My Holiday to Tasmania | Arthritis Information


Am so exhausted! Holidays can't be had like i used to  I felt awful that i slowed the people i was with down so much, cried about it at one stage. I hate walking behind people instead of beside them, it bugs me so much. Anyway, saw some fantastic views. I would put a photo on here if i knew how. Any suggestions? Wow!!!!!
I am a newbie here, and check things out a couple times a week. I know what you mean about traveling...I also, get a cold on planes, now, being on immune suppresants...And i get the afternoon fatique, and i feel bad, slowing the family members down, after a few days, i had to just stay myself in the hotel, and rest up a bit...
It's ok, if you don't know how to post pictures, i dont know how either....but it is so exotic, to learn about other countries, we Americans, are a little guilty of not knowing enough of other countries...can you please telll us some tales or adventures, as it is so cool to learn about such far and distant, and differant ways of life??    thanks and a pain/free one


This is a picture of the town i stayed in, in Tasmania. A beautiful country town called Colebrook. The people are so friendly and kind, i have never felt a nicer community spirit. If you want to be welcomed you will be anywhere in Tas. You can travel across the island in 6 hours and travel through some vastly different country along the way. The views are all so big! Well worth the trip. I have seen Tasmania in the winter many years ago and it is so different in the summer/early autumn. One of the most beautiful states of Australia definitely!

Jennee39160.873125 What a neat place to holiday!thanks for the beautiful was the weather there? but we would have to convert the celcius...for us posters in the States....loved the sheep