Looking for some clear answers...... | Arthritis Information


Ok I have asked this question to two doctors and I can't seem to get a straight answer, or I just didn't understand them. Sooooo I thought I would ask the TRUE experts...

Here are my questions:

First some backround; I am 28. Diagnosed last week. I already take MTX 18mg/week, 20 mg/day Prednisone, 2mg/day Folic Acid and start 50mg Enbrel next week. I had my symptoms for about a month before diagnoses as it hit me quickly. As you can see I am on an aggressive treatment.

Since I am younger, does this mean that I will live shorter because I will have had RA longer?

Since it is a progressive disease, will the drugs I do take stop their effectiveness leaving me in big trouble 10-30 years from now?

Will that also mean since I am on the Meds longer, I will have greater risk of side effects?

Is there a chance I can live normal lifespan or since I am younger, I will have lived with RA longer thus leaving me worse off when I am 50?

How well do these meds slow or halt the disease? Do they make RA move 50% slower? 20% slower?

Finally, If I go into remission. Do I have to always be taking Meds or will there be a day that I can mabye stop taking them for a while?


Thanks in advance!!

I was in your situation about 3 years ago.  Here's what I found out from reading books, on-line sources and asking three doctors.  Please remember everyone is different and there is not one med or treatment plan that works for everyone, just as there is not one prognosis that will tell us what the future holds.

1) mobitiy (or death) rates are hard to track.  Now that TNF meds and other things like Orencia have come out there have been no long term studies on morbity rates.  Yes, RA can shorten your life (studies show 5-15 years), but studies were done awhile ago.  Doctors don't like to talk about this possible effect of RA.

2) Your immune system is tricky.  Once you have found the right mix of meds to keep the beast at bay you will adapt to some meds and you will have to change every so often.  From Enbrel to Orencia and then maybe back to Humira.  The good news is there are enough to juggle through if you can find what works. 

3) I have a case of aggressive RA, but we've found meds to keep in managable. By this I mean at work and somewhat independant, but I doubt I will every have my old life back.  Some people are not so lucky and get joint damage almost immediately.  Hope for the best and get a bone scan to use as your base line data.

4) Side effects stink.  I've gained 90 pounds in 3 years because of high doses of prednisone.  Not everyone reacts the same.  I was allergic to several of the standard meds.  There are things you can do to minimize the side effects.  If you take methotrexate take it at night so the nausea doesn't get you and be sure you are taking a folic acid suppliment or you will get mouth soures. 

5) I don't know about a "remission", but I do know some people have gone off meds for a while until they flare.  You have to keep on top of it if you don't want joint damage.

Take some time to read some info from Mayo or other research medical sites.  Your life is different now, but different doesn't have to be "bad". Good luck.


They didn't give you a straight answer because there are no straight answers, what works for one, does not work for all. It's the human body and there are too many variables. I've been on MTX for 17 years, it worked okay until a year ago, now I'm on Remicade & MTX, you're fortunate in that you were dx'd when there are a lot more drugs out there to try. You want someone to reassure you that what you've imagined your future to be will not in fact happen. No one can tell you how long you will live or what your life will be like and a very good portion of that will not be up to the medication, but up to you.

Only you can help yourself to reverse the disease.

1. Learn and understand what are "good" and "bad" foods. "Bad" foods cause problems. Explore and build up awareness.

2. Start to eat selectively natural foods (not vitamins & supplements).

3. Explore, find and use herbs to fight the disease.

I had my arthritis at early 20 so the series of event went on like disease progressed, meds ineffective - many flares that caused pain and much suffering, from limp to immobility and then bedridden. There were fear, uncertainty, doubts about super meds still wouldn't work

I am 60, 20years ago I started wild lingzhi and learned to eat selectively natural foods. Since then I have not taken any single med. I have determination to build up slowly the heathy body. Most important of all I have found wild lingzhi effective to control pain and able to coerce the disease and render it powerless during each flare. The reversal and improvement has been gradual yet significant.

So young man you can raise the questions but there are not going to have direct answers for you since the disease is incurable in medical term. Because they can only control the disease at best temporary but offer no solution

When I solved the problem, I know the answer. So can you, working smart and hard for it.    




Hi Zeekman.  Unfortunately, as you will probably have picked up by now, clear answers are not something any of us are familiar with.  However, having said that, you're really fortunate to have been diagnosed in the early stages.  Yes, your illness will be treated aggressively, and this usually slows down the progression and damage, and certainly helps with the pain.  But none of us know at what rate our disease will progress.

  It looks as if you are getting the usual combination of medications at present and once the Methotrexate kicks in (can take aound 2-3 months, then your Prednisone will probably be able to be tapered down.  This has to be a very gradual process, and I'm sure that your Rheumatologist will explain that to you at the time.

As others have said,  different strokes for different folks, and what suits one person, will not suit another, and we've all had the experience of having to try the different recommended drugs combinations(by the Rheumatologist)  until we have found the one that suits us best.  And there are plenty to try!

You will find a mix that suits, we none of us rejoice in the fact that that we have to take these drugs, and change them at times, but on the other side of the coin, I think myself to be very lucky that we do at least have some good options for treatment available.

I, like others, obviously wonder just where this disease is going to take me, and when, and how, but for the moment, am just so thankful that we are in the 21st century, & I believe that we are given the best possible known treatments. 

So stick with it - get yourself a diary - and just note in it each day what is happening to your body - when & where - your pain levels etc.  Mark them on a scale of 1-10.  Write down any questions you have and take with you to the Rheum. visit.  It is often difficult to remember when you are "in the chair" so to speak.

I have days where I feel I could fly to the moon (without a rocket) - and days that I feel that I need a rocket under me just to get me cracking. 

It's a pretty scarey time for you - but keep asking  - there are some wonderfully supportive people on here.  I get a lot also from reading all the threads -(edit - good one titled Methtrexate by Pat52 today). 

There are lots of questions and fears,  but the things that shine through for me are the positive attitudes of the people who have had it for much longer than me, and obviously much worse than I am at the moment.  That could change tomorrow, but theirs  are the attitudes and outlooks that lift me up and give me lots of hope for my own future.

