Bee Smart, don’t get stung | Arthritis Information


Anytime someone comes to this forum or anywhere asking for personal information, always use caution. Once you give up your personal information, you cannot take it back. Nursingstudent may be on the up and up but she may be on the down and down. It would probably be a better idea to post the information that nursingstudent is asking for on a board of this forum that doesn't get used, such as the "Daypro" messageboard. That way if nursingstudent is on the up and up, she can easily save all posts and still have the info she has asked for minus a email address. The other good side would be that the AI members may also read the stories. I wondered about that, which is why I didn't send along a note.  I could be wrong, and it is the pits to not trust someone, but I just had a weird feeling about it.

if you're such a "moderator" why are you not deleting these possibly threatening posts?



Just a thought.

Oh, and her post wasn't asking for anything invasive - I don't know why you're picking on her. If you don't want to e-mail her, then don't. You need to just leave people the hell alone already. This crap is getting really old, really fast.Katie,  I didn't take Moder8er's post in a bad way.  I'm always leary of giving out certain information on the web, my email address is one of them.  I just thought that Moder8er was giving a heads-up to people.

If you are concerned about personal information create a hotmail or gmail account and use that.

I know Debra, that wasn't directed at you.


I'm just irritated and the charade that he plays. He wasn't trying to give a heads up. Not legitimately. He just wants to play house and act like Mr Big that runs the show. I just can't stand fakes. Sorry.

Katie:You really seem like a sweetie and mean well but please, please, please don't respond in any way. You're playing right into the hands of the MODR8R.  You have so much to give to this board so how about directing your energy to positive input?
Take Care

I didn't mind your reminder either Moder8r. Some folks like my parents or mother-in-law might not understand that when you start giving your email address out to people it's almost like giving your home address out. Often opens you up to a lot of spam too.

I don't mind if you want to police the board and keep up with things Modr8r; but it's was ugly at first. I said let's just let there be "By Gones" and move on.

Frankly I think your idea about certain areas of the unused board could be used for things like that. I agree with Katie on this one. If you've got the bout labeling it so people will have a clear idea about where things go.

That's what I like about other boards. If I only want social talk I'll go to their social area. If I want to read about medications I go to their medication area. IF by chance I start a new topic that belongs in a different area: They move it. PLUS: 4ratalks now has a's groovy!

I'll tell everyone like I tell my family: "Can't we all just get along?"

Lovie39157.7289699074cant we all just... get along :) OH PLEASE NOT AGAIN, JUST WHEN THE BOARD WAS UP AND RUNNING SMOOTHLY AGAIN.