PREDNISONE SIDE EFFECTS | Arthritis Information


I was just put on 5mg of Prednisone to be taken every 4 to 6 hours during a RA flare. I woke up in the middle of the night with a rapid heart beat and an elevated blood pressure. I only took one pill and one more after 4 hours. Anyone have any similar side effects while using prednisone?

                                 thanks, Don

These are both side-effects of prednisone and 5 mg. every 4-6 hours seems to be a lot to me.  Sounds as though your doc is treating your disease with prednisone which is not good for your body.  Are you taking anything else?  Prednisone should be used as a supplement to other meds and be used for serious flares, swelling, etc.  It really helps for these conditions but shouldn't be used like Tylenol or Advil, to be taken anytime you have a lot of pain.  Tell your Doc about the seriousness of your flares and see if they can give you an alternative med to pred.I had night sweats last week like you couldn't believe! I take 15 prednisones, MTX this week and my 3rd remicade Monday. Prednisone saved me this last month from pain, and last night my left leg fealt crampy, hurt. The doctor said I could take a extra prednisone. It worked. After taking MTX, though I hardly slept last night, oh well.....I'll take a nice nap today. make sure you keep an eye on your bp. I am on 15mg prednisone daily and it made my bp sky rocket.I am now on a high dose of bp med.I just started humira so when that kicks in i can start coming off prednisone

5 mg every 4-6 hours seems like an aweful lot to be on. I have never heard of anyone taking it that often.

I take 20 mg a day. I actually like how it makes me feel. No side effects whatsoever. Probably because I am only 28 and I have a good liver.

how old are you Don?

This drug is tried and tested worldwide for over 40 years. Don't fret.

5 mg every 6 hours is "only" 20 mg a day. They usually give 60 mg for Poison Ivy.



Dear Brenna, You are very wise to plan ahead for your operation/treatment of RA AFTERWARDS! They will be concerned about healing and the meds we take inhibit that SO what do we do? they want us OFF the methotrexate!, etc. I suffered like you wouldn't believe from RA after an operation Dec 1st, and am just now able to function 'normally'.  the surgeons don't seem to understand what we go through, and our doctors may not realize what the STRESS of an operation does!!!

Thanks for all the replies. It was good to hear that was the usual side affect for most people and I wasn't alone with those symptoms.

I've got you by a few years ZEEKMAN. I'll be 71 3/20!

I refused to take predisone because of rapid heartbeat. I thought my heart was pumping out of my chest. My blood pressure went sky high and my eyes felt like they were bulging out of my  head. That is just me....I have tried it several times and the same thing> it's too scary and just a temporary fix for me. Alot of people do take it with little if any side effects...I just am not one of them.
I hope you feel better soon.

