Chronic Bladder Infections | Arthritis Information


Anyone on here have chronic bladder infections? If so what was causing them?


I suffer with them lots. It could be my Humira causing them though. I have has them constantly since late November last year, causing stomach and back ache, feeling irritable and just BLEUGH

Aparently they are quite common with RA.Hope you are ok

Course I hadn't had on in a while either before I stopped HUmira; so I don't know if there's a connection or not.

Can you connect it to Humira at all?

I am not sure if it is related to Humira or not. I am on Humira, so it could possibly be that causing them.

Alls I know is, I have bladder infections and do not really know I have them, until I get this double you over pain that will last for a couple of hours and ES tylenol or 800mg IBU will not even help with the pain at all!

The last bladder infection I got before all these in a row was when I was preggo with son. The one before that was when daughter was 2 and she is now 8.

Hopefully the 21st I will get me some answers.


What we always teach in the hospital is the two rules. Always wipe front to
back and always pee after having sex. Other than that, I have not a clue. If
you are doing the two things above...i would certainly talk to my doctor
about a prophylactic med because you certainly don't want to fight bladder
infections constantly. Yep do both of those things. Whenever I feel one coming on, I start taking D Mannose from the health food store.  Works great.  Better than the cranberry tablets, for me.  My doctor said the same thing, wipe front to back and pee after sex! He also suggested showering before and after, not tub baths. That goes for the male partner (showering before).  If you get this you NEED medicaton. Get to your doctor. It just gets worse as more time goes by. He also said, "don't give up sex"! A smart guy.Jooine, I replied to you on sushi....I'll reply here too!


also drink a glass of water before having sex.  And take Vit. C everyday and it helps make urine too acidy forf the bacteria to survive. 
