Fatigue Blog - For hurts | Arthritis Information


Here ya go - this was posted AGES AGO on the sushi blog, hope you enjoy!!

"Fatigue is one of the biggest symptoms/side effects of RA. Often times it just feels like there's nothing you can do about it. You feel drained, exhausted, pooped - just plain worn out! We all have our little things that we do to help, get more sleep, take little breaks, etc. But let's hear the top 10 ways doctors recommend "battling The Big F".

1. - Increase your Magnesium Intake.**(please see footnotes regarding Magnesium) Low amounts of magnesium cause a higher heart rate and quicker use of oxygen, causing you to feel more tired, faster. The "normal" amount of magnesium for women is 300mg, for men 350mg. Some foods that are rich in magnesium are fish, whole grains, almonds, hazelnuts, and cashews. And don't worry about the nuts being high in fat, you can literally eat just a handful to get your required magnesium intake.

2. - Take a walk. A 10 minute walk, to be exact. A quick jaunt around the block can boost your energy for up to two hours. After one week of daily 10 minute walks, your energy level should be increased through out your day.

3. - Take a Power nap. A 60 minute power nap leaves you refreshed and ready to start again. Be sure you sleep as close to 60 minutes as possible. No 30 minute or 45 minute naps. The reason being that you want your body to go through REM sleep, so you get the full effects of REST.

4. - Don't skip breakfast. Or any other meal for that matter. This one is sort of a no-brainer, but that doesn't mean we don't do it. Food is fuel and skipping a meal can drain you fast.

5. - Reduce your stress and face your anger. High emotions like anger use energy. Harboring these emotions uses even more energy, so you want to be sure you're facing your emotions head on. This doesn't mean you have to go blow up somewhere. Just figure out what works for you to release the tension and stress. Scream, write, listen to music, soak in the tub, whatever works for you.

6. - More water, less alcohol. Thirst can actually mimic fatigue, and the general population does not know how to recognize mild dehydration. So before you go for that snack, or that nap, drink 8oz of nice cool water and wait a few minutes to see if it helps. Alcohol is okay in moderation, but be sure to skip it before bed. While it may help you fall asleep, it reduces your ability to enter REM sleep - that's the sleep that actually gets you REST.

7. - Less sugar, more Whole Grains. Seems like a big fat DUH, right? What you're shooting for here is a balanced blood sugar level. Sugar causes a nice boost in energy, but it also creates a hard crash once your body has used it up. Whole grains are a slow release and will provide you with energy for hours after you eat them.

8. - Have a "power snack". This isn't any old snack. Try something like a granola bar or yogurt. Anything that's rich in proteins, fats, and fiber. The carbs are a great pick-me-up; the fats are a regular energy boost; and proteins up your energy even more. Just be sure you're not over-indulging.

9. - Make mine a Latte. Instead of your regular coffee/caffeine boost, try a Latte - with low-fat milk that is. The amount of milk included in a Latte turns this coffee treat into a protein, calcium, and caffeine laden wonderland. Add your handful or cashews/almonds/hazelnuts and you have yourself a sweet treat. Just remember...one handful, one cup!

10. - Double check your thyroid function and blood cell count. This one should be fairly easy for us to do, you can probably request the checks at your next Rheumy appointment. Thyroid problems are auto-immune disorders as well, so we're already prone to them. In women, these tend to show up shortly after childbirth and during the first stages of pre-menopause. Anemia is another culprit, as fewer blood cells means less oxygen where you need it.

These are just 10 easy ways to fight the fatigue, and I'm sure everyone out there has their own way. So why not drop us a comment and let us know how YOU "battle The Big F".

Have a FATIGUE free day!

**Magnesium and Potassium have been noted to be considerably low in patients with FM. Since this is such a sister disease to RA, I thought I should include a little more information. While it is not scientifically PROVEN you can quite easily find articles online and in books about this connection. Doctors are not quite as fast to give patients supplements however, because excess magnesium and potassium are actually difficult for your body to handle. I do however believe it is something worth talking about with your Doctor. In the mean time, if you chose to supplement these on your own, please be aware of the strain you will be putting on your organs if you do take too much. It might be best to sit down and try to at least guesstimate how much magnesium and potassium you already intake in a day, before adding supplement pills. Adding foods that are rich in these two minerals is much easier on your body than taking these supplements alone. So reach for a banana and a handful of mixed nuts each day, and then talk to your doctor about the effects of low magnesium and potassium in your life.

Thank you to WebMD for the list, Shape magazine for additional information, and my own personal freakin know how! LOL"

Can my power nap be 3 hours instead, and my 10 minute walk might take me an hour .After 10 minutes I might just make it to the front door.The rest I can handle

Thanks Katie for the good info.

LOL 10 minute walk taking an hour...hahaha I'd never thought of it that way.  THanks for posting this, Katie. (:O)Ohhhh, so I have an excuse to have a latte every day when DH has his mocha????

muwahhhh. Although, we don't keep low-fat milk in the house anymore...only whole. I'm wierd like that though.

(no, we don't go to starbucks daily....we actually bought one of the fancy espresso machines, simply because we were spending TOO MUCH at starbucks on coffee. Paid for itself in a month, and we've had it for 3yrs now)

*sigh* speaking of coffee....DH's begging for one. The downfall to his working from the house, I'm his coffee wench! muwahhhh        
Hi ariscowell, is it possible to also paste this hint onto my 'Hints' to s' 'topics'? I think you have a great list of help here. I'm trying to get all the hints together. sure thing!
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