HUMIRA TREATMENT | Arthritis Information


I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis 4 yrs ago, and have tried all the oral anti inflammation drugs all with no success.

I have been on humira and methotrexate injections for 1 yr. Up until 2 months ago I was fine, and then after having been on humira for 8 mths, it seemed to stop working, and all the pain and stiffness returned.

Has anyone else experienced this with humira treatment. I would be interested to hear from you.



I did Rob. After 6 months on Humira I had to switch to weekly injections. I don't know if you are still taking it every two week like the original dosage suggest; but switching to weekly brought me right back up.

I did increase my MTX as well several times while on humira also. That might be an option.

How often do you take Humira? How much MTX do you take. Even a slight increase in MTX can make a big difference.

Thanks Lovie for your reply. I am on 40mg humira every 2 weeks, and 15mg methotrexate weekly. I have been up to 25mg Methotrexate, but it made me too nauseated. Every now and then if I have a flare I am back on prednisone for 10 days or so. I haven't tried humira weekly, but as I have experienced worse symptoms whilst on it, I have been taken off humira 2 wks ago, and may start enebrel or remicade as an alternative. Thanks for your info.


I'm sorry to hear that Rob. Weekly Humira might have just done the trick or at least bought you a couple more years. I'm surprised your RD wouldn't have exhasted Humira before switching you considering you had gotten such good results in the past. Several of us here have taken it weekly and done very well. While weekly we struggled.

I wish you the best with the next biologic you try.
