just an observation | Arthritis Information


I know, this song has been played before, however, I really can't understand why there seems to be so much hatred on here.  As you all know, I'm new to this horrific disease and came here looking for advice, etc. but I also am on the Lupus boards because I'm "rhupus". It's weird that I haven't seen this on the other board.  I can't figure out why, but really wish that the bullcrap would just stop.  I'm a true believer that you can choose what you read or what you post to, but I'm afraid that so much crap being slung back and forth will deter someone new from staying around.  We all know that auto immune diseases plain ol' suck.  Can we please try and grow up and just be here for eachother?

Well, that's just my observation and my thoughts.  This is a great place for information and a cyber hug to anyone that needs it.  I'd love it if this was just a positive place for all to come to.....

I see this sort of thing on almost every message board that I've spent enough time on.  Eventually there will be people that just rub others the wrong way.  Same as in the real world. 

People obviously seem to enjoy it...why else would these threads be as long as they are?  I mean we could choose to avoid them...read them if we want, not post to them, then move along.  But that doesn't seem to be the case here.  So many people here say they want this to end, but they keep on posting on that thread...just makes me laugh to myself.

I really think there are too many people that get riled up over nothing.  These are just words.  Ok...maybe there are some people that are sensitive or maybe some that just can't leave things alone and have to jump in....well...this is a message board with no moderator....so if you can't take it, maybe it's best just to read the good posts and stay away from anything that might upset you.  It's really very easy.

Debra....this is certainly not directed at you, or anyone else in particular...just my opinion on the matter.

Debrakay, these types of posts actually help the forum. Since "The Coming Soon" topic, most name calling and bullying has stopped. The constant illegal spamming has almost completey stopped. Membership and visitors is at an all time high. If you pay close attention to traffic you will see that traffic is highest when the forum topics are about arthritis. Traffic slows when the topics become personal posts. The color of bras and panties, children going poo and pee pee seem to not much interest visitors or members. Most people use the media for those types of talk shows. Most visitors and members use this forum for information as hard to believe as that is. But certainly you remember the

Why are some medical receptionists bit

thread and your own posts. Sometimes you have to stand up and it makes things better. I applaud you for your postings on the above thread. You just couldn't allow for someone(s) to reduce you and your profession to a job that could be done by a caveman. Good for you.

Well I was just trying to figure out why i haven't seen this on the two Lupus boards.  I joined them all at the same time, and have only seen it here.  Weird, but like I said, I do believe you can choose not to read or respond.  I've done that myself, and true moderator, I've written back on something that was important to me. I just hope that someone new that comes here for support isn't turned off from the beginning.

I guess this will remain a mystery. 


I think it's partially cabin fever. Winter was so weird, and so many people were flaring, it went to their (our) heads.


Don't let it get to ya. ( I know you don't) This board in particular seems to have a few individuals that rub people the wrong way. So just...I dunno...be aware that when these people post, it's gonna bring up some negative emotions in some folks.

Also, I'm sure you're not seeing a lot of this behavior on other boards, because they are moderated, whereas this one is not. There is no one to say "you can't do that, it's against the rules" So it ends up a free-for-all.

Anywhos....I wish it would all just end too. But I know how that goes sometimes. I've been trying my best to just NOT respond to anything that looks like trouble.

Just so you know, there are many other boards that are going thru this very thing.  I agree with Katie, I think part of it is cabin fever.  There is another RA board that I lurk, never post on and they are apologizing all over themselves because they are going thru something very similiar to this board.  So, don't get discouraged, this too shall pass. 


 I just want to say people are never going to agree with each other all the time on any subject, no matter what.  Unfortunately there are people who are going to continue with insults, picking on others etc. because they feel they enjoy it and it makes them feel superior, but it doesn't, it just makes them a bully.   meme

Some of it slightly disturbes me......but for the most part I find the differences of opinions and personalities interesting and entertaining.

I like you though do hope it doesn't scare some new ones away.....and if it does I hope they can find a forum that suits their needs a little better. It's so very helpful to us.

I think that most of the problems are caused by spammers, scammers and a small group of nasty people. I'm suprised they don't have stomach trouble. MODR8R39153.3829050926Hmm. Nope, I'm pretty sure it's just a couple of regular pests. Yup. More like a small swarm of locusts i would say.

[QUOTE=levlarry]More like a small swarm of locusts i would say.[/QUOTE]

Well... quit swarming around.

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