saw a shrink | Arthritis Information


Hi guys, after several lows in several areas in my life I saw a shrink (who happens to specialize in people with disabilities) and I didnt realize it, but the majority of my problems (socially, emotionally, self esteem) are rooted and tangled up with my RA

A failed relationship with a boyfriend (self esteem)
Redirected career path (RA) = poor self esteem
Chronic Pain = lowered mood

I knew these things, but am looking at it from a different perspective. The doctor told me to stop saying "well someone else out there has it worse" or "it could be worse" and give myself credit for dealing with things and it wouldn't make me feel weak, or lower my self esteem

and most importantly, stop telling family members about dietary experiments (currently on Gluten Free diet) because they will start placing the blame of my illness as MY responsibility and not the disease. - this has no medical backup

Good to hear that you are getting help.  I started a year ago and now only go upon emergency.  We do need to work at taking the blame for RA away from ourselves.  Let me know how the gluten free diet works.  I saw no difference and eat very, very little if any naturally.

Take care.


I so agree these diseases can take over our lives.  It's wonderful that you are seeking help to deal with the emotional ramifications of this kind of diagnosis.

I'm very interested in the Gluten free diet.  When did you start?  Is it helping?  I disagee with the shrink on not telling family what you're doing to manage your disease.  If your family is anything like mine, they will assume you are just being difficult when you don't want to eat...whatever...because it could cause a flare.  My family will absolutely hound me about having a piece of cake or whatever. 

Also, have you checked out  Or is it .org?  I haven't been there myself but there are a ton of posts on on all the help they can give newbies trying to take gluten out of their diets.  Apparently gluten is even in lipsticks and hair products.  You might run a search there on Celiac.  And at least one person here is Celiac so maybe they'll jump in.


Dear Sophistablack, thank you for writing. could you also post something on the helpful Hints, post. I think what you have learned could really help others. Thanks!!again. Hurtingless, but still working at it!Good for you Sweetie. I'm glad to hear you are seeking help and feel good about it. A good shrink is priceless. Good for you for going!What good advice and a wonderful insight. Good for you!!  I've also wondered about celiac as I have a lot of digestion issues.  Good Luck.Hi It is good to hear from you again."The doctor told me to stop saying "well someone else out there has it worse" or "it could be worse" and give myself credit for dealing with things and it wouldn't make me feel weak, or lower my self esteem"

Hmm, that's interesting. I don't say it, but I guess thinking it is the same thing and finding these forums where people are sharing their stories has certainly made me feel #1 I'm not alone and #2 it could be worse. I don't know anybody who has RA. You'll have to let us know what other points of view your shrink shares.
"Well someone else has it worse"---Rabbi Harold S Kushner calls that "The Suffering Olympics".  Good for you for getting help and support. I had a really great therapist who moved out of the country and I really miss her.