commericals | Arthritis Information


Ok so i was feeling horrible yesterday and stayed in bed a majority of the day so i got to see some well interesting commericals, some of which made me laugh hysterically.  This one is still my favorite...Its a kellogs commerical for a cereal w/ real strawberries in em and there are 3 guys sitting at a table eating cereal talking about what they like best about the cereal (which would never happen in reality, do guys really care? ) and the last guy goes "it has -ello in it, like in ello govena"  OMG ive been saying that line all afternoon and ive been cracking myself up....OHH CRAP im taking after joonie


Why..... why.... why.... LMAO!!!


or or the one car rental commerical where the guy in a passanger seat is wearing a wire cause hes a spy and at they end he gets out of the car and runs really fast into another car

That's a good one, Katie - I hadn't seen it!  Of course it isn't Dairy Queen season yet up here - ours are all closed down for the winter!

Lorster, did you hear - the cavemen are getting their own TV show, written by the guy who writes the commercials.  Honest!  Isn't that crazy?

Katie, i like that one too cracks me up every time i see it. I think its the way they all scream like little kids that gets me......hahahaha

I like this one: -dance-advert.html

HAHAH thats a good one too