So, it's very much one day at a time, and making the very best of what I do have, but also allowing myself to pace myself & rest up when I need to.

So hang in there - try not to worry too much.  Learn how to read your body and know your limitations.  And remember to take time to smell the roses!!

Take care and keep safe.


My aunt is 80 in june.She is wheelchair bound by RA (for the last 3 years) The doctors say that she probably had JRA but it wasnt diagnosed then.She has such a lovely outlook on life even though she has been riddled with the disease for most of her life.She had brought up 2 daughters nearly all that time on her own as her husband was in the merchant navy.She still does all her own housework from her wheelchair only the heavy stuff does she require help.She has battled cancer and nursed her husband through terrible bowel cancer until his death last year.So I dont think there is an age limit on death with RA , there are so many other contributing factors.


As everyone pointed out there are no set in stone answers.  There has not been enough time to study the long term effect of the biologics on longevity or long term health.  Its a calculated risk to take them.  The goal with your treatment is 100% remission and that is the reason your doctor is attacking this very aggressively.   If you can acheive remission quickly then the goal is to get you to the lowest level of meds needed to maintain that remission. 

How many side effects you do or do not get is entirely up to your body..that is totally an idividual thing.  Same thing with the long term effectiveness of the meds..its all up to your body.

However there are things you can do to help yourself.  EXERCISE is HUGE get in shape and stay in shape.  Maintain healthy strong muscles go a long way in preventing joint damage and of course leads to overall good health.  Watch your diet.  Every extra pound puts pressure on your joints and can lead to weight related illness which you don't need.  Think lean meats, add omega 3 rich fish, fruits and veggies, whole grains.  Skip the sweets, refined flour foods etc.  Find an outlet for stress, build a support system,  PLAN NOW FOR YOR FINANCIAL FUTURE.  Learn everything you can about the disease, follow the studies, make your rheumatologist appts productive not just a drs visit.

You should have a way different future than those diagnosed even 10 years ago..so understand that theirs stories and experience may differ from yours

I just thought I would chime in to add that while we have some incredible meds right now, we are on the cusp of some major medical breakthroughs that could totally reinvent how this disease and others are treated in the next 5 or 10 years. 

Zeekman, there is so much wise advise you have been given here!  We all know how hard it is to deal with the dramatic and frightening news that you have been given, and truly do understand that it takes awhile for you to calm down and put everything into perspective.  But it will happen.  And you will see that things will fall into place.

The only thing I can add to the wonderful advice you have already been given is, just don't let fear rob you of your life now.  None of us know what the future holds, or how we will die.  But we will all die - our clocks started ticking the moment we were born, and that had nothing to do with our diseases.  We have been given a very special gift of life, to do with it as much as we can.  Fill it full and enjoy it.  Don't waste a moment of it on worry and fear, because those moments truly are wasted.   Every moment you have worry about how long or short your time will be, is a lost moment, which is in effect, shortening your lived life.  I hope you understand that convoluted sentence, LOL!   Wake up each day grateful for the day, and fill it with love, and humor, and adventures, and your life will be spectacular, even with an illness.  Don't let your diagnosis define who you are - that's your job. 

This is a life-defining moment for you, and definitely will take you some time to absorb and grasp.  But it is YOUR life defining moment - no one elses.  You are the sculptor of your life and it's up to you to make it the life you want. 

This is all a mystery. Our doctors have the 'tools' to make us comfortable, to stop the joint damage, but what these drugs do to us 'in the long run' is still the mystery. Why we fall backwards? why once we find a good drug does it not always work-forerver? It is a constant juggling act. I'm lucky to have a young doctor who keeps up with the latest, but even he was floored when I had such an awful time after my surgery in Dec. I had pneumonia (in November, and a flu shot WHILE, I had pneu! also, did that contribute to an additional bad case of RA?) Our lives are complicated, what we do does contribute, but how much? Stress, for sure! I know you will do fine and find a great solution. You can live well with RA, it just takes more attention than you'd like to give it. Hurtingless (off to Remicade.....day)

Hi Zeekman, see what I mean about the wonderful support the people on this board are.  They do it!!  They just do it!!

Hillhoney, I love your message to Zeekman, it is truly uplifting and beautiful.  Thank you - you are a star!!

Wow. I cried reading that Hillhoney. You put things into perspective. All of you are sooooo great!! I can't believe how supportive you all are!

If not for this board, I would be totally in the dark.

All I can say is WOW. You are all amazing human beings.

There are fear, uncertainty, doubt, pain and suffering as long as the disease progresses and meds are not effective.

When the riddle and problem is solved, the reality of achievement. WHY MUST IT BE MEDS? I SOLVED THE PROBLEM WITH WILD LINGZHI AND NATURAL FOODS.



My dad lives in Singapore. He is bringing me some Wild Lingzhi when he comes back to the states next week. I will inquire further about this Mushroom. 

Koko, I want to believe you, trust me I do, but RIGHT NOW I need the meds in order to function properly. Things like walking and grabbing are hard to do without Prednisone.

I am not a Prisoner to Meds by any means. When science confirms the disease can be halted by some of these meds, you have to take notice. There is nothing wrong with western medicine. We cured Polio and numerous other diseases. We WILL cure RA. It's just a matter of time.

I do not need them, that is the difference.



I think after we all begin to deal with the reality of these diseases we make a descision on how we want to treat it. 

Most people go the mainstream medicine route and I think that's because most people do not want to step out of the box and really look at these diseases -> and because they are really influenced by the huge medical/pharmaceutical machine we have in America.  This machine tells us repeatedly to get an expert and somebody other than us knows our bodies better than we do.  But while most of us will never be scientists - we have one advantage over any expert out there - we LIVE in this body and we know what is and is not working for us.

