Should I take my Enbril?? | Arthritis Information


I have been sick...came down with the flu on the 9th. I knew I was getting sick so I didn't take my Enbril on the 8th. Semi-recovered from the flu and got a secondary infection. I went on a zith pack on Thursday the 15th. I have felt better since Saturday. I took my last antibiotic today. Do you think I can take my Enbril tonight? Or should I wait??

I often wondered what kind of shape I would be in if I didn't take the Enbril. Well here we are with almost 3 weeks of no biologic. My hands were virtually useless today. I had to go back on prednisone to try and take the swelling down.

I really want my Enbril. What do you think??

It's so hard to say Gene. I've been off Humira now for 10 weeks and I've faired really well. I'm still on my MTX though and have been all along.

I was really sick about a year ago with bronchitis and a bad sinus infection. It took three courses of antibiotics....and even a short course of predisone. Also took an xray; but there was no phenmonia. I pulled a muscle in my back during this illness that was horrible. I could barely move for at least a week....then very slowly for the next three.

My point on that issue is that I was in good health this time when I had to stop Humira. The time before when I was off both meds for a month; it took me close to a year to get back up to the same rate of speed; but I did get there.

I'd say make sure you are really well before starting back. I had gone back on Humira too soon when I had the original sinus infection. We were going to Mexico and I was determined to feel good! When I got back from Mexico I relaps and that's when I also hurt my back and was really down for the count.

I hope you're feelin a whole lot better soon. Take Care.

check with your doctor...