Nodule question | Arthritis Information


Those that have had nodules, especially on their ankles, were they red and soft?  I have a large ??? on each ankle.  They are not red and are squishy about as large as a half a plum.  I thought that they were synovial cysts but my research only shows those on the backs of the knee.  Thanks all.I've had nodules on my ankles/achiles tendon.  They were often red because they were irritated by my shoes.  Wearig a different pair do help the nodules disappear as they do often appear on pressure points

I don't have them on my ankles, just my elbows. Mine were the exact consistancy you describe when I first got them, Yes, to red and soft. Yes to the size being about the same, and squishy too... Mine collapsed eventually into kind of a "ring"? where the borders used to be.. they are not very visable, and only swell back to almost Beginning sized when things are really booming bodywide on inflammination. Lets say..aprox. 2 large joints (Hips or shoulders) or 4-5 small ones are very inflamed.

I have read, and wish I could find it for you, that the ankles on that tendon (Achilles), can be a pretty normal site for R. Nodules to show up. It also described that they "might" collapse eventually... Although I was looking at info more for the elbow nodules...I hope that helps some, and I will keep an eye out for that site on R.Nodules.

Jen10139150.8273958333The Mayo Clinic website is where I saw the info without alot of the Latin, but I can't really find the other at the moment. It was a dermatology site. I'll keep my eye for it definitey... I'm sorry I can't be more helpful at the moment... - that sometimes gets a squidgy swelling over it when too much pressure is applied, eg leaning on it ? No Tinker they feel squishy and when I put pressure it all moves to one side that is harder but they are never red.  I have had them for over a year.  I have a rheumy appt. Monday and thought I would ask about draining or something.

Ooo, I wonder what I've got then?

Have a lovely next few hours wherever you are everybody. 0/DSECTION=2

Heres the sheet at the mayo......



How many of you have been freaked out because you have nodules? 

At my last appt. I was told for the first time that I have one on my elbow.  My understanding is that the most serious cases have nodules.  That scares the crap out of me!

    Tinker--My nodules are very hard, like bone---sometimes get swelling over them . In my experience; when it is developing, it is softer and painful with pressure.  Nodules do indicate more likelihood of other extraarticular disease and more aggressive RA.I had a nodule on my elbow about the size of a large pea. I picked it to
death because I didn't realize what it was. My rheumy told me not to do that
again, lol. A woman in my doc office had one on her elbow. She was terrified (stressing out) but my doc said, 'trust me this isn't that bad'. She was in so much pain from RA, and crying, I felt so bad for her.

I have nodules on my little finger knuckles........they hard and white.I wasnt sure what they were but my doc said they are arthritic nodules.They make bending the fingers very difficult but dont hurt to touch.
