liver panels | Arthritis Information


I'm wondering if anyone else has ups and downs with their liver enzymes.  Do you look at the results each time or does your Dr's office have a "we' ll call you if anything is wrong" policy like mine?   The nurse says everything is good and signed off by the dr, but when I looked this time, they were high.  (less than double). He's not concerned, but I am a little!  I am only taking Remicade --no arava anymore after my enzymes went too high last summer.  I also don't drink alcohol.  

Dear Jodi, I am constantly worryin' with my liver...last test was good so back on MTX, (also Remicade for my 3rd visit on the 19th) and prednisone. I take a test every month. I have the tests done every 8 weeks. My dr. sends a report in the mail
within a few days with the results. Mine have been high in the past as
well but-according to the dr, 2-3x the normal is ok.

BeckyI always ask my rheumy's office to send me a copy of my lab results, just on general principles. We have a right to this information, and it can be helpful down the road, seeing new docs, etc.  Milk thistle is a good supplement that can protect the liver, and it is easily available & inexpensive.   Pat

Hi Jodi, I ask my doctors for copies of all my lab reports. I keep a file of  them..

I have my GP and 3 different specialists, and must get blood work done every 2-3 months for all of them. So I make copies of my blood work when I go to one of my docs, so they all know what's going on. They like to have these reports and I like having a copy for myself. That way I can tell what has gone on from one visit to the next.

I also keep my meds list in the computer, and update it when a drug is started or stopped. I take this list along to every doctor visit. They really appreciate having a copy of this list, as it helps them all know what the others are doing with me. This one is necessary, as I take 16 different meds.

Believe it or not, my liver tests have all come out fine. I wish I could say the same for some of the others.

Good luck, and don't be afraid to ask for copies of your reports. I've never had a doctor refuse to give them to me. If you have more questions after you see them, call for an explanation. I don't accept the "we'll call if anything is wrong" policy. What if someone just forgets to call or misplaces your report? If they don't call you, I would call them.

Best of luck, Jodi



