newbie-big favor to ask | Arthritis Information


HI my name is Tammie and I suffer from osteoarthritis, I am celebrating 4 months today of having my R TKR.
Heres my favor---I am a nursing student who hopes to someday work with joint replacement patients. I have an essay due next Friday and a presentation of that report the Monday after that. Now our subjects were assigned to us and they just so happened to assign RA to me. now heres my favor How nice of you to care to ASK, I'll write later. It is wonderful to see the interest in how RA affects us.  Will write later as well.Did you say email? How would we get that addrss?

Hurts, Tammie's email address is on her profile page.  Good luck with your essay Tammie.


have sent you a lengthy email which hopefully will help. Just been diagnosed with an aggressive form of RA called Adult Onset Stills Disease.

thank you all for your emails. hearing it from actual patients is so much more personal and I feel you get more of an idea of what you are going thru. i believe a nurses number one reason to take the job is to CARE and I feel we can make a huge difference if we understand our patients more and what they are dealing with.
you all have been great and I hope to receive more letters--I want to put your word out there. you have already made me understand the disease more than any document could.

In case some of you are wondering the school i go to name is: Northcoast Medical Training Academy. It is a small school which i chose because i thought i would get a better education and more one on one help than a big school. I also am in their charter class for nursing, this is their first time to offer nursing. I already hold certificates in meidcal assistant, phlebotomist, ekg tech. and pharmacology tech.
my email is
again thank you so much-now i can't wait to show my presentation. My case started about 15 years ago. Even though I knew my grandmother had this disease, and suffered terribly before all the wonder drugs we have today, I didn't connect my 'inherited condition until 5 years into the disease and finally admitted that I had 'it'. One morning I couldn't get my shoes on, but just thought my feet were swollen from the heat of the Nevada summer. I went to a foot doctor who immediately said, "you have arthritis'. I didn't believe him. It took several more doctors before I made it to the Rheumatoid specialist. I was put on Plaquinel, then Methotrexate. All went well, with ups and downs and flares and swelling, but mostly got along okay. Then in Dec. of last year I had an operation and couldn't take the RA meds. My world went from normal to Pain, day and night! Finally, I got to take Prednisone (saved my life), and now Methotrexate & Remicade. I'm getting back to 'normal'.again thank you for your letters. I have my report all typed up and ready to turn in. I will do my presentation either monday or tuesday next week. 