Science has confirmed that many of the active ingredients in foods will work to cut inflammation.  Since studies are expensive and most scientists toiling in the 'natural' rhelm are not backed by Big Pharma - the studies are small and often are immediately attacked by some arm of Big Pharma.  YOU must learn to read both the medical and the 'natural' studies and YOU must learn to decipher the study as well as it's flaws.  Will you be perfect at this or become a statistition?  NO - but you will be learning without having some doc with a profit/pay scheme coming from Big Pharma influencing your treatment.  Trust me on this - you will fast learn to trust your own gut on this.

For me Predisone made we worse - and that was my wake up call that I truly had an infection run amok in my body. 

There is a ton of ancedotal evidence that anti-inflammatory diets work.  Individual studies show many foods have the ability to cut inflammation.  A new one on capsaisin, the active antimicrobial ingredient in hot peppers, has HUGE ramifications for diabetics. 

I have a friend that is treating her PRA naturally and has totally got her life back.  I mean - totally - she's out and about and living life to the fullest.  I truly admire what and how she did it - and intend to follow in her footsteps and end up where she is now.  Because of my personal situation I could not do natural first as I have stomach erosions and need to 'heal the gut' first but needed anti-inflamms to function.  I'm going to ask her to check in here and tell you about her natural healing.  She rocks!

KoKo - you're on the rigth track but maybe should expand from just mushrooms and diet?  Go YOU!


Glad we could help Zeekman.  We try and help newbies, because we have been in your spot, and others on this board have helped us - and continue to do so!  Glad you are a part of the gang!




I totally agree with you 100% about the "machine" and all that it entails. I will look into the ani-inf food route starting tomorrow. Hopefully it can help me!

My whole outlook is this:

Why should I risk my future (joint health, deformities, disease spreading) on something that MIGHT not work. At least with the meds I am taking they have been shown to work SCIENTIFICALLY.

There is no huge science conspiracy or men in a dark, smokey room sitting behind mahgony tables. I do not think there is a conspiracy to keep health, anti-inflammatory foods under control. It IS about money yes, but there are also people who DEDICATE their life to cure diseases. Sometimes, they spend their whole life trying to find a cure. Tell someone with polio to try the natural foods/herb route, they would laugh in your face. I would rather take a chance on these drugs first. If they do not work I can go the herb/natural food route.

Sorry if I sound abbrasive but I really do not want to risk my health in the early stages. I appreciate your concern and the time you are taking to help me! Please do not be mad me PIP

I just am confused still and am looking for the right way to do things out of the box since I caught it early enough.



Im with Zeekman on this, my parents friends family all told me to stay away from MTX for it can destroy the immune system, cause liver failure, lung disease etc etc. but it has given me my life back, all the while whilst i try and figure out what else i can do to help myself.

I would rather take the risk and save my joints then to find out 5 years down the road the alternative therapy hasnt worked and my joints are beyone repair.

do both, after all it is your body and your life and everyone tellign you not to use this and that will not totally understand, as they arent the ones suffering.

Ask the honest veterans who have fought the disease for 10, 20, 30 or more years, many also believe they got their lives back with meds..

BUT - get a closer look, there are deformities, disease may progress to such level only super or cocktail of meds work doubtfully. Many may need walking aids and have knees and other joints under surgical knives.

Good luck to you! 


The treatments that so many are finding success with now didn't exit 30, 20 and even 10 years ago.  The treatment protocols of yester year were dramatically different from today.  Should people diagnosed today not take advantage of current technology and treatments simply because they didn't exist in the past.  Thats pretty narrow minded thinking for someone who believes he/she is so forward thinking.  I sincerely hope that someone diagnosed doesn't have to deal with what  I have dealt with over the years. 

Personally I believe in scientific investigation. When your protocol is sure enough of itself to submit  to the scientific process maybe more people would have faith in it.


honest veteran of 23 years


I would be careful if your father is going to bring things back to the states from Singapore.  Quarantine might be a problem.  Its always risky bringing organic things through customs.  If you want to try it it might be a better idea to find an eastern medicine practicioner and get the herbs or whatever they are that way. At least you wouldn't be risking being detained at customs.I'm with you there buckeye.  I'm going on 20+ years with this disease.  I have the deformed hands and feet, had the joint replacement and neck fusion surgeries, developed osteoporosis due to the long-term prednisone use.  Knowing what I know today about the meds, the treatments, even the surgeries, I would be very enthusiastic about my chances of leading a fairly normal life.  People often ask me if I feel "cheated" in some way because of the non-availibility of todays meds when I was first dx'd.  The fact is, I think things would be very different.  Sure, it would still be a lot of work having to deal with the pain, fatigue, etc. before getting on the combo of meds that works well for me but I wouldn't have any doubt about getting there.  I know it's frightening for people who are just being dx'd, I've been there.  I would much rather start from scratch today than twenty-something years ago.


Remember this song? "When i was just a little boy, i asked my mother what would i be. Will i be handsome? Will i be rich? Here's what she said to me. que sara, sara, what ever will be, will be. the future's not ours to see. Que sara, sara."

I take practically the same meds you take. I take 25mg mtx, 20 mg prednisone and 50 mg enbrel. Also folonic acid, codeine and or codone which i cold filter to remove the acetiminophin. There is a statement on the drug fact sheet and it says something like, "....discuss the risks and benifits of this drug and then you decide whether the benifits out weigh the risks." That statement was written specifically for the types of RA drugs that we take because prednisone can kill me. I know that mtx can kill me and i know that enbrel can kill me. I just feel that the benifits outweigh the risks. The drugs give me function and allow me to enjoy life. Keep in mind that last year 43,000 people died in traffic accidents. 117 die in traffic accidents every day. In short, you should probably be more concerned about the way you drive. Drive safely.


