Need Advice on Cars and Mattresses | Arthritis Information


Thanks for all the input you gave me a few days ago on taking the Paquenil. Since I had the three cortisone shots on Monday I have been feeling soooo much better. I haven't felt this good since last October. I've cut back on the Aleve and started the Paquenil. I'm still doing the vitamins and minerals and practicing my tai chai for arthritis. Here in Maine there is too much snow to get out for a walk yet, but if I keep feeling this good I want to start walking again. I haven't felt like doing much of anything but the basics since last fall.

I have another question. My husband and I are making some changes to keep my knees in good shape. Right now we drive a Toyota Camry. Getting in and out of it was a real pain before the cortisone shots. Even though the pain is gone for now we feel we should trade in the Camry for something that I can step up into. We looked at a used Subaru Forrester this week. It felt a lot better on my knees. Have others had to trade cars to accomodate the RA in their knees. I keep remembering what you told me that the cortisone makes me feel better, but it does nothing to stop the damage to my joints.

Another thing we are discussing is twin beds. He likes a firm mattress. I've been reading about the tempurpedic (sp?) and wonder if it wouldn't help me get a better night sleep. My days have been better this week but nights are still hard. My shoulder still bothers even with the cortisone and I am having hot flashes again. I thought they were history for me. Anyway, has a change in mattresses helped others?

Thanks for any and all suggestions. Tonight I read through a lot of the last ten pages of the forum. Everyone has a different story. I'm feeling a lot less alone on this new journey. Thanks for being here....

Glad you're feeling better Mary Rose. 

Personally I find it easier to get in and out of my minivan than my hubby's car which is lower to the ground.  I don't think I would like anything too high, though, like some of the SUV's, because that would be hard to climb up into.  I guess you should just go to a car lot and try out a few different vehicles.

With regard to mattresses, a lot of people on here are fans of the Tempurpedic or memory foam mattresses.   I'm sure some of them can chime in and tell you about their experiences with the foam mattresses.

My mattress is a Select Comfort Sleep Number air mattress, and I absolutely LOVE it!  It would solve your problem of each liking a different firmness, since you have dual controls and set the firmness on your side to your liking.  And for me sometimes that varies.  If I am having a restless night, I adjust it up or down, depending on what feels good at the time. 

We got ours in 2000 and you can't tell any difference in it today than the day we got it.  My hubby and I are both heavy, and with traditional mattresses we always had to flip the mattress and still the mattress would break down where our rear-ends rest.  That doesn't happen with this one.  Do I sound like a commercial yet?  Anyway, I would suggest you go try one out and see what you think.

Good luck - keep feeling good - and spring is coming!  Yay!

I had a car and had to get rid of it because of it being too low to the ground.  I had pain and difficulty getting out of it.  I now have a Chevy Blazer.  It is so much easier getting in and out of because I stand to get in and I am standing when I get out.

Dear Mary Rose, So glad your meds are working. I love garage sales and drive to several every saturday. Hummm. afterwards my left knee bothers me and I didn't think of getting out of my car (an 03 Ford focus) on that side and how low/high it is off the ground. I just wanted an automatic. Interesting info!

 We have a foam mattress and pad and i have night sweats--think I'll look into a cotton liner. Walking sounds great I think I'll do that tomorrow, also I had about 3 different pillows when my shoulders bothered me and ended up 'making my own' with 'pillow foam' so it was just right. support under my neck also helped. I slept almost sitting up for over a month! Best to everyone. (Hurting less)

I find getting in and out of our sedan much easier than stepping up into my inlaws van.  I've had my knees replaced so maybe thats the problem but I can't pull myself up because my hands and wrists hurt too much.   A larger sedan seems to be the best for me, we have a Ford Fairmont.

As for matresses I'm thinking of the tempurpedic but they are around 00 so a bit out of our reach at the moment.  We haven't seriously started looking yet because everytime we do hubby gets this curious green look to his face....wonder why?


About 6 years ago, my sweet husband noticed that I was more comfortable in my recliner than anywhere else. He said " you need an adjustable bed!" ...and promptly got on the internet and ordered a Electro-pedic latex foam adjustable bed. It's queen size and we each have our own controls. It has been a blessing to me!

I can adjust my head, feet and it has massage, which I rarely use.

But the adjustments are wonderful! I also will never have anything  other than latex foam to sleep on.

Good Luck!

Gentle hugs,



Thanks again for all the input. I know what you mean about the price of a tempurpedic. I know they have generic models now days. Has anyone bought a generic tempurpedic? How do you find it? I just heard about a latex mattress from a friend who has major back problems. She loves hers, but I don't know too much about them.

Mary Rose,


I got mine at  I have bought 3 now and am extremely satisfied.  They are only about  9 for any size.

I totally got my car to hep take the pressure off my knees.  I traded in my Saturn for a Toyota Rav 4.  I love my car...rear end high so no climbing in or out.  Toyota quality, no maintanace problems.  Good gas mileage for a small SUV, comfortable and everything is reachable

I too have a Saturn and it is the pits so am waiting for my SSDI award and going to get something else that is higher.  I am 5'8" and can get in the Saturn but can't get out.  I really don't drive anymore due to the low to the ground Saturn but maybe I would with something larger. 

I have a memory foam mattress that I love by Beauty Rest.

we have a memory foam mattress we purchased at a local place that makes all their own mattresses..  inner spring and tempur foam..

We paid 9 for a Queen size bed almost 2 years ago and still love it.. every night when I lie down  I am so happy we bought it.

I can't say enough good things about it.
