went to GP today | Arthritis Information


Well i have been on summer vacation for exactly 1 week! Sounds great huh? Well last monday i think my body knew i could be sick and not miss work, so i woke up with a lovely cough and by the end of the day i had sore ribs.

So i am doing what I have advised other to do.. take it easy. I am sitting here in my one cool room watching tv, getting ready for a nap. More later!


I'm afriad I might be getting sick myself and I'm so scared if I get an infection I won't be able to take my MTX and Humira. We're going to Mexico in three weeks!! I don't want to get sick now!!

Did they take you off your meds?

I hope you feel better soon.

Unicorn and Lovie put those feet up and relax for awhile we don't want to see you get anymore sick!!!!



Lovie, they didnt take me off anything, just went to gp, and she knows all meds im on... this is a short course of antibiotics and a puffer to help me breathe til the meds kick in! She said cough syrup too, so i got some more. Ill be sure to take puffer to disney with me..

Been to disney in august before so i know what im in for.. looking to go to parks in am and pm with a break in the middle of the day!


Thanks Meme. I'm at work now....and hope to finish out the week without problems, but my husband has been sick with a sinus infection and coughing and nasal congestion. I think I'm just scared I'm catching what he has...just keep your fingers crossed that I'm wrong. I've rudely asked him several times to please try not to get in my face...I hate being such a germ-a-phobic; but I'm so afraid of getting sick and having to come off my meds. Especially right before my vacation. I so don't want to mess up the trip for the family.

Unicorn; hope you feel better!!



Just woke up from a nap Unicorn.  It was great!  Sweet dreams. 

Oh and reading about swimming, i may go swimming!


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