Zeekman  welcome to the fold, I can tell you that the meds do work , they have helped me alot i have ra, pa and oa.  I am now back to just about everything I was doing before I was affected by arthritis.  You have gotten wonderful advice from the others here and it seems your drs are being very agressive about getting your ra under control.  The herb that is being talked about here that Kokako used for gout, may not give the same properties of relief for ra.  If you can try to keep up some form of exercise even if it  is just stretching to keep what mobility you have.  Welcome and hang in there.  meme

OK, you said -


I totally agree with you 100% about the "machine" and all that it entails. I will look into the ani-inf food route starting tomorrow. Hopefully it can help me!  My whole outlook is this:  Why should I risk my future (joint health, deformities, disease spreading) on something that MIGHT not work. At least with the meds I am taking they have been shown to work SCIENTIFICALLY.  There is no huge science conspiracy or men in a dark, smokey room sitting behind mahgony tables. I do not think there is a conspiracy to keep health, anti-inflammatory foods under control. It IS about money yes, but there are also people who DEDICATE their life to cure diseases. Sometimes, they spend their whole life trying to find a cure. Tell someone with polio to try the natural foods/herb route, they would laugh in your face. I would rather take a chance on these drugs first. If they do not work I can go the herb/natural food route.  Sorry if I sound abbrasive but I really do not want to risk my health in the early stages. I appreciate your concern and the time you are taking to help me! Please do not be mad me PIP

As for the dark smoky room - you haven't seen those movies about the tobacco companies have you? - same idea - same outcome.  They know - they just don't want it too effect the profit statement.

The scientists aren't the heroes in this situation - it's the lowly MD's in the field who are willing to risk attacks on their credibiity and integrity as they buck a system they have finally seen doesn't work.  These guys working to find the true cause and develop an effective cure are very few and far between.  Dr. Brown has been dead 20 years - and he was still mocked at the ACR this year.  Hmmmm.  These guys know.

And most of those scientists are no longer toiling for a cure.  What they are working for is drug that will control these diseases but not kill the patient and this way they have a controled revenue stream for the life of the patient.  Better drugs mean less dire ramifications (like lymphona for TNF inhibitors) so the patient lives longer and continues to take the drug and enriches the coffers of Big Pharma.  This article that Mushy posted ...did none of you catch that if you stop the drug the symptoms come back.  How in the world will any rational person say that it is 'effectively a cure'.  No - that's hype.  And we the patients pay the brunt when these medicines fail.  You are talking to a person who was hurt by some of these scientists in the past.  In the court documents it was shown that that not only did they know that the drug I was on could cause damage - they hid that knowledge so they could still market the drug.  Where are the saftey checks in that?  BTW - the FDA is useless - in those same court documents and in later FDA whistleblower testimony - not only did the FDA know - they ignored the evidence.  Maybe because 50% of the FDA's budget comes frim Big Pharma?  I got that figure out of the NY Times - and apparently they are slated to have Big Pharma contributions go up to 2/3 of their budget this year. 


Now, one of my friends husbands works for a well known drug co.  His job was to evaluate the safety of the studies done by little companies absorbed by the parent company.  Wanna guess what he found?  

So, you're worried about something that "might not work" - but I think we're hitching our wagon's to the wrong horse.  On this board alone I read over and over - Enbrel just stopped working, Remicade quit, I had to move up to... - my question is WHY?  If these drugs were doing what they were supposed to be doing, not just touted, why is its' efficacy always compromised?  Pharma says the disease progresses - but if you stopped the inflammation, if your numbers went down, if you're in remission - why does it progress?

Because you're not getting to the core problem - what is causing this disease to progress. 

How many people have posted here of a bacterial or viral infection just prior to the onslaught of their disease?  Do you think for a moment most rheumy's haven't heard the same story over and over from their patients in the past?  Yet nobody makes the connection.  And the only thing that seems to work - where you get off more and more drugs - is AP - the only thing even remotely saying it is addressing the main infection.  Hmmmmm.

AP says that these mycoplasma live in our white blood cells - the very cells designed to fight off bacterial and viral 'invaders'.  Two well known diseases that it's been shown beyond a doubt to work like that is TB and leprosy.  Take a look at the symptoms of those diseases.  Radically different.  Yet - in some ways very similar to some other AI diseases.  Could Scleraderma be a 'lesser' leprosy?  Could AI pneumonitis be a 'lesser' TB?  I'm probably not saying this right.  This is me typing out loud - but so many of these AI diseases have symptoms that overlap - like neuropathy and RA.  RA is not supposed to have neuropathy - but people post about it all the time.  Can you follow my logic here? These diseases are similar in that I think the infection occurs and the weakest gene kicks on first, then as it progresses we get another disease, and another, and so on and so on and so on...

You mention they found the cure for polio - that they did - and it was an infection.  Crippled kids gets everybodys knickers in a twist.  It's nobel.  Crippled old ladies - who the heck cares?  Think Hollywood wants to show old people throwing away crutches?  But if it's a cute little girl like Gaby in Little Miss Sunshine.  I'm saying I've seen enough posts on this board alone from women offered antidepressants by every doc they see even before they're diagnosed.  I really want to know how many men have to deal with this 'poop'.  I'm betting, from research I've read that shows doctors 'listen' more to men complaining of pain - it explains why men get diagnosed in an average of 3 months and a woman something like 2.4 years. 

You say if these drugs don't work you can to holistic later - but if AP is the correct theory - and you are suppressing your immune system and the beasties are breeding and taking up more residences in more and more systems and more white blood cells...you will have a longer road to get back to the orginal fork in the road. 

Before you got to Arthritis Insight there were a bunch of AP posts.  Alan says the efficacy of AP is the same as the biologics.  Do a search or hopefully Alan will jump in.  I know I've seen studies that pull the efficacy up to 85% but haven't been able to find it and post it because this move is going on and on and on and my files are a mess, my house is a mess, my cars need to go in the shop today or we won't be leaving Saturday morning...yada...yada...yada.  Even on Alans stats - my question is - why would one risk a biologic before starting with the safest med out there first? 

Then I kept seeing posts about diet influecing our diseases.  I've just started preliminary studies of this concept - but what little I've seen is amazing.  The foods that help are natural antibiotics or natural antivirals.  Hmmmm.  Ain't nature grand?  And knowing people who've used natural to get better - not just people I met on a BB somewhere - hmmmm - It can be done.  Koko is right.  It's finding the correct balance for what your body needs.  Most anti-inflam diets will show an inprovement within 2 weeks if it's the right one for you.  Most people take everything out and check for allergies.  And removing the allergen makes the biggest improvement.  Severe can go to mild RA almost immediately.  And then they can figure out what else to do to save their joints.

