CHIROPRACTORS - any success | Arthritis Information


Back again,

I had another question unrelated to the Plaquenil. Has anyone out there been going to a chiropractor? I was reading that chiropractic therapy is also used to treat arthritis, bursitis, etc. A local chiropractor is offerring a new patient package for . It includes a new patient exam, computer scans, x-rays, consultation and adjustment, followed by a second visit/adjustment and report for .

When I think of chiropractor, I think of back problems; but, I am open to trying one if others have been helped.

Thanks again sharing your experiences with me. Time to go get breakfast started for my family....

be very very careful with chiropracters.  The incorrect manipulations on someone with RA especially in the neck can hurt joints more than it helps.  And in the case of the neck be downright dangerousI stay away from them. My poor husband went to one years ago and came home furious and hurting badly! He said the guy was really rough on him, hurt him more. I'm scared to go.

I too went years ago and was in much more pain than I was before. But, when my back became so bad that I coudl barely move my entire body my sis took me to her chiropractor and that man and his gift has completely changed my entire life.

I go weekly to realign anything that gets messed up,I no longer have the headaches I had and I can now actually participate in my life. As far as I am concerned he actually saved my life.

Mine uses a special device to realign, I forget the name of it but it gentle pinpoints the areas needing realigned. Years ago the chiro pressed and pushed all over my back  and I am sure he was affecting the fibro as well...this chiro.....I cannot tell you how much better I feel. No more numbness, no more of the sharp intense pains in my limbs and back.



I will find out from my chiro what type he practices and let you know. I am serious when I say that going to this chiro has changed my health and my life.

I have been seeing a Chiropractor for a couple of years. At times it has been the only thing that has kept me at work! BUT I would advise great caution, I am not sure what the situation in the US is but here in the Uk Chiropractic is largely un-regulated and therefore the possibility exists that an un-qualified or poorly qualified person could set themselves up in business. When I first went I was offered a free 15 minute consultation so I coud find out what it's all about. Then I had a longer examination and the Chiropractor outlined what he thought would be appropriate treatment. He requested my x-rays taken by the hosp. and I passed on details of my diagnosis and treatment. He was very clear from the start that Chiropractic cannot cure arthritis and was not a substitute for other treatment but that it would help me to cope with the symptoms and perhaps allow me to reduce the amount of pain relief I need. I had great confidence in him because of this attitude, he also said he would not work on any joint where the arthritis was active but would concentrate on the joints affeccted by referred pain and more general work on muscle etc. I have deep tissue massage on my buttocks which relieves alot of the pain of my sacro-ilitis (not sure I spelled that right!), also work on parts of my back and neck, as well ans my skull (to relieve headaches caused by neck strain caused by lower back problems), also manipulation of my jaw (same reasons as my skull). He also does acupunctureto relieve muscle spasms (which my GP also does if I can get to see him).

I would suggest getting recommendations and checking out someone's qualifications then asking for a free consultation (not an examination just a chat) to check out the Chiropractor's attitude and beliefs. I once had an awful experience with an Acupuncturist who I went for a consultation with. He started lectiuring me about how I was killing myself with the treatment I am on and that he could cure the arthritis if I stopped other treatments etc etc. Needless to say I never went back to him! I would avoid the "new patient package" until you have talked to the Chiroprator, if they are any good it would seem to me that a 15 minute chat is worth their while as someone with a chronic condition will generate lots of repeat business!

Good luck whatever you decide to do!


I was married to a Chiropractor for 22 years and ran his practice for 15 years.  I saw miracles.  The people who didn't respond didn't follow his advice, and occasionally he would hurt people, while trying to help them to get relief.  When a person comes in all crippled up, of course it's going to hurt to try to straighten it out.  My favorite patient was the one who blamed him for their pain after being hurt on the job, or falling down the stairs, or being in a car accident.  Or get one adjustment and say it was the Chiropractor's fault they have a bad back.  Brilliant, most spinal injuries are caused during the birth process using forceps and twisting the infants' neck around.  Ever wonder what might cause sudden infant death syndrome? 

The AMA owns 99.99% of health care in America and is under court order now to cease and desist under an antitrust suit that the Chiropractors had to bring (not the US Govt).  The AMA in the late 1960s formed a "Committee on Quackery" to "rid the country of Chiropractic by the year 2000".  This Committee is the one that started the illegal campaign saying that Chiropractors could cure cancer.  The MDs started that rumor, not Chiropractors.

I am still mad at President Clinton (and I am a D) for bringing antitrust against Microsoft (a luxury) instead of the AMA (a health care necessity).  The AMA's Committee obviously didn't work, because Americans are finally starting to see the light about the morons medical doctors and their brutalities.  The AMA is constantly trying to outlaw vitamins, massage therapists, colonic irrigations, herbs, etc., but allows their own physicians to experiment on humans without any supervision and the FDA is a joke as a watchdog.  I cite the recent vaccine to be forced on young girl virgins with no cancer and that DES was outlawed by the FDA in 1991 and American MDs ignored that and still prescribed it as a "prenatal vitamin" until 1997.  Triple brilliant.  But remember the AMA mantra:  ALTERNATIVE HEALING PRACTICES ARE THE PROBLEM, not MEDICAL DOCTORS. 

I personally direct my mistrust towards medical doctors (for many good reasons like how many deaths MDs cause a year versus Chirorpactors, etc.), and would trust a Chiropractor for my spinal health for misalignments rather than taking the pain medication an MD would prescribe to cover up the symptom.  There are two parts to your nervous system and if you have pain, you could also say have nerve impingement into your heart or any other organ coming from the same part of the spine that is compromised.

MDs have two avenues: drugs and surgery.  I would rather have some hands-on treatment like chiropractors, massage therapists, colonics and practice yoga, good diet, vitamins, positive mental health, anything other than the poisons MDs are free to dispense without supervision or proper testing (check out the American DPT vaccine dirty cleaning process, while Japan and most other countries have as a law, a second cell cleaning process before the vaccine is usable), while trying to shut down all their .01% competition. 

All in my humble opinion.  Cathy 

justsaynoemore39152.3971875My experience with a chiropractor has been very positive.
I had a flare up of sciatica and could hardly move so I was desperate at the time. The one I went to used a type of device which was connected to a computer. He was able to run the wand down my back from my neck to my thighs, then used it to adjust me. He was also the first to diagnose my arthritis. I found that this treatment did help a lot (I was going three times a week for awhile and fortunately it was covered by insurance). The only drawback though was that the relief was not as quick as I would have liked. But then, is it ever with this disease?

Good luck and let us know what you decide to do.
