So...guess what you guys made me do... | Arthritis Information


You made me (OK, just convinced me to) cancel my follow-up with the PA I went to and make an appointment with an Internal Medicine doctor. (I actually called the Rheumetologist and they said I'd need a referral and to find an Internal Medicin doctor in my area).

They got me in this morning and after an hour appointment, we are not only working to figure out my joint pain but we have plans to manage other things I've had for years but never had a doctor who cared. Mainly PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) and Sleep Apnea.

He called in a perscription for Ultram and after taking ONE this afternoon I feel a huge difference. I got up from the table to get things SEVERAL times tonight and I usually ask my kids to get stuff. The pain is not gone, but it is SO much better. 

And guess what he told me when I said I flet funny not just accepting the PA's diagnosis. He said "If you don't take charge of your own health care...who will?"

YOU GUYS are SO WISE!!! :) (Thanks for responding to my newbie thread!!)


That's great news!  Glad you found a doc who believes in you and is going to work with you.  You made it over the first big roadblock!  It should put your mind at ease knowing he is going to help you find the answers you need!

I also ask my kids to get things for me all the time.  I feel really guilty about it when I sit and think about it.  They are my little gophers!


Hi Aprila, I'm someone else with RA and PCOS...think there might be a connection?


aurora767539158.3958680556I am so glad you are on your way to getting the med. attention you need.  Think of RA like a mystery game, you have to open all the doors, no matter how scary