Hope this is coming off nice and perky - I am a slow typist and about 1/2 way thru hubby started yelling about hurrying it up!


So if you're going to look into anything - look into AP. 


I'm a baaaaad driver.  LOL.  Love the analogy but don't get the logic.


Hubby coming!


pammy416, wild lingzhi is not "organic thing". It is a fungus sprouts out from dead tree trunks under condusive environment, climatic conditions and sunlight in the forest. Out of 10,000 tree trunks few can be found - so scarce!  Wild lingzhi never grow in Singapore, perhaps cultivated. 

There are probably abundant of cultivated lingzhi selling in herbal shops in many countries for years.  I believe in the States some cos. are cultivating them, like American ginseng.

meme, have you tried Wild Lingzhi? You have your opinion about the properties of Wild Lingzhi, but I know the reality and the effect of meds! The fact is that I do not use any single med, no pain, no flare, no walking stick, do not have to go under the knife, run, climb without any problem. THAT IS REALLY GETTING BACK TO LIFE. I do not take wild lingzhi like meds. everyday!!!! You should focus more on your condition rather than comment on wild lingzhi you do not have any single experience. 

meme, you have ra, pa and oa and the meds help you alot and the meds do work! Hopefully you do not have heart/kidney or diabetes problems. Because meds can cause such problems too!

In my past experience with meds, I could not figure out at various levels why meds and injections had been losing its effectiveness. Often I had fear, doubt, pain and wondered about the future aggressive development of the disease. When the duration of attack subsided, getting back to normal routines at best temporary.

So back to basic - herbs, natural foods simply work wonderfully and effectively!! No worry, clean, pure natural foods that make life wonderful!

kokako8839163.4388657407No I don't I am checked on a regular basis for those.   I walk every day now and am doing strength training too, I do some yoga and meditating too.  I am on my feet all day with my job, my desk is at waist level not seat level, I need to stay active, so I do, as you said we have to take responsibility for ourselves.  I have my bad days just like everyone else I just try to keep going and not to think about it.  The meds are working well, I am at the lowest level I can take, and I am watching my diet, even though I still LOVE chocolate and have to have it everyday, I go for dark dark chocolate, one square can get me through anything for the day.  We all find different ways to help ourselves, if it makes us feel better and able to have a "pretty normal life" that is what is important.  meme

Trust me, I do NOT want to screw my body with these chemicals but what alternative do I have that can give me a chance at saving my body? Anti Inf foods can't be the ONLY solution. If it is, I am sure there would be NUMEROUS people setting up shop to help people AND still profit easily. There are millions affected by RA. If there were a significantly helpful solution to help people with this disease, NO ONE could hold that info back not even "Big Pharma".

I guess what I am saying is: It would be common knowledge that foods can help stop RA progression if it were true. No doctor, med student, scientist, corporation or anyone can stop the knowledge from spreading. Especially when it comes to someones livelyhood.

Please provide me with some info/web site that I can study ant-inf foods and how they STOP OR SLOW the PROGRESSION of RA. I would be quite interested. I have found nothing of the sort anywhere.


I am new to this board so forgive me for asking such dumb questions.


1) What is AP?

2)Is the inflammation doing the damage to my joints or the disease itself?

3)If you can cut inflammation down, will that stop future deformities/RA problems? 


I am so confused right now it is not even funny. I want to trust the doctors but I also do not want to be dependent on the chemical machine.

If i could just change my diet to help with my disease I WOULD DO IT IN A MINUTE. But I have seen nothing of the sort. Where is the evidence?

One last thing. If I can take these meds to help with my disease and put it into remission what is wrong with that? Just because it's a medicine does not make it bad. Like I said, if not for some of these western medicines MANY MANY MANY people would die from so many things. Just think how our Life expectancy has increased over the last hundred years or so. I think we can attribute most of that to western medicine.

I am not trying to debate here. I am looking for CLEAR answers as it says in my header.

anyone willing to provide clears answers...Im all ears.


koko:  wild fungus IS an organic organism and WILL probably be confiscated by Customs and Quarantine.  Anything that grows is organic.

AP is antibiotic protocal. Some people are finding some success with treating RA with minocycline (or its derivitives).

The inflammation IS the disease.  The inflammtion is in the synovial lining of the joints.  The synovium is the fluid that allows the joints to move smoothly.  The inflammtion is caused by a malfunctioning immune system.  What causes the immune system to malfunction is the ,000 question.

You control or prevent the inflammtion and yes it should prevent or significently reduce the resulting damage

BUT you don't *have* to have inflammation in order to have active, damaging RA. I'm proof. I have bones that are fused in my left wrist, because no one was paying attention to it when I was little.....it wasn't swollen. And lo and behold, now it's jacked up. I'm not sure how that works, but I know thats just how it is.

pammy416, then explore and find them in the States' forests. Many Asian countries imported American Gingseng. American Gingseng is also organic "anything that grows is organic". So you are saying American Gingseng can export to other countries but Chinese Gingseng cannot go to American i.e. imbalance of trade. 

I'm only saying that bringing things in through the airport can sometimes cause problems with customs and quarantine. 

I do know that NOTHING organic is allowed through Australian Customs and Quarantine and they have a LOT of problems with people bringing in Eastern herbs and medicines that are not quality controlled. 

Again I'm only suggesting that doing things through the proper channels is a wise idea. 

Buckeye is Minocycline the only antibiotic used in AP?

Zeek:  to answer a couple of your questions...

You won't find anything concrete about diet 'curing' RA.  On the otherhand many people swear by watching their diet, they know that certain foods affect their RA.  An elimination diet is a start and you can move on from there by adding things in one at a time over a couple of days for each item.  I think what is MOST important is that you have a balanced diet and a healthful diet.

