyWelcome to the boards cargoHi Cargo - welcome to the group.   My RA started in my feet and the thing that helped me the most, eventually,
was to keep walking, even though it was painful I found once I started walking short distances & increasing the
distance walked it seemed to help even though at times it was an effort to walk a few yards because of the pain it did ease up as I kept up the walking.Hey yeah it sometimes hurts in my toes yeah and i agree with the walking thing the more i walk on it it likes eases it in a weird way when i rest my feet for long periods of time then try and walk again thats when it hurts the most. I just hope I wont suffer with it for ages like some of you on here. Some of you are like 30 somethin and still have it and im only 20 and i dont want it for that long :( i hope it just gets betterCargo, welcome on board. It is sad that you are starting this so young. But, on the other hand, they are finding so many new answers. The possibilities that will find some real, working solutions or even a cure is a reality that we all can hope for.
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