another reaction to another drug | Arthritis Information


I see  my rheumy tomorrow and i feel so embarrassed ... i have to tell her about another reaction to another drug.    ive been given omeprazole for  stomach problems and instead of helping my stomach, it all seems to be getting worse  so ive stopped taking the omeprazole and i feel much better.    ive had so many reaction s to drugs in the past  that  im worried they will end up saying they cant help me... its awful.  i feel so odd as other people seem to take lots of things i just cant cope with.
anna_uk london
Try switching to another PPI.  I had the same bad reaction to Omeprazole.  I switched to Prevacid and it works great.  No side effects at all.I do think there are a lot of people that can't handle medications well. Also, I'm finding that my tolerances are getting worse as time goes on and I believe that this becomes more typical. Keep hanging in there. Something eventually has to help. Just keep doing research on the different alternatives. I think you've expressed what is one of our greatest fears.Oh Anna. sorry to hear they made you feel bad. I havent had any problems with them yet. Dont feel odd, I failed with avara, mtx, sulphasalazine, gold. Although hubby did say that if I carried on with the gold and i passed on he could have me made into a nice ringYes, try another one. The other thing. Sometimes people don't do well on
the generic versions and have to go with name brand. I take Nexium which I
feel is the best one for me. My gastro only takes Nexium also as he told me
all the other ones don't agree with him. I would just start trying each one
and see which one works best for you.

Somebody said we are all little auto immune snowflakes - each unique.

Stay brave and keep trying. I'm sure you will find a 'fit'.



I loved that!

Auto immune snowflakes!  How true!



Good topic!! I am allergic to an anti biotic (gave me a very bad rash--while IN the hospital , my husband just took an anti biotic that turned out to be the WRONG one for his health problem , PLUS it gave him chills and put off fixing his infection!!  I'm going to post this on the 'Hints' topic, also, thanks. Hi  Snowflakes!!
Just got back from rheumy and feel worse than ever.
1. have been told i will never go into remission (can this be true?) because i still have active disease in spite of high dose of mtx and 8 years on..
2. first time ever mention of tnf drugs ... i will defintely go on them but the question is when ... i thought id never need them..
3. i have to start sulfa as well as mtx.   because i vomit all over the place and have sensive stomach i never took sulfa but because of nhs guidelines in UK on tnf prescribing, i now have to take this before next stage.  even rheumysays it will probably make me very sick
feeling battered,   anna_uk london

Hi Anna

I take Humira but was never told to take sulfa.The mtx made me sick too. I havent been sick on Humira only a rash and UTI and sinus infections. Good luck with whatever med you go on.