I was undiagnosed for about 7 years and the damage that was done was irreparable.  I now have 2 total knee replacements.  That damage happened in less than 3 years.  I am now on a tasty chemical cocktail and am experiencing much less pain and a much slowed down attack of this disease.  I won't say I'm in remission, I'm still working towards it, but I am much better since starting the meds.

I'm sorry but I'm not into conspiracy theories, I don't think that the pharmacy companies are out to get the world addicted to their products or use us as guinea pigs.  I do very much appreciate modern medicine, it has saved MY life several times.  My motto is 'if it works, use it'.

Hey again!

Zeekman - I'm coming from a completely different place than most people here - and baby, I hear you.  Up until March of last year I still believed totally in western medicine.  Even tho I've had one medical screw up after another, year after year, for one thing or another.  Even tho I had a stroke caused by medicine.  I just figured it was my doctor's fault.  At no time did I ever question our system.  It's the best in the world, right?  Until they told me I had a disease that would eventually maim me.  The doc told me my body had started attacking itself.  And I just couldn't believe it.  No way!  And I kept telling them - no - this is from an abscessed tooth and they just patted me on my head.  I don't know, maybe I snapped or something, but I said these guys are wrong and just ran with it. 

In a way I'm about as blessed as one can be.  Getting as sick as I did, as fast as I did (severe early onset was the diagnosis) allowed me hours to sit in front of a computer and try to learn medical lingo in 2 months.  I read Pub Med and Google Scholar until my head spun.  And all I looked for was 'infection' 'antibiotics' and 'antivirals'.  Because the med they wanted to give me was plaquenil, and as I told a friend, if they would have said any other med I probably would have taken it and not questioned.  But they wanted a base line vision test - and I said no.  Period.  I figured their had to be a another way. 

I started with reputable sites.  If you've been searching you've seen all the sites devoted to fleecing us sick people and selling us unsubstantiated hope.  All for about .95.  I truly believe there is a God and these guys deserve their own ring in Dante's Inferno for some of the scams I've come across that take advantage of sick people.  Piece of advice - if there is a distribution system that remotely looks like a paramid scheme - it's a scam. 

None the less I kept at it and tried to find patterns and repeated research that backed up whatever I read.  This all takes time - and when first diagnosed we're not exactly calm.  I think I've only recently come to the realization of just what this disease can mean to me and my family.  And it's been a year. 

KoKo is right - an anti-inflam diet can do the job.  But it's hard - really hard.  I know people that have done it.  Think about it - to go this route you will have to give up a lot of things you take for granted.  Big Macs.  Cereal.  The list is endless.  When I was first diagnosed you have no idea the relief I felt when trying a gluten free diet and it didn't work for me.  I've had a bagel every morning for decades.  But if it would have worked - the bagels would have gone.  What are you willing to do to get better?  Most people are not willing to give up the stuff they are allergic to, or that effects them.  As to gluten, there are now great bagels and a ton of info at Celiac.com (.org?) about how to get it out of your diet.  And the people that do say once they started it's not bad and the selections are good.  But again, how many people are willing to go this route and take foods out, add foods back in, etc. until they find out what the problem is?  Not many.  And because it's so hard people don't do it.  Isn't it a hell of a lot easier to take a TNF blocker?  See what I mean?

Anti-inflamm foods aren't the only solution - it is one solution.  Another is herb and minerals - chronically sick people are almost always low on potassium, magnesium etc.  Look at your blood tests - they usually run these tests and it shows up in the beginning. 

There was a post on the Roadback about 6 months ago - one of the people had posted 'where would we be without the Internet" about our ability to come together and help each other on AP.  One of the responses was "we'd be dead".  And I thought about it.  As the Internet spread, any Yahoo can put up a website, but others can find others to help them with these diseases.  THIS is how we're getting around Big Pharma.  This is how the knowledge is spreading.  I lurked on that BB for months because I couldn't believe what I was seeing - and looking for patterns.  Those guys are all volunteers.  They don't get paid.  They don't sell anything. And without them I wouldn't have known about AP.   I sure as hell wouldn't have heard about it from my rheumy.  Even tho he knew I kept saying it was an infection and at that point wanted anti-virals.  (Did I mention I was foaming at the mouth in fear from this diagnosis?)  But when my husband and I came in with the book and asked for Minocin, he took one look at it and said, "Well, it's better than any medicine I could give you".  Really, said my hubby when we were in the hall with the script in hand, then why the hell didn't you offer it to us first?

If you want to study about AP - go to www.roadback.org

You can run a search there on 'anti-inflamatory foods' and such.  There have been a ton of posts about herbs and natural methods of healing as well.  Without these people I would have never known that milk thistle helps clean the liver and I started using it - 2 1/2 weeks later my liver function tests showed my elevated enzymes had returned to normal after 3 tests being elevated.  Who would have thunk it?  Not me.  I didn't believe in all that crunchy, hippy, counter culture stuff.  I sure as heck do now. 

AP is the antibiotic protocol - developed by Dr. Thomas MacPherson Brown.  You can get the book "The New Arthritis Breakthrough" by Henry Scammell outlining Dr. Brown's work.  You can read it in a day and can get it on Amazon or at Borders.  This will stop the progression of your disease.  It's not a cake walk at first - you have microbes to kill - but look at the posts here and on the RB - we get our lives back.  Totally back.  I know I did.

AP'er believe the inflammation is a symptom of your body trying to hit a microbe with the gift of molecular mimicry.  Here's a link to a good example of what we think is going on.  I particularly like the hunting metaphor.    http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Gallery/6412/stealth.htm

We believe the inflammation is a symptom of the disease - not the disease itself.  I'm not sure - but I think the 'your body is attacking itself crowd' thinks it's the disease. 

