Just Diagnosed | Arthritis Information



I here for support. I was just diagnosed last week and I felt like the wind was knocked out of me. This was the last thing I expected to happen to me in this life. I suppose it's the not knowing what is going to happen to me that bothers me the most.

Yesterday was the first day that I didn't have pain...thanks to medication..Orthotec...however, it's making me sick at my stomach.

Sounds like I'm in for a ride on a roller coaster and need to pray for remission.

Hi Judith,

I am sorry you have fallen ill with this disease. I hope that you will one day experience remission too. In the mean time come here and visit and learn all you can about this disease and hopefully you will take away something that will help you to cope and/or comfort you while waiting for remission.

Hope to see ya around.


Hi Judith

I certainly understand the not knowing part.  I don't know anyone personally that has this (other than me) so I really felt like I was going crazy.  One day this hurts, next day something else; some days not too bad, next day can hardly move.  I just joined this forum myself and have found the information here extremely helpful.  I hope the medication you are taking helps quickly.  A positive attitude will certainly be a huge asset in this journey.  Good luck to you.


Did you mean arthrotec? Arthrotec is an NSAID. If you have been diagnosed with RA you need a DMARD (which is a disease modifying drug), like methotrexate and plaquenil; or a Biologic like Enbrel or Remicade to stop any joint damage. NSAIDS do not do this.

I have not heard of orthotec so not sure what type of drug that is.

Wecome to the board.

hessalinaHi Judith...welcome!

I just went onto autopilot when I was first diagnosed, took the meds, went to physio and occupational therapy and I slept a lot that summer. Took up the offer of 'excercise on referal' at the local gym and pool - 10/12 sessions for free/a couple of quid which got me back into the habit of swimming regularly. It took quite a while to come to terms with. Finding this forum was a good wheeze as I have found so much food for thought here - as well as a good laugh at times.

Don't assume the worst. The outlook is much brighter these days. Some meds take a bit of getting used to so do give them time.



For any newly diagnosed person who may find this post, I encourage you to find the best Rheumatologist in your area, develop a good relationship with him/her and come to a mutual decision to treat the disease agressively, take the meds and be patient, exercise daily (even if it's just a leisurely walk and some simple range of motion exercises), eat right, and do some quality research.  There is hope that your disease will be placed in remission.  I recently read that if you are treated within two years of the onset of this disease that there is a high probability that you will achieve remission.  Lastly, don't stop doing what you enjoy and pamper your mind, body and spirit.  Convince yourself that this is just another challange that you can and will conquer.  Remember, you are in control. 

Welcome Judith, Oh my gosh I know how you feel. I'm sure you will get the meds you need and will be able to work around this 'stuff'. depending on how severe your case. good luck with all the sorting out that goes with finding meds thare are good for you personally. The Helpful hints post has a lot of information. I hope you'll check it out. Hurting lessHi JudithHi Judith,

Don't be too afraid. Here's some hopeful news. My sister also has
RA (she got it 15 years before I did); and she is most definitely in

There are a lot of meds out there to help in the battle. I'm newly
diagnosed myself. It is scary to have your life take such an
unexpected turn; but keep your chin up.

Hi Judith,

Nice to meet you. Welcome to the board. These wonderful folks are Well studied on all of this. They, sure have helped me out! I hope you feel better soon. Heck, I hope I feel better soon!...lol..

Just wanted to say hello!  Hope this finds you in good spirits.


Welcome to the board Judith. A bunch of great people here. Lots of
experience with this disease then there are a few of us newbies that are still
learning the RA ropes. The not knowing what will happen next aspect of
this disease is what drives me craziest but we just take it one day at a time.
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