It’s 19 below zero | Arthritis Information


I don't ever have a 'it could be worse' topic, so here's one. I was going to post on 'the sun is shining' the other day, but when I read you were going out to garden or sit on your deck and all I was doing was starting the woodstove, I decided NOT. It's really beautiful, dawn hitting the mountains and the inlet solid with ice, but I'm not spending anytime outside trying to find the limber to cut the branches for the egg tree, so they'll be leafed out for Easter and the wild birds are going through 2 gallons of seed a day. When we go outside it sounds like we're in a bird shop. It could be worse.

Ummmm, where the heck do you live? 

I was grumping because it went from 80 to 50 in one day


Oh man, this sounds like where I live. At least it is a dry cold in Montana. I
hope you warm up soon. It is beautiful here, around 45 right now. I live on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. This is the 2nd coldest, longest stretch of clear cold weather since they've been keeping records. It's always a dry cold here, we keep the humidifier going 24 hours a day or I'd scratch all my skin off. By the time the sun gets around the house to shine on the outdoor thermometer it will go up to 40.

Holy Cow! It's 76 degrees here!!

I guess I shouldn't complain that's it's going to be in the 50ties here this weekend, huh?

Wishing you warmth Nini!

Was watching the weather channel this morning on tv. The Black Hills of South Dakota are more than a bit covered with snow. Two days ago it was at least 80 degrees (above) and people were wearing shorts, etc. and being outside doing summer things.  Go Figure.

Our spring had finally come and the sun has been shining non stop all week.(Its been about 15 degrees( celcius). Now the shock.........we are going to have heavy snow next week. Has this planet gone entirely mad???????????????

15 years ago we had 2 feet of snow on Memorial Weekend (the end of May). We loved it that all the pukers had to camp in it for the opening of the King Salmon season. I believe there's global warming, but there are days when I wonder where it is. This weather is a real oddity for us.
DeidreEven though spring officially starts 3/21 this year  - Phoenix might just make it to 100 this weekend. We are hoping it doesn't - just too early for heat.We had the nice weather this week for 2 days in MI but now the wind has come in and the windchill is almost zero!!!  Of course it won't be warm this weekend, it is the ST Pat's parade in my town so it has to be cold & miserable.  We are going on a small vacation in  2 weeks to the UP and plan on taking our winter gear with us.   That is MI for you, where else can you be using the heater on your car in the morning to defrost your windows and using the air conditioner by the afternoon to cool down.  hehehehe  It is definately crazy weather latley!!!!  meme