Had a Thyroid uptake scan | Arthritis Information


Had the thyroid uptake scan done the day i flew out to Tasmania. Huge day! But anyway, thanks to Deanna for mentioning it in a fibro post, i mentioned it to my Rhuemy, and i got the scan done, have to have an ultra-sound done on it as well on Wednesday. The uptake scan showed enlargement and i had a Dr talk to me about it and he diagnosed Grave's Disease. Haven't had time to research Grave's. Any info? Would be greatly appreciated. So when i see the Rheumy again on Wednesday after the ultra sound, he will probably send me to an Endocrinologist i guess. Rhuemy didn't want to change my meds til after the tests were back. Any suggestions on queries for the Doc? And why would he be thinking maybe RA as well without discussing that with me?
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