How do I take the Meds? | Arthritis Information


I was put on MTX today (18 mg/6 pills @ 2.5mg). Have not taken the dose yet because I need feedback from you all!

I am also prescribed 2 mg of folic Acid daily. I also bought omega 3 and Calcium supplements which was approved by my doc. Finally, I take 20mg a day of Pred. My question is: How should I take these drugs starting tomorrow? Should I take the Pred first thing in the morning then wait to take the MTX and Folic? Should I take them all at once? Should I take the MTX before bed tonight then start the other pills tomorrow?

I am confused

I will also start Enbrel next week. Doc is putting me on an aggressive treatment so we can put this into remission.

20 mg pred/18 mg MTX/50 mg Enbrel/2mg folic acid/Calcium and Omega 3.

last question: does cannabis hurt or help this disease?

Hi Zeekman, I'm so glad you saw the doctor. It sounds like he's ready to treat your RA agressively. I think that's great!

Do you like your Rheumy? I hope so. If you're comfortable with your doc, it's so much easier to communicate with them.

First of all, the MTX is better taken at night, from what my doc said. I think most of the folks here would agree. That way, if you have side effects from it, you should sleep through the worst of it. Good, in theory anyway

Good Luck. I hope all these things work together to make you feel great!




I'd take the Prednisone first thing in the morning (with food), then wait until you feel good and  take the MTX (maybe at noon), the rest is just supplements so take them anytime you eat food during the day.  I haven't done embril , so I can't help there. Take the folic acid everyday no matter what. You will feel good after the prednisone, and probably fatigued after the MTX, but it will pass. I found taking these pills in the evenings keeps me awake at night. I do take daytime naps, but it is good to sleep at night if you can. Please read other posts, but this is my opinion. Hurting Less, but still sorting out my medication. MTX,once a week, Remicade the 3rd dose next Monday, and Prednisone daily. (temporary). Good luck tomorrow please let us know how you do? YOU may have to experiment with this, unless your doctor has a clue......

My rheumy is great! We hit it off immediately. He sees I am enthusiastic to start treatment so I can move on with my life. He knows since I am young (28) and still have a strong body and mind that I can take whatever he throws at me. He said about 30-50% go into remission with this treatment and since I caught this very early, I have a very good chance to limit this disease and go into remission.

The best part of the visit was when I ask him to recommend a physical therapist and he said "I won't need it" because the meds will help me greatly. I was so happy to hear that I won't be in and out of hospitals all my life, that I can actually live normally without physical therapy.

Tonight, I am going to watch my ENBREL dvd packet he gave me!


thanks for the responses and caring

much love



take the MTX at night or late afternoon.  Make sure you drink plenty of water that day also.  Being fully hydrated helps with this med.

Sounds like you found a great dr.  Hopefully you'll be able to quit the pred fairly quickly and everything will get you into a quick and permanant remission

Thanks Buckeye! I was going to take it tonight but I will wait till tomorrow afternoon so I can properly hydrate.

I am kind of freaked after reading that side effects can cause death. Please tell me this is rare?!



Don't worry too much. Even Tylenol and aspirin can cause death.

Just make sure you keep up with your labs.
the bad side effects are rare.  even if you have some bad liver blood work all you have to do is stop the med and the liver will repair itself.  Just hold off on any alcohol until you find ou thow the MTX aaffects you