Yes, that's how I interpret all the studies I've seen - you need to cut the inflammation so the body doesn't get damaged.  We AP'ers think we need to cut the inflammation so the ABX can get to the targeted microbes.  This is the core of my problem with the biologics and most of the traditional meds.  If you cut the inflammation and the infection is still present - great! the patient feels better (no pain) but the damn things are still in the body waiting for a chance to regroup.  The regular meds just remove the bodies reaction to the infection - not the infection.  That inflammation is a warning from your body - there is something wrong and it's trying to fix it, kill it, whatever.  Take away the inflammation by lowering/suppressing the bodies reaction to the infection...see what I mean? - that's just not right.  But again, most American's want instant gratification - no pain NOW - not a lot of people are willing to go thru a herx (reaction to the die off of the microbes) that can last months.  I was willing to give it a year to show me it was working.  And I lucked out because I was newly diagnosed and...I just lucked out.  What I never understood was...if MTX can take 8 weeks to kick in and the same for Plaquenil - what's the big deal for a couple more months on Antibiotics?

I see no problem with using any drug to put these diseases into remission.  If baying at the moon would work you'd see me on my roof every night.  My problem is two-fold.  1) There have been a couple of studies released in the last year or two that show starting early with MTX and then a second study showing starting early with MTX and Enbrel can lead to a permanent remission.  I question the legitamacy of both studies because the second one had disclosure listed at the bottom and the researcher had connections to Amgen - the maker of Enbrel.  What my now suspicious little brain came up with is the ACR has noticed how many people are requesting AP or alternative therapies (wonderful article in the LA Times on that) so they have made a move to get people into the revenue stream as early as possible.  You do not have to believe it - but you have not had 10 doctors tell you AP does not work when it clearly does for me - and I've recently been ice skating because of AP.  (To be fair the last 3 docs are willing to work with me but the first 7 were boneheads). 

My second problem with the use of the traditional meds is the use of the term 'remission'.  There was a post here about a month or two back and the question was "what does remission mean to you?"  As an outsider it was eye opening to see post after post of 'my numbers are back to normal but I feel awful'.  Page back until you can find it.  I am nowhere near remission, in fact, my RF spiked back up to 414, but I feel great.  Why is that?  The DMARD effect?  All I know is once people on AP get past the herx thing in the beginning - and you will if you stick with it long enough - they have no pain.  But the traditional med people have good numbers but feel bad?  How is that?  This is not to say it works that way for everybody.  In fact, there was a post lately that said she got her life back on the traditionals - but - there were enough in that one post to make me glad I chose the path I did.  Does that make sense?  Especially since Predisone made me worse and my rheumy said most of the traditionals don't work for my specific disease anyway.

I also agree with you that just because it's a medicine does not make it bad.  Heck, Minocin is a medicine and it saved my life!  I'm just saying we need to take as good care of our bodies as we can.  AP is the easiest medicine on the body of all the DMARD's.  Look up the side effect profiles in the PDR yourself.  Lets say I don't rotate my antibiotics and I have some sort of weird reaction to AP around year 7 (I noticed that pattern on the Roadback) - well - I just went 7 years on the lowest possible medicine out there.  Then I can still do MTX.  Then Enbrel.  If Enbrel has a greater chance for lymphoma and I get lymphoma (remember, my history - if it can go wrong, it will, with meds and doctors) at year 10 - well I've just made it 17 years instead of just the 10 because I jumped right on Enbrel. 

To those of you on Enbrel - I am not trying to upset you - all I'm trying to say is what my logic is telling me to do in my case and in my experience. 

It's the same with the healthy diet.  How many of us knew we were not eating right before we got sick?  How many of us knew we should be eating more veggies and not so much fast food?  Our bodies are well oiled machines - we need to give it the proper fuel - the fuel it needs to help itself heal.  Find the right diet for your metabolic type (don't pay a gazillion dollars for the tapes - get the book).  Find out what your allergies are - and I'd bet you have food allergies - we almost all do.  Find out what you can do to help your body build glutathione and what you can do to raise those low minerals. 

You, and we all, can beat this disease.  We just have to find the right combo so our bodies will do it's job again. 



inflammation in the joints does not always mean you will see visible swelling.  A sensitive examiner should be able to feel it but you don't have to see it for it to be there


My theory is that we don't have a choice, we MUST take these super drugs. diet is imp, as some people are allergic to tomatoes (not just because of RA) potatoes, bell peppers and egg plant...those are the nightshade family) also, dairy products bother some people. Foods are hard to 'give up' and cause all sorts of special treatment (especially with children...I can'[t eat ice cream!!, I heard my little son say, NO I said as he was allergic to dairy...it is hard) the MTX didn't change my allergic reaction to the nightshades, so I had to go on more of it, to stop the flare after eating tomatoes/bell peppers one summer. They looked sooooo good in the farmer's veggie stands!! My doc says no it didn't matter but my flare came right after eating them!!?? i just gave them up....good luck sorting this all out, it isn't fun but for sure ...worth the effort!! Hurting less



Hurts -

Have you looked into Leaky Gut Syndrome?  Nightshades are a common reactor for that. 


what are night shades?

Hurts - I've a choice. I MUST dumped super drugs, a decision I made almost 20 years ago


1. Super drugs became ineffective.

2. Disease progressed to such stage that each flare I had to be bedridden for months.

3. I expored and found superb miracle herb WILD LINGZHI. Why Wild Lingzhi? It was rated #1 Superb Herb in famous Chinese historical medica book over 3,000 years ago and known to the Japaness also that period. It used to treat chronic diseases and also termed as fairy herb.

4. Food allergy is your reasoning but to me "bad" food definately can cause flare and quicken the progress of the disease.

5. I strongly believe super meds allergy - at best only control the disease temporarily on one hand, on the other disease emerges more aggressive and chronic once the power of drugs control melted.

6. Super meds allergy also has numerous side effects like heart, kidney, liver problems as well as likely cause of diabetes. This conclusion was derived after finding out from arthritics who used drugs for a period of time like 10 years and above. Many have 3 in 1 problem and have to take different drugs/day usually for heart, arthritis, and diabetes, WOW, WOW, WOW.  A cycle of concultation with specialist, drugs not effective after sometime, disease causing pain and suffering, adjusting to new drugs. It goes on and on!

