boring stuff about me! | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone, I just thought I would post some 'stuff'.  I take my toddler to a play group that's community run and I was asked to be on the committee.  Well I thought it would just be selling raffle tickets and making fairycakes but oh my goodness, can these people fight about nonsense!  They argue about everything - such trivial things that I am no longer going to be on it anymore.  I thought - and I would love to say to them - OH to have the luxury of health.  While you guys are fighting - and I mean really fighting about tables and chairs and back biting and bitching I am thinking - can I get the lock on the toilet open again?  I must scrub my hands in case I get an infection, ow ow my feet hurt when I stand in the ball swamp, I can't get the lid off the paint, please god let me be well enough to come here next year and thank you god for letting me be well enough to come here today, somethings just seem SO petty when you have different priorities, I'm ashamed to think I might have been so misguided.  Also, I have started seeing someone who does a thing called Health Kinesiology.  I won't try to explain it but it is making a lot of sense to me so I'm quite excited and I went to a children's farm today with my husband and son and we saw some cool animals and lots of chickens - then my husband and toddler came home and ate chicken - I couldn't do it.  I also want sugar - I've not had any for nearly 2 years but lately - OOOHHHH I WANT IT!!!!!!.  I ordered a potty training DVD which came today and my son watched it intently and then refused point blank to go potty.  Also nearly knocked unconscious by a big letter.  The postman put 2 letters through the postbox and I bent down to pick them up and then he put a huge big heavy letter full of info on stocks and shares (not mine) through and it whacked me on the head.  It's really hard being a mum sometimes too because I don't have any friends with children and it's hard to make them.  The mums I like don't have kids ages with my son, or nightmare kids and the good kids his age have mad mums.  Sometimes when I'm at his toddler groups I feel like more of a kid than he does, I feel like I should say to the other mums 'does anyone want to play?'  I know!  I really want to get a dog too but I stay in a high rise flat and there are no dogs allowed which is rubbish because I want to get my son one before my fingers are too sore.  That's my havering for the day- if you wasted time reading it - sorry!  I'm going to watch 'The Queen' with Helen Mirran on DVD now - Oh very 'British' eh?  Take care everyone lost of hugs and prayers. 

To Everyone On This Board:

"Flint" needs and deserves lotza CYBERHUGS!!  How about it people?

(Cyberhugs don't hurt our arms but surely can lift another's spirits.)
 Sending gentle hugs your way Flint.Have to agree about "the luxury of health" and they don't even see what a wonderful gift they have. I haven't had that luxury since I was 13 when I was dx'd with diabetes and have a really low tolerance for people who have their health and then abuse it or don't appreciate it. My DH has great guy friends, who I really enjoy being around, but their wives are nuts and he is upset with me because I don't want to be good friends with his friend's wives and then we could be best friend couples. I just don't have time to waste on people who lie or drink too much or who love their money more than their children. I hope you find a girlfriend Flint, it's important to connect with same sex friends. Mine are at work and I've been laid off since October!! "The Queen" isn't at our store yet, I can't wait to see it.

Hi Flint,

Just wanted to pop in and say hello. I sure understand about people  who fight over such insignificant things. Don't they realize what a waste of time that is?

It seems like everyone would be so much happier if they could let go of the "small stuff" and put their energies into finding the joy in life.

That was so cute about seeing the animals and then having chicken for dinner! I'm with you, I just couldn't do it!

Blessings and gentle hugs,


If those people only knew our difficulty in just getting to the play group! 

I Just wanted to share that when my son was potty training age I took him to Walmart and in the underwear section they had great printed ones with his favorite characters.  We started looking at them and I asked if he wanted some to which he said yes.  I then explained that these were very cool and cannot be pottied in like your diapers and he agreed.  I bought the ones he wanted, took them home and that was the end of potty training.  We did have accidents which are expected but he moved right along gaining control.


Hi Flint,

Thanks for sharing your day even though I know you were hurting. I have 5 sons, the youngest is 20 and the oldest is 30 and I miss those potty training days




I also raised sons (now from 23 to 30) and I miss them being young but when they're going through their various stages it can seem like it takes forever.  Take some time for yourself.  I hope you find some new friends that you can develop relationships with.  It's tough raising kids without emotional support from close friends.   Here's a big cyberhug and I'll be praying for you, too. 



Hi Flint

It is hard being a mum to a toddler , it can be quite a lonely experience if your friends dont have kids the same age. Are there no other groups you can go to or put up a notice to share coffee mornings alternately with other mums and toddlers.I know its not easy with RA but loneliness can also trigger depression and that will trigger RA to flare.Lots of hugs to you.

I watched The QUEEN. I think Helen Mirran is brilliant but i found the film a bit dull

Hi Flint - try stevia for your sugar addiction, the white powdered version and the drops are good, you only need minute amounts.  Its is a natural product &  dont think it affects blood sugar.  Also saw the Queen & thought Helen Mirren was very good & was an interesting insight into the Queen and Tony Blair presuming it was factual and not fictional.  I went through a difficult time with friends, still do with some, but have a friend with an autoimmune disease also & that makes a huge difference when I'm too tired to go out I dont feel guilty and to have someone who understands your health problems is priceless.   Hopefully you will find a similar friend who you can vent to and laugh about those things like loss of memory, messy houses and not feel pressured by all the fun things that come with RA.  You can always vent here as well.

Good luck,









Thanks for sharing a tiny bite of your life.  It's great to get to know how others spend their days.  I remember the playgroup days well.  I too was on the committee and hated it.  Same reason as you,  bickering and back biting.   

I had to giggle when the postman hit you on the head with a package, sounded so Mr Bean.


Everyone, I hope you all know how much your hugs and thoughts and the nice things you all say mean to me.  I'm so lucky to have this place with such lovely people here and I feel its such a life line to me, reading everyone's messages really lifted my spirits there so much.  Thank you everyone and big softy hugs back to you all 