Simple people like me take humble herbs and natural food. Why so complicated

You can come out with all the scientific evidences to show CANNOT, but the result rules them all.  I DID IT


Once I solved the problem, I can envisage the overall perspective of the problem. Simple natural food can produce wonderful and miracle result. It is the equilibrium of nature (herbs & food), human body and the disease.

I hope and wish arthritics can focus on how to nurture back their healthy bodies rather than weaken with other means that have no proven success. 

Night shades are a form of vegetables if I have the definition right.  It's peppers, red potatos etc.  If you do a Google search you'll see an entire list. 

Interestingly - hot peppers have an active ingredient in it called capsaicin which was given to mice with diabetes.  It was shown to not only reverse diabetes and insulin resistance but their tiny little pancreases started producing insulin again for 4 months.

So - my question is this - did Hurts have a flare from eating nightshades? - or was it a herxheimer reaction?  Because the capsaisin cut the inflammation in the pancreas.  Capsaisin is a natural antmicrobial.



Hi Zeekman, have not been on since I'm working the graveyards and it is
literally about to kill me. I want to say that I really agree with what pip,
kokako, and others are trying to say and that is that we really need to
watch everything that we put into our mouths. Since my diagnosis a bit
more than a year ago, I sat back and looked at my lifestyle as a whole and
came to the realization that unless I changed everything about my life, I
was only going to get worse. I did go on Plaq in September because I
could not get out of bed in the morning by myself and I had had enough
of the gel effect. Plus I could not work a 12 hour shift without
sufferening for days. So, I went to my pantry and fridge and literally
cleaned anything that was in a box or package and got rid of it. I started
buying organic and cooking from scratch, a complete whole food diet. I
do not eat anything fast.....well except for cheesecake, lol. I think we can
all look around and realize how many diseases out there are from how we
live our lives, look at diabetes which is now considered an autoimmune
disorder. I go to the grocery store and I look at what ppl are putting in
their shopping carts and it is all crap. We are feeding our children
preservatives and additives in foods that are now proven to be neurotoxic
to children but we keep letting them consume this stuff. We are taking in
dairy that is full of antibiotics and hormones. I hear the story..even from
my own children, but mom, we cannot afford to buy that healthy stuff and
I say, hogwash, much of what you buy on a whole food diet is from
bulk....it is cheaper than out of the box. Get your recipe book out and
start cooking. Then they say, we don't have time to cook from scratch.
And my answer is, I guess you will have to miss your sitcom tonight. My
kids are catching on to this and my grandson has become much calmer
since my daughter got rid of the junk food, boxed food, packaged food
and started cooking with whole foods. Start the children young so they
don't miss all the crap (as I call it)as they grow up. Really look at what
you are eating. It is so important and I know I have shed 35 lbs this past
year just from changing my diet. And I feel so much better. The rule of
thumb on food labels for me is if you can't read it, don't eat it. Please
heed this advice. Start with the fuel of your body. Take the meds you
need and don't eat stuff that your body can't tolerate. I can assure you if
you get back to the basics, you will start to feel so much better and
probably will not have as many flares and RA symptoms. And you may be
able to decrease your med usage. If any of you have little deb snack cakes
in your cupboards (and you know who you are :), get rid of those things,
they will kill you, lol. Remember, you are what you eat and this is very
true. It all starts with that. America has a huge problem related to how
we eat and drink. I do believe that how we eat is part of what caused our
RA in the first place. We are no longer in a place where we can just eat
whatever we want, whenever we want as we now have this monster to
feed. He requires a good diet in order to calm him and tame him. That i
the best place to start. My husband and I have made cooking a fun thing
we do together and those with little ones can get them involved as well.
It not only feeds them well, but teaches them how to cook healthy so that
they don't end up with a pet monster. I hope all is well with everyone. I
have five weeks left of my traveling job if my body holds up. Going to
Boston tomorrow so I want to wish you all a great weekend. Hugggs.

Pammy -  I just love hearing you spread the word about the balance of ecosystems.  Invasive plants and animal can decimate an ecosystem.  My life's work was trying to help people understand this.

Zeek,  You have gotten some great advice so I just wanted to say welcome and know, so many of us have gotten better, not worse. 

I think that where i was going with that post is that we can't tell Zeekman that prednisone won't kill him. We can't tell Zeekman that mtx won't kill him. We can't tell Zeekman that enbrel won't kill him. We can't tell him the ap won't kill him. They all have that potential. RA can attack the lungs and or heart and contribute to an early death. I was like Zeekman, all the drugs scared the heck out of me. I remember after i started feeling better i decided that i could do with-out the "dangerous drugs". What a mistake. It took almost two months for the mtx and enbrel to kick back in and i was practically bedridden during that time, trying to find a way to sleep without wake-up pain all night.


I think that in todays RA world of biologics it is hard to find an audience for the lifestyle/diet change theory. Before the biologics more people would be looking at alternatives. The biologics are so easy and we don't have to eat healthy or live healthy to have function. I know that many doctors and nutitionists are touting the lifestyle change for good health and cure. The biologics are just too easy.




I think that where i was going with that post is that we can't tell
Zeekman that prednisone won't kill him. We can't tell Zeekman that mtx
won't kill him. We can't tell Zeekman that enbrel won't kill him. We can't
tell him the ap won't kill him. They all have that potential. RA can attack
the lungs and or heart and contribute to an early death. I was like
Zeekman, all the drugs scared the heck out of me. I remember after i
started feeling better i decided that i could do with-out the "dangerous
drugs". What a mistake. It took almost two months for the mtx and enbrel
to kick back in and i was practically bedridden during that time, trying to
find a way to sleep without wake-up pain all night.


I think that in todays RA world of biologics it is hard to find an
audience for the lifestyle/diet change theory. Before the biologics more
people would be looking at alternatives. The biologics are so easy and we
don't have to eat healthy or live healthy to have function. I know that
many doctors and nutitionists are touting the lifestyle change for good
health and cure. The biologics are just too easy.



You are kidding right levlarry? I didn't mis read your post did I? Do you